Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 34

I awake to the feel of Tobias getting out of bed. I roll to his side and stretch my arms out. Tobias seeing me waking, he leans over and kisses me softly. “Go back to sleep, it's early.”

“Where are you going?” I ask, yawning and sitting up.

“I have to go to work, go back to sleep.”

My eyebrows furrow annoyed. “You said I could leave once Theo marked me. I did what you wanted, let me come to work. It's boring here.” I heard him sigh before getting up.

“No Imogen, just wait a bit longer. You're safer here.” Safer? What did he mean by that, what could be unsafe by going to work?

“No, please Tobias,” I pleaded grabbing his hand and pulling him back to the bed.

He sits on the edge looking at me, he brushes my hair back behind my ear. “It's not safe out there for you, not yet.”

“What do you mean? What's unsafe?”

“It doesn't matter right now. We still have two weeks, just let the bond kick in, then we will talk,” he says, kissing my forehead and standing up. I throw the covers off ignoring him and walking in to retrieve my bag. I bring it out and start rummaging through it pulling clothes out. Tobias grabs my bag, but I grip the handle. He tugs it and I smack into his chest.

“I said no, what part of that don't you understand?” he says his voice getting louder.

“The no part! Now give me my fucking bag. I am not staying here bored all day when I can be working.” He growls lowly, and I step back, placing my hands on my hips and glaring back at him. I hear Theo racing up the steps before running into the room. I completely forget I'm still naked until Theo's eyes roam over my body. A blush creeps up onto my face before it vanishes when Tobias speaks again.

“You don't make the decisions around here, we do.” I shake my head.

“We had a deal. I could leave if I let Theo mark me. Stick by your word, Tobias, or I won't stick by mine.”

“What's that supposed to mean, Imogen?”

“Means I will fucking leave the pair of you,” I retort, my voice steady for once.

He growls loudly, but I stand strong, folding my arms across my bare chest refusing to back down.

“What's the problem?” asks Theo.

“Ask growly over there. He's the one with the problem,” I say, motioning to Tobias who was shooting daggers at me. Theo looks at Tobias, but his eyes never leave mine. He steps toward me and I don't move, refusing to be intimidated by him. He grabs my arms in a vice like grip, but I keep my eyes steady, refusing to lose this stand-off.

“See, he has a major stick up his arse and clearly its sideways,” I tell Theo.

Tobias throws me and I land on my back on the bed, my legs spread in a not so ladylike manner. Before I have a chance to get up, Tobias is on top of me, pinning me down. His face barely an inch off mine. “I am growing very tired of your constant attitude, Love. Watch your tongue,” he snaps.

“You want me to remove the stick or should Theo?” I snap back sarcastically. He grabs my hair, pulling my head to the side his lips teasing the skin on my neck, he sucks on my mark. Tingles spread through my body. Well that's new. My toes curl and my back arches off the bed. How is it possible he has this effect on me, my body reacting like it's been deprived of sex and he was the remedy it needed? The need for him to touch me was almost painful. He pulled back a smirk on his face.

My face fell at the loss of contact. “I have control, not you. So, stop testing my patience or you will find the end of my tether. You won't like what you find.” I shiver at the venom in his words.

He climbs off me. I watch the tight muscles of his back ripple as he moves away to the walk-in. He was sculpted of pure muscle and looked like sex on legs. What the fuck is wrong with me? Annoyed at my own daydreaming, I forget his warning and grab a cushion before sliding off the bed and chucking it right at him. It hits him with a soft thud, and I hear Theo gasp.

“Fuck you, Tobias.” He turned on me in a second. He moved so fast I had no time to react, as I was thrown over his knee. I struggled to push myself up but his hand on my back shoved me back down. I pulled at the sheets of the bed he was sitting on, trying to claw away from him as I kicked my legs. Tobias jammed his fingers between my legs before violently shoving them inside my core. I squirmed at the intrusion before he slid his fingers out and rammed them back in, only this time it didn't hurt, it actually felt good from this angle. Well, if this is his punishment, I could live with that. I could feel my juices coating his fingers making them slide in out effortlessly.

Then he pulled them out. I hmphed at the loss before I heard the slap of flesh, a stinging burning pain on my left ass cheek made me squirm and cry out. Oh god that fucking hurt. I am going to murder him when I get up. I bucked trying to get off his lap. “I warned you,” he said as his hand came down again. I squirmed trying to get away from his large hands branding my ass. Tears welled in my eyes at the humiliation and the searing pain. I could feel every finger imprinted on my ass.

“Stop, it hurts,” I pleaded. His hand came down again. I flinched on impact, but his hand rubbed over the mark, soothing the sting a little but not much.

“Please Tobias stop,” I cried, trying to roll over or get up anything to stop the burn and get away from him. But it was no use, his hand coming down biting into my flesh. I knew my ass was red raw.

