Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 25

Theo grabbed me, knocking my feet out from underneath me, and started running. He shifted me slightly, forcing my legs around his hips as he took off through the forest. My scream getting stuck in my throat, my terrified scream dying out as the trees flew past me, bile rising and pooling in my mouth as I tried to stop myself from throwing up. I clenched my eyes shut tight, fearing that we were going to hit a tree. If that happens, I don’t want to see coming. I could feel the blood leave my face, my stomach lurching as I dry heaved. I clung tighter to Theo pulling him as close as possible, wishing he would just stop or at least slow down. Pushing my face into his neck shielding it from the wind that was stinging my skin. Everything passing by quickly, blurring out my surroundings as he weaved in and out of the trees. I could feel the long grass from the paddocks whipping my bare feet, which were already killing from running through the forest.

We must have been running for only a few minutes before he slowed. Skidding along the grass on his feet before stopping. I was frozen in place, my muscles so tense and locked up, I couldn“t move. Theo ran his hand down my back making me lift my head from his shoulder. We were back at the stone farmhouse. It took me hours running in that forest to get to where I was and only took him a few minutes to run back. Unlocking my arms from around his neck, I leant back, my legs still tightly wrapped around his waist. Theo moved his hands under my ass holding me in place. I was positive if he put me on my feet right now, my legs would collapse under me.

“You're alright, Imogen?” His eyes holding mine, the thick fog clouding my mind again. Why does his presence always make me clouded? “You're safe with us, understand?” I felt this calming sensation roll over my body in waves, fear leaving as his words floated in my head on repeat. I'm safe with them, they won't hurt me. Theo smiled. As his face moved closer, his lips pressing softly against mine. Cold but demanding. I moaned when his tongue brushed mine. I was lost trapped in the feel of his tongue playing with mine, my thoughts fogging over as I could feel myself slipping, my mind going completely blank threatening to be lost in the feel of his touch as he pulled me closer drawing me in. In this moment I would have forgotten my own name.

Tobias cleared his throat loudly behind me, having finally caught up. Theo placed me on the ground, but his hands remaining on my shoulders. He pushed me towards Tobias. As soon as his hands left my shoulders, the fog lifted. My memory snapping back into place like a rubber band. Panic seizing my body as I remember they were both monsters, dangerous lethal monsters. I step back, but if they were going to kill me wouldn't they have done it when they found me? Why bring me back unless they want to kill me slowly?

“You are safe, Imogen. No one wants to hurt you.” Lies. I heard them speaking. I know what they want to do. I know too much, saw a side of them I can't unsee. One I will never forget. I know it is only a matter of time before they kill me slowly and painfully, but why haven't they done it yet? My mind buzzing, trying to think of what would happen next. I hate anxiety. It always makes you overthink every little thing, but this was a big thing and my mind was in overdrive, fighting with itself with what I know and what I feel. Trying to find a way out even though the rational part of my brain already knew there was no way out of this.

“Calm down, Imogen. I can hear your heart pounding, practically see your thoughts running through that head of yours,” Tobias said trying to move closer, his hand outstretched. I looked at his hand wondering if I should take it or not.

“Nothing has changed, Imogen; we are still the same people.” Theo stepped forward behind Tobias, placing his hand on his shoulder.

“You're monsters! you shouldn't exist.” My voice is soft as I tried to think of a way out of this fucked up situation. “I want to go home, please take me home. I won't tell I promise.” Theo's eyes softened.

“We can't let you go home, Imogen,” Tobias said. My heart started racing, pounding, and I felt like my throat had closed up as I tried to breathe, hyperventilating as I realised, they really were going to kill me. My legs gave out from under me as I felt myself slipping into darkness, fighting for air as I choked on my own inability to control my emotions. I didn't want to pass out, I willed myself to stay conscious, but it was inevitable, my body collapsing in on itself as darkness takes over the last thing, I hear is Theo's voice.

“And she is out again, I told you she would now pay up.”

Waking up, I roll over. My body touches something cold and I sit upright, a light flicking on in my brain, registering the fact I passed out because my stupid body is having a meltdown. Maybe my brain is fried, and I have imagined everything. I know that cannot be true though, when I open my eyes and the cold thing that touched me was actually Theo's arm as he turns the page of the book he is reading.

