Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 28

How they think they can keep me here and expect me to be okay with it is beyond me. Maybe if they would give me a reason, and it would need to be a bloody good one for me to be okay with having to toss my life away to rot here. Hopefully, Tobias leaves on Wednesday. I feel like I would have a better chance getting through to Theo then Tobias. But if they think I am going to sit and wait patiently for them to decide my life, they are sadly mistaken.

The knock on the door pulled me from my musings. I ignored it, but then Theo's voice reached out to me through the door. “Imogen, open the door please.” Always so polite, but I still chose to ignore him. “You know I can just break the door, but I would rather not. It's antique. Be a shame to ruin it,” he stated. I rolled my eyes and looked at the door. It did look old. Probably as old as the house with its strange hinges and thick wood. I heard him twist the handle, hear it straining under the pressure.

I jumped up. It really would be a shame the door was destroyed because of my stubbornness; I always appreciated the craftsmanship that went into old buildings and furniture. “Wait I will open it,” I sang out before he broke the brass handle.

Opening the door, I walked back to the bed. Theo leant on the doorframe, arms crossed over his bare chest. “He's being unreasonable. I will talk to him later, okay? Just come down and eat. Then I want to take you somewhere,” he said, holding his hand out to me.

“Off the property?” I asked, hopeful. Thinking I might be able to give them the slip. I have no intentions of spending the rest of my days out here. There isn't even cell service or internet reception.

“No, but you will like it. I promise.” I rolled my eyes but stood up anyway and walked past him, ignoring his hand. As I walked past, Theo slapped my bare ass. I jumped at the sting from his hand. He ignored me and grabbed my hand leading me downstairs and back to the kitchen.

“Done sulking?” Tobias asked as I walked in, his back turned to the kitchen sink. I flipped him the bird behind his back. “I can see your reflection in the glass, Imogen. I saw what you just did, I wouldn't recommend doing it again.” His voice sounded like he was challenging me. I rolled my eyes at him. Least he wasn't in a homicidal mood anymore.

Tobias walked over and placed a plate in front of me. “Now be a good girl and eat.” I went to flip him off again, but suddenly Theo's arms wrapped around my shoulders, his hand grabbing mine, the one I was intending to give Tobias the bird with. His lips next to my ear.

“You want him to punish you? Play nice,” he whispered. Kissing my cheek and letting me go before sitting next to me. Tobias placed Theo's plate in front of him before sitting across from us.

“So, if you're a vampire, how come you eat real food?”

“I still eat, I just require blood as well.”

“So, you drink from blood bags?” I ask.

“No, cold blood is disgusting. Remember when you said you saw me kissing Tobias's neck? Well, I wasn't.”

“So, you drink from Tobias?" Tobias nodded, like it wasn't a big deal. “And you both have the same parents?” Tobias looked at Theo before speaking.

“Yes, but in case you forget we have different last names, we aren't biological siblings. I was raised by Theo's family.”

“So, your parents are like you?” I ask, turning to Theo. He nods his head, but I can tell this conversation is making him uncomfortable.

“So, when did you start living with Theo's family? How old were you?” I asked, looking at Tobias.

“I was six and Theo was four, that was what? early 1746?" he asked, turning to Theo. Theo nodded his head but didn't say anything.

“Wait, how old are you?"

“280 years old. Theo is 278 years old.”

I felt my eyes go wide, horrified by the thought of having to live that long. “280,” I whisper, not realising I said it out loud.

“Enough worrying about our age Imogen, eat.”

“I didn't mean it as a bad thing. I was expecting you to say 30, not 280 years old,” I said, completely shocked.

“I stopped aging when I was 32. Theo is stuck at the age of 29 when he was turned,” Tobias stated

“Turned? What about your parents?” I asked, trying to make sense of any of this.

“That's a conversation for later. For now eat please, you haven't touched your food,” Theo stated tapping my plate with his fork. I rolled my eyes, they're always so secretive, and I could tell Theo wanted the topic changed, but why? I picked up a piece of Tomato and popped it in my mouth. Not realising how hungry I actually was, until I tasted its juicy goodness. My stomach instantly growled. I devour my food in a very unladylike manner, barely even tasting it. I finished mine before either of them finished half of theirs.

“Did you even chew or just inhale your food?" asked Theo. Chuckling at my empty plate. I got up and walked to the sink and washed my plate. I felt full and went and sat back at the table suddenly wanting to go back to bed, seeing as I have had continuous broken sleep. I was well and truly overtired now. I rest my head on the cool bench top and close my eyes. When I hear them get up, I open my eyes, and rest my chin on my hands and watch as they clean up after themselves. They are both so in sync with each other, they never seem to get in each other's way and pass things to each other without even looking or knowing if the other is going to catch it. When they turn around, I blush and look away. Knowing I was caught gawking at them like some pervert.

“Come on, let's find you some clothes,” Theo said, walking out of the kitchen heading towards the stairs. I followed after him going back into the bedroom. Theo rummaged through his draws and pulled out some shorts with a drawstring, tossing them to me. I slipped them on before tying them as tight as they would go. Even then they were still threatening to fall down.

“I need to at least go back and get my clothes; I can't keep wearing yours. I might as well walk around naked.”

“I wouldn't mind. One of us will go grab some stuff from your apartment on Wednesday for you,” Tobias said, walking into the room and grabbing a shirt from the hanger.

“Or I could go, with you,” I pleaded.

“No Imogen, my word is final,” he said.

“No Imogen, my word is final,” I mocked back with my best impersonation of Tobias's deep voice. I was so not in the mood today. I hear Theo chuckle beside me and catch him shaking his head out of the corner of my eye.

“Stop encouraging her, Theo. She is in enough trouble when we get back.”

“Yeah, and what is the big bad wolf gonna do? Stop me from leaving? Oh that's right I'm already prisoner here,” I reply dryly. I hear Tobias growl a throaty growl coming from the back of his throat, vibrating through his chest.

“That's the third time now, Imogen. That attitude of yours is going to get you in trouble” I rolled my eyes, so over hearing about being punished.

“And I 'm starting to think your bark is worse than your bite,” I retort. I see Theo's lips turn up slightly repressing a smile. I watch as he walks out and starts walking down the stairs. I start to follow him out when I am suddenly picked up from behind and walked over to the railing. Tobias lifts me over. I hear Tobias throaty laugh before I am suddenly dangling over the railing of the second floor. Tobias not even breaking a sweat as he holds me with one hand like I weigh nothing. I look down at the ground below and gulp.

“Not so cheeky now, huh?”

I look down and see my feet dangling in the air, I hate heights. “I swear to god, Tobias, if you drop me..."

“You'll what?” he says tauntingly, letting go of my arm only to grab my hand before I plummet to the ground. I scream and look back down at the slate floor below me. “Fine, fine,” he says lifting me back to the railing. I put my foot on the side when Tobias grabs me and pulls me closer. He kisses me hard then shoves me backwards. I fall towards the floor, closing my eyes. A scream escaping my lips, my hands going to my face as my heart drops into my stomach. Next thing, I find myself in Theo's arms, he pulls me into his chest. My hands shaking as I grip his black shirt.

“I warned you not to test him,” Theo whispers, I hear the smile and laugh he is trying to hold back.

“You bloody arsehole, you could have killed me,” I scream up at Tobias who is proudly standing next to the railing looking down at us, a smug smile on his face, like he found this all very amusing.

“I knew Theo would catch you. Stop being a baby, you were never in any danger.”

“Fuck you, Tobias” I say letting go of Theo as he places my feet back on the ground. I turn my back on them and walk to the front door.00000000000

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