“Tobias that's enough,” Theo said, making me look up at him, tears ran down my cheeks. I felt Tobias shake his head, as his hand came down again. It hurt but wasn't as hard as the last once. I winced before his fingers slid inside me, he moved them around.

I was wet, soaking wet. How the fuck is that even possible after that torture? He slid them in deeper fucking me with his fingers and I tried to hold back but couldnt as my moans escaped my lips.

It felt so good, but damn was my ass sore. “Who has control, Imogen?” he asks. I don't answer lost in the feel of his fingers as he twists them inside me, making me breathless. When I take too long to answer he stops moving. I almost whimper at the loss of his fingers. I was so close.

“Who has control, Imogen?” he says again, sliding his fingers back in, teasing before pulling them out again.

“You, you do,” I say, needing the feel of his fingers inside me.

“Good girl,” he says shoving them inside me again, making me moan out. He kept moving them in and out of me. I could feel my walls start to clench around his fingers when he pulled them from me just as I was about to come.

I whined loudly frustrated, I needed release. He sat me up and placed me next to him on the bed before getting up. “I find out you give in to her, I will punish her again, understood?” Theo nods and looks away from me. Tobias walks into the walk in and grabs his suit and quickly puts it on. He stops just at the door, looking back at me where I was still on the bed, my pussy throbbing in need.

“You will learn not to disobey me, Imogen. If I were you, I would learn fast,” he says before walking out leaving me sexually frustrated and needy. Theo quickly walked out after him. I get off the bed and walk into the bathroom, hoping a shower would help dull the ache between my legs. It doesn't help, I get out feeling no different. I walk into the cupboard and grab a pair of leggings and an off-shoulder top, the fabric feels soft on my skin and super comfy. I walk down to the kitchen and Theo is cooking breakfast. I admire the way he moves around in the kitchen. Was it just me or was everything feeling different? Just looking at them makes my panties dampen, the need coming back to the front of my mind.

I walk over to the island bench and jump up sitting next to where Theo is cutting up Tomato and onion.

I take the knife from his hand before pulling him between my legs. I can feel he wants me just by the bulge in his shorts pressing into me. “You smell divine” His husky voice next to my ear making me wetter. I know he can smell my arousal but right now, I don't care enough to be embarrassed by it. I kiss him and he groans. “I can't babe,” he says pulling away.

“Please,” I beg. Great now I'm begging, but I can't stand the ache, it will drive me insane. He groans loudly when I use my legs to pull him closer.

“I'm starting to wonder who he is punishing, me or you,” he says as he grinds his hips into me.

I pull on the waistband of his pants before reaching in and grabbing his smooth hard cock. It twitches in my hand and he thrusts into it. Then he pulls away and starts chopping up vegetables again.

I jump off the bench and stomp away annoyed. I go and sit on the lounge and flick the TV on, putting the first movie on the list. About ten minutes later, Theo walks out and puts a plate on my lap, he made an omelette. We ate in silence when he cleared our plates and came back. I turned to him. “What did Tobias mean saying its dangerous for me to leave here?”

Theo thinks for a minute, I can tell he doesn’t want to tell me. “He means it's not safe for you now that we have marked you.” I look at him confused, trying to figure out, how that could put me in danger.

“What do you mean, I don’t understand.”

“You're human, Imogen. It's forbidden to take a human as a mate.” If it's forbidden, why mark me then? They're not making any sense. I go to ask that question when he cuts me off.

“That's all I'm telling you. I don't want to anger Tobias not at the moment. I want to tell you, I do. But I agree with Tobias now is not the time, let the bond kick in first.”

Always back to this imaginary bond. I feel the same. Well, kind of. I do feel more sensitive around them. I wonder if that's what they mean, just looking at them overwhelms me and makes me flustered. I hope that doesn't get worse; I won't be able to think a coherent thought if it gets worse than it is.

We watch movies all day. Theo refuses to touch me, and the need for his touch gets worse with every second, but I do my best to ignore it. When Tobias walks in, I ignore him. I was still angry at him. I don't see why I can’t go to work, and I can't believe he forbid Theo from touching me, leaving me aching all day.

“How was your day?” he says, leaning over the lounge and kissing my head. I ignore him my eyes not leaving the TV. I know I will crumble and beg him to fuck me if I look at him. He leans over grabbing Theo's face kissing him hard. Arousal floods me and I press my thighs together. I love watching them, it turns me on in a weird way and also made me jealous a little, wanting to be touched. I avert my eyes and pretend I don't notice. “Not talking to me, love?” I answer him with my silence.

“I brought dinner,” he says walking into the kitchen. I can smell that it's Chinese. My stomach instantly growling.

Theo pulls me to my feet. “Come on, you can punish him later.” Oh I am going to punish him alright. I know he wants me just as much as I want him, this will be interesting. Maybe I will make him beg. Yes, it is definitely time for him to beg.00000000000

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