Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 5

Tonight's dinner consists of cheese and Tomato sandwiches. I am starving, having not eaten anything but some dry crackers. I eat the two sandwiches just in time for Sally to return with a plastic bag in her hand. Sally is the same age as me, 23. She has dark hair cut into a pixie cut, dark brown eyes, and she is about 5 foot 6 tall with a slim build. She is an attractive woman and has a kind heart. She is my favourite nurse here; she is always happy to explain anything I don’t understand and has a terrific bedside manner.

Every shift she makes time to see me. When she walks in, I stand up and she wraps me in a warm hug, rubbing my back softly. Handing the bag over to me, I find some bottles of water and a small orange juice, which I quickly grab out to wash the sandwiches down. Sally has also been to the vending machine and grabbed a few protein bars, some chips, and I also find a few pieces of fruit.

“I was hoping you were still in the shower; I know you don't like accepting help, but you really need to start taking care of yourself. When was the last time you ate a proper meal? You are looking so skinny.” I smile sadly at her. It's hard keeping my emotions in check around her. Sally has seen me at my most vulnerable. She pulls on my shirt and track pants, trying to emphasize how much weight I have lost. I'm not blind. I know I have lost a lot of weight; my clothes don't fit like they should. I even have to roll some of my pants just to get them to stay on my hips.

“I know, I have been trying. It is just so hard with how chaotic my life is at the moment.”

Sally rubs my cheek with her thumb. “I have to get back to work but don't forget to eat. I am on shift again on Wednesday, so I will bring a few things for you.” She jams the plastic bag into my handbag and zips it up to make sure I take it when I leave. Sally walks out to tend to her other patients.

I sit back down and wait for my phone to charge a bit more before unplugging it. It is now 8:30PM. I have to be back before nine to make sure I don't get locked out. Leaning down, I place a kiss on my mother's head before walking out and heading back to my car.

Getting to my desk, I start flicking everything on and powering up my computer. Once I have done that, I finish off my cappuccino and go into the bathroom and do my hair and makeup. Just as I finish making their coffees, they step out of the elevator like clockwork. I have never seen them late; they are always on time.

When they walk in though, they appear to be arguing. I stay in the small kitchen, not wanting to be present for their heated argument, but I can't help but overhear part of their discussion. Theo is rarely angry, and I find it odd that he is raising his voice at Tobias, who I could tell was getting angrier by the second. I could also tell that they were standing in the foyer still. Usually when they did have their lovers quarrels it was in one of their offices, not where anyone would hear if they stepped onto this floor.

“You can't keep ignoring the bond hiding in your office. You will snap and that will scare her even more.” Theo's voice seemed to be getting higher as he got angrier. I freeze, listening intently; I wonder what they are talking about and who this mystery woman is.

“Stay out of it, I have control of my urges. It is yours I'm more worried about,” spat Tobias, the words rolling off his tongue venomously.

“Well, at least I am not denying them like you,” Theo retorted.

“She is human, she is weak, and she doesn't belong in our world. I am sick of having this same argument. This isn't just about us, this would put her in danger. Is that what you want, Theo?” Tobias voice is raising, his anger spewing into his words.

My mind is reeling. Humans? Arent we all human? I must have heard wrong, and who is in danger? I could feel my heartrate pick up, pounding loudly in my ears. Goosebumps spread up my arms, my hand still frozen clutching white knuckled onto the kettle. Why is my mind and body paralysed with fear right now?

“Boo, you know what they say about eavesdropping,” Theo whispers in my ear, making me jump. His voice next to my ear. He steps closer, his chest pressing against my back. My hands tremble slightly as I place the jug back on the counter.

“You okay, Imogen?” He sounded concerned. Plastering a fake smile on my face, I spin around to face him but he is standing by the door. Did I just imagine this entire scenario in my head? There is no way he could have moved that fast and not be heard. I really am going nuts, maybe I'm having a mental breakdown. Their conversation, replaying in my head but becoming muddle to the point I can't even remember what they were arguing about. Tobias steps in behind him, popping his head around the corner of the door staring at me, an uneasy feeling rolling over me and I can't get my thoughts straight.0

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