Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 56

Theo pulled me against him, so my body was flush with his. Sparks erupted all over my skin giving me goosebumps under his touch. My body reacting even though my mind had other ideas. I put my hand on his chest about to push him away except he deepened the kiss making me forget entirely that I was angry with them. How I hated the mate bond, it overrides everything or maybe I am just too weak to go against it.

Tobias got up from the lounge his hands grabbing my hips tightly, so tight I knew it would leave bruises, his lips going to my neck as softly sucked and nipped at my skin. His teeth making me shiver against him as they brushed my mark. His hands moving underneath the shirt and up my stomach to my breasts, my nipples hardening from the feel of his rough hands caressing them. I moaned into Theo's mouth, my hands wrapping around his neck pulling him closer, oh how I loved the feeling of both of them touching me, setting off every nerve ending in my body as arousal flooded me taking over all rational thought.

I felt Theo grab my thighs lifting me, so I had no choice but to grab his shoulders to stop from falling backwards and into Tobias. My legs locking securely around his waist and I could feel his erection pressing against my clit. When suddenly I heard Tobias growl. His growl making everyone freeze. Theo stopped pulling back slightly, I sucked in a breath of much needed air.

I felt Tobias step back and Theo placed me on the ground, my feet softly landing on the cold floorboards before listening intently.

I watched as they both looked at each other, hearing something only they could hear. After a few seconds I too, also could hear the sound of tyres on the dirt road coming toward the house at great speed.

“Go get dressed, my parents are here,” Theo said before pulling me closer and kissing me. His tongue licking my bottom lip, before I felt him suck it into his mouth and biting down slightly. He stepped back and motioned for the stairs. I made my way back upstairs and into our room. I wondered why his parents decided to show up, the thought made me nervous. I could hear Tobias walking into the room as I rummaged through the walk-in, trying to find something decent to wear. Settling on some tights and a singlet. Tobias reached in and pulled a shirt from the hanger and he grabbed a pair of jeans quickly slipping them on before coming over and wrapping his strong arms around me and kissing my head, I pulled back and out of his reach.

I quickly walked into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my hair, so I didn't look like I had just awoken trying to make myself look somewhat functional. After washing up quickly, I slipped on my bra and the grey tights along with the black singlet. Tobias was no longer in the room and I could hear soft talking coming from downstairs. Along with Tobias's angry whispers which weren't really whispers, with how high his voice boomed towards the end.

Walking down the stairs I was greeted by Caroline. She was in a black suit pants and a blouse looking very formal like she just stepped out of an important meeting.

“Imogen, lovely to see you again” I nodded making my way down the rest of the steps and onto the landing below. Caroline quickly walked over to me and hugged me, which I thought was slightly strange she has never been this welcoming before. I froze as her arms wrapped around me tightly before placing my hand on her back and hugging her back. When she let go, she held me at arm's length.

“Come we have much to discuss” she said motioning for me to sit on the lounge. When I turned toward the lounge, I nearly froze. Josiah was sitting there staring off into space like he was deep in thought. I shivered slightly at the intense look on his face before sitting as far away from him as the lounge would allow. When he looked toward me, he softly smiled his lips tugging up slightly. His eyes sparkling under the lighting emitting from the fireplace.

“So, what's this about?” I asked nervously. I almost preferred the overbearing intimidating version of Josiah, that I was accustomed to, not this man who was looking back at me as if he were exhausted and mentally drained. I noticed Theo sitting on the armchair next to the fireplace with a strange look on his face. Theo almost looked like he was in a trance.

When no one answered I asked another question just as Tobias walked back into the room with four cups of coffee on a tray.

“What's wrong with Theo?” I asked staring at him, but he didn't even glance in my direction at the mention of his name. He hadn't moved at all, he was just staring oddly at the space in front of him, like he could see something I couldn't see. His eyes seeing but not really seeing, it gave off an eerie feel like he was looking through whatever it is he was looking at.

Tobias sat the tray down and Caroline instantly reached for her coffee cup and passed me mine. I accepted the coffee and said thanks.

“Theo is stuck in his own mind,” Tobias said worriedly glancing at him. I remembered Theo telling me about how they don't sleep yet, could be go into the depths of their owns minds and become stuck. I couldn't feel anything but worry through the bond as he stared of vacantly.

“Why did he go like that?” I asked looking to Caroline.

“We have some news, and it must have shocked him into this state, don't worry dear Tobias will eventually pull him out of it” she said. Tobias walked over to him and waved a hand in front of his face, but it was as if he didn't see.

“So, what was the news?” I asked turning back to Caroline.

“The council want to meet you, sooner than later. That's not why we are here though. The council needs your birth documents, as you know humans aren't usually mated to werewolves or vampires. The council wants to look up your lineage they aren't convinced you are a hundred percent human. If you are, you would be the first human ever mated to someone like us” Josiah said motioning toward Theo and Tobias.

“Okay, so that's what shocked Theo?” I asked looking towards his frozen posture sitting in the armchair.

Tobias growled. Josiah stood up placing his hand on Tobias arm and squeezing it before letting him go. “That's enough son, we can't change the past, but your mother and I have sorted it, the documents will come soon in the mail they said they would post them to this address” Tobias stared at me intently for a few seconds, I could feel worry and something else coming through the bond. I didn't have a chance to ask what documents they were talking about when Josiah turned to look at me.

“Imogen do you still have your original birth certificate. I will also need a vial of your blood for the council” I nodded my head knowing it was amongst the boxes that were in the office in the shed along with rest of my belongings that Theo had stored here.

“I think it is in a box in the shed” I told him suddenly feeling nervous I knew it held nothing about my so-called lineage. My mother's name was the only one on the birth certificate. I never knew my father, didn't really want to either after he abandoned her to raise a child on her own.

“We will have to find it, but first finish your coffee, I need to speak to Tobias in private” Tobias got up and walked toward the kitchen, Josiah following behind him silently. Something had Tobias on edge, and I glanced back at Theo who was still looking off, his eyes glazed over like he was there, but nobody was home his eyes were burning bright red and hollow looking.

“Well hopefully we find something that will help your case” Caroline said. I looked at her how would it help my case? I thought to myself.

“And if we don't find anything?” I asked but I had a feeling I already knew the answer.

“If there is nothing to be found, the council will probably give Tobias and Theo a time limit on when to change you Imogen, I know you don’t want this Tobias has made that very clear. Unfortunately, Tobias taking that choice from you was very selfish and wrong of him to do so. He shouldn't have marked you, but I also know my sons would never willingly put you in danger, the Mate bond is that strong it would have happened eventually, he just should have spoken to the council first” She told me glancing at Theo nervously. I watched as she stood up and walked over to him.0

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