Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 205

Evelyn POV

The next morning I woke up in an entanglement of limbs. Legs tossed over me and arm in my face and I am Pretty sure that it was Thaddeus armpit on my face.

Orion Snickers as I pull my head out from under Thaddeus. Clearly he knows nothing of personal space, Ryland's cock was on my thigh, his leg draped over me and Thaddeus leg over his, I try wriggle out from them only for Ryland to think that was a more comfortable position and rolls on top me, Thaddeus moving around him like it was a game of Tetris, one I was losing.

Thank god the lack of air wouldn't kill me when Ryland's chest suddenly covers my face, his nipple pressing against my nose. Orion chuckling from his spot beside Ryland.

"Help!" I squeak when he continues moving on top of me trying to get comfortable.

“Nope, I find it quite entertaining,” he says. I have enough and the teeth come out. I bite whatever is closest to my mouth. Ryland suddenly howls jumping off with so much speed he landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow ow ow what the fuck” I he hear him hiss while I try escape.

"You fucking bit me" he shrieks rubbing his nipple my teeth imprint perfectly around it as it bled

"You were suffocating me" I tell him.

"Why the yelling?" Thaddeus mumbles before ripping me over to him as I was about to jump off the bed.

"No, I want up, not back in the bed" I snapped, pushing on his chest.

"You're too pretty to be so whiny, shh" he says resting his head on my boob.

"Fucking nearly bit it off" Ryland growls.

"Don't squash me then and be grateful ya dick wasn't on my face" I tell him.

"My dick is never going in your mouth again, that fucking hurt" he says sooking like a baby.

"Well now that everyone is up, I am going to get Mara" Orion announces. Standing up.

"Shower with me first * Ryland says as Orion walks past him. He grabs Orion around his torso pulling him back against him.

"Shower with Evie" Orion tells him, trying to get out of his grip.

"No, she hurt me, you should kiss it better" Ryland tells him as Orion tried prying his arms off from around his waist.

“I'm not letting go till you shower and suck my cock” Ryland tells him. Orion growls at him, while Thaddeus moves, chucking a pillow over his face on my chest.

"Orion just suck it so he shuts up” Thaddeus growls.

"You fucking suck it, Evelyn help” Orion whinges trying to escape our mates clutches when Ryland presses him against the wall.

"No, I find it quite entertaining" I spit at him and he growls at me.

"Please, I'm horny" Ryland says, bucking his hips against Orion's ass.

"Your always horny, now off"

"Not until I get what I want" Ryland says, nipping at Orion's shoulder.

"Fine you better be quick”

“Not a chance,” Ryland tells him, steering him to the bathroom with Orions arms locked behind his back.

"Finally, he is so loud" Thaddeus mumbles snuggling against me. I stroke his hair running my fingers through it. When I feel arousal through the bond and feel Thaddeus cock hardening aginst my leg. “Yep, I'm out” I say springing off the bed and away from him.

“Yeah choke on it” I hear Ryland say before hearing Orion gagging in the shower.

“Fucking stop that you jerk or I will stop” Orion snaps at him.

“Just shut up and suck it” Ryland tells him and I chuckle while walking downstairs. I flick the kettle on before checking my phone. I had a text message from Tobias saying he needed the deeds