Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 32

I jump to my feet; Tobias walks over to me and grabs my arm. “Why aren't you eating?”

“I want to go home,” I tell him, ignoring his question and trying to yank my arm free. His grip is too strong and his arm doesn't even move, like pulling on a brick wall.

“That's not an option, you know this already,” Tobias growled angry, his eyes flicking between their usual blue to black onyx. Tobias pulls me towards the door, intending to take me down the stairs.

“Tobias, let go, you are hurting me.” He lets go and instead throws me over his shoulder caveman style. I smack his back once and only manage to hurt my own hand. Tobias slaps my bare arse and I jump; the sting was intense and made my eyes water.

“You didn’t need to smack her that hard, Tobias,” Theo scolds him. I could feel every finger welting on my skin.

“She has to learn,” Tobias simply said.

“I'am not a fucking child; you don't just go smacking people like that. It fucking hurt, dickhead.”

Tobias walked into the kitchen and placed me on the stool in front of the breakfast Theo made, which was now cold. “Eat now or I will force feed you.”

“Like hell you will. I'm not doing anything you want, Tobias.” Tobias punched the island bench, making me jump. I refused to back down and stood up walking back out. I know he won't hurt me, at least not intentionally. I sit on the lounge and flick the TV on. I can hear Theo and Tobias arguing in the kitchen but tune them out. Not being able to find something I want to watch, I give up and head back to the bedroom.

Theo comes up with Tobias and I sit up. “Just leave me alone please.”

“If I let you go back, do you promise to grab your things and come back here?” says Tobias.

“Yes,” I lie. But Tobias must have heard my heart rate pick up because he was standing over me in a second.

“You're lying.” He looks down at me. I really was a terrible liar, now even worse with their super hearing picking up my heart rate.

“I don't want to be here, okay? I want to go back to work; I don’t want to stay out here till I drop dead, Tobias.” Tobias and Theo exchanged glances. Tobias went to walk out, clearly not going to let me leave. Theo stood in the doorway, and Tobias barged past him.

“I will let Theo mark me,” I say softly. Giving up, I know that's what he wants. If it means going back normal, I will do it. It's clear he heard when he freezes before turning around and walking back into the room.

Tobias grabs my chin with his fingers forcing me to look up at him and meet his eyes. “Say it again.”

“I will let Theo Mark me. There, I said it. Can I please go back?” Tobias thought for a second.

“I have to go back to work, so he can't now.” I sigh. What's another day I suppose.

“I will drop you off with Theo. You don't leave his side until I come get you, understood?” I nod, eager to go back even if it is for only for a few hours. I could at least get my mother out of that darn box. The guilt of knowing she is still sitting in it has been eating at me.

Theo grabs me some pants and chucks them to me. I quickly slip them on and follow them back downstairs. Tobias walks outside and hops in the car, I go to get in the back, but he winds the window down and I already know he wants me in front. I open the passenger door and hop in. Theo comes out and gets in the back, he passes me a muffin.

“Eat it. He is letting you go back. Now eat.” Tobias waits for me to take a bite and my stomach growls from being empty for two days. Tobias growls lowly and starts the car. With traffic it took us forty-five minutes to get to the apartment building. Getting out, the valet looks at me strange at my clothing choice. Which isn't really a choice, I was still wearing their clothes. Tobias walks us to my apartment door before unlocking it and letting us in. He gives Theo a kiss before grabbing me and shoving his tongue down my throat. He pulls away and smirks.

“Behave or this will be the last time I let you back here, Imogen.” I nod, and he walks out closing the door. I walk straight into my bedroom and Theo walks in behind me, carrying a suitcase.

“Pack what you need. We won't be coming back for a while.”

I turn to him, not understanding. “But I said you could mark me; how long will I have to stay out there for?”

“Probably a week till the bond kicks in. Then he will let you come back to work.” Theo looked away nervously. I have never seen him look nervous before, but I felt like he was lying to me. Why do I have a feeling I won't be coming back here at all? Knowing I can't run, I decide to pack. I chuck my clothes in the suitcase. Theo walks in holding my photo album and places it in the suitcase.

“He isn't letting me come back, is he?” Theo looks away, and I walk off frustrated walking into the living room.

“He fucking lied to me and you went along with it.” Theo didn't say anything, and I knew I was right. They plan on keeping me locked away. “Why?” My voice made him look back at me. I was furious.

“I am done, so fucking done with everything.”

“we have our reasons, Imogen,” Theo says.