“How are you feeling?” he asks, his eyes not leaving his book. I don't speak, I just watch him fascinated by how fast his eyes scan the page before he flicks to the next one. He hardly seems dangerous, he looks like a normal man, only I know that he is not. He is dark and sinister yet looking at him, he hasn't changed. He is still his flirty bubbly self.

Theo put the book down and rolled to his side, laying down so he was eye level with me.

“You seem better, not as scared. Your heart isn't pounding, and I can't smell your fear,” he whispers while brushing hair behind my ear. His cool fingers brushing against my cheek softly. I feel the calming fog enter my mind slowly creeping in. I have figured out it is from Theo.

“Please don't" I tell him.

He looks confused. “Don’t what?" I feel it slowly washing over my body relaxing every muscle.

“Whatever is your doing to me, making everything foggy.” He understands and the fog lifts. I feel my body become my own again. “Are you going to kill me?” I ask. The words of whoever those people were talking are running through my head on repeat.

“We will never hurt you, Imogen, I promise. Well, not in that sense,” he says a sly smile creeping onto his face. But I believe him.

“Where is Tobias?"

“He is asleep behind you.” His eyes look over my shoulder, turning slightly my own eyes following to see Tobias fast asleep and lightly snoring. I half roll onto my back and I can feel the heat of his body seeping into me as I lean on him, chasing his warmth.

“Don’t worry about him. He looks scary but he's a big softy, you'll see. Besides you're the only person ever to try feed him dog food and he let you live.” Theo laughed, making the bed vibrate. I laughed too, remembering feeding the stray, then it clicked.

“That was Tobias?" I laughed, only just realising I tried to feed my boss dog food and I smacked him on the nose. Theo laughed again nodding his head. The movement making Tobias roll and he threw his arm over me, pulling me in. I froze before realising he was still asleep and then relaxed.

“What does mate mean? Obviously it doesn't mean friend.”

“No, it doesn't. Just think of it as soul mates. Be easier to wrap your head around.”

“So, you're saying I'm Tobias's soulmate?” I asked.

“Yes, but not just his, you're mine too.” My eyebrows furrowed, trying to understand. How could someone know who their soulmate was, and how could someone have two? Looking back at Theo, he was watching me carefully. “You still don’t understand.” It wasn't a question.

“She will soon enough,” Tobias spoke, his lips against my shoulder. I look over my shoulder at him, his blue eyes looking back at me. My heart rate is increasing. I saw him as a monster, all teeth and claws. He pulled me tighter against his body. I looked at Theo, but he just watched. Tobias's mouth moving to the mark on my neck, kissing it softly before sucking on it. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, a moan escaping my lips as pleasure flooded all my senses. I could feel my panties becoming soaked as I leant back into Tobias, loving the feel of his hot tongue playing with my flesh. Theo's face moved closer, his lips pressing softly to mine, before deepening the kiss and swallowing my moans as his hand went under the blanket and started unbuttoning my blouse.

I was lost in the feel of their hands and lips on my skin. Theo pulled me to him, kissing me deeply while Tobias removed my blouse from my shoulders and unclipped my bra. He kissed my shoulder as he slid the straps down my arms before dropping it on the floor. Tobias pulled me back down and Theo tore my skirt, ripping it completely from my body so I was now pressed between them with only my panties on. I could feel Tobias erection pressing into my back as he fondled my breasts. Theo got off the bed and stood up, pulling his shirt off over his head, revealing his bare chest and tight abs, his jeans hanging low on his hips showing his deep V line disappearing into his pants.

Tobias sat up, pulling me between his legs, making me lean back into him. I watched as Theo walked towards the end of the bed. My heart skipped a beat as he leant over, not taking his eyes from mine, and pulled my panties down my legs before crawling up the bed towards me. I pressed my knees together, closing my legs, feeling very exposed under the dim lighting.

“Relax, we won't hurt you,” Tobias whispered in my ear before sucking on my neck, hitting that sweet spot where he bit me. My body instantly relaxed as pleasure rippled through me. I feel Tobias feet go under my legs before he lifts his knees, pulling my legs apart as they are now draped over his. My eyes snap back open and Theo's face is between my legs. I try to close my legs, but Tobias forces them back apart. Theo kisses my inner thigh sucking on it, his teeth teasing as they graze my flesh. My head rolls back onto Tobias’s shoulder and my eyes flutter closed. ANNAN AANANAA

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