“Explain then, make me understand,” I beg, tears brimming in my eyes. I can't keep doing this. If this is what my life will be like with them. Then I want no part of it. I walk over and grab my make up bag and hairbrush and dump it in the bag.

“Once I have marked you, and the bond has kicked in, we will explain everything. You just need to be patient.”

“Patient! I have been patient for two fucking weeks. I am done Theo. I don't want to be a part of whatever the fuck this.” Theo looked hurt but walked out into the kitchen giving me space to calm down. I continued to pack, knowing I don't have a choice. If I run, they will just drag me back. Finally having my own clothes, I slipped on a pair of black tights and an oversized jumper.

When Tobias arrived to pick us up, I grabbed mum off the counter and walked out to the car. Theo and Tobias put my things in the car, and I climbed in the back. I ignored Tobias when he asked me to get in front. Instead, I turned to look out the window. The ride back to my prison was silent and tense. Nobody spoke and when the car pulled up, I opened the door and got out before he stopped completely. I opened the front door which they left unlocked and walked upstairs. I didn't bother closing the door, seeing as it was now broken

I place the box on the side table and open it, grabbing the plastic urn out. I stare at it wondering what I can do with her. I don’t want her trapped in the urn forever like I am in this house. I also didn't want to let her go either; I knew that would be the last step before I am forced to move on without her. I knew mum wanted to be set free, she mentioned it a few times in passing whenever loved ones died. Mum would always say she didn't want to be buried in a coffin with worms and critters, that she wanted to be set free somewhere nice. I knew I would honour her wishes; I am just not sure I am ready yet.

Tobias walks up and places my bag in the walk-in robe. “What's that?" he said, pointing to the urn in my hands. To be fair it doesn't even look like an urn, it's literally a blue plastic container.

“My mother,” I say, my voice empty, emotionless. Tobias hesitates before sitting next to me. He doesn't say anything just sits there. His company is nice, but I am still furious with him for lying to me and what he is doing. After about ten minutes of sitting in silence, he speaks.

“I never knew my parents. I know they were both werewolves obviously. I was placed up for adoption when I was born. I was adopted until I was five and I turned. My adoptive parents freaked out, said I was cursed and a demon from hell.” He chuckled. Like he thought it was funny, I thought it was harsh especially for a five-year-old to just chuck him away like garbage, not once but twice.

“I lived in the streets until I met Theo's mother. She found me sleeping behind a dumpster out front of their house, and then they raised me.”

“That woman that came here that was Theo's mother, wasn't it?” I ask.

“Yes, her name is Caroline. The man that was here, is Josiah, Theo's father.”

“And they didn't care that you were a werewolf?” I asked. They must be nice people if they would take in a random child one that wasn't human.

“No, for years they pretended not to notice, even covered up for me when I would accidently kill livestock on neighbouring farms, but no they didn’t care. People feared what they didn't understand they still do. Caroline just seen me as a child not a monster.”

I thought for a second trying to imagine what it would have been like so long ago. Getting up, I placed her back in the box. I didn't want to put her in it, but I also didn’t want to leave her here, where I sleep with two supernatural beings. That didn't seem appropriate. Tobias grabbed the box from my hands, realising I was trying to think of somewhere to put her.

“Come on, she can sit on the mantle till you figure out what you want to do.” I nod and follow him down. He reaches up and puts her on the mantle below the TV. Theo comes out and wraps his arms across my shoulders his lips going to my neck and I shiver under his touch.

“Want to have a shower with us?” he asks, pressing himself into my back so I can feel the bulge in his pants. I don't even get to answer before I am whisked off back upstairs and into the bathroom. Tobias and Theo seemed to be racing each other to see who could rip my clothes of first. In no time, I was stripped completely bare. Tobias picked me up and placed me on the sink basin, standing in between my legs. I wrap them around his waist, completely forgetting I am angry at him, just loving the feel of his hands on my body, softly caressing my thighs and sides. I put my arms around his neck and lean forward, kissing him. I run my tongue along his bottom lip, wanting entry. When I feel his lips part, I brush my tongue on his. He pushes into me, taking control and kissing me deeper. I moan into his mouth and his hand moves up squeezing my breast. I hear Theo step in the shower and look over Tobias shoulder, he shook his head smiling and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Pushing on Tobias chest he steps back, and I hop off the bench getting in the shower. Tobias walking in directly behind me his hands going to my breasts as he pulls me back towards him, my back pressed against his warm chest. Theo moves closer and I can feel his erection pressing into my stomach as he leans in kissing me, one of his hands moving between my legs, his fingers parting my lips before he shoves a finger inside me.00000000000000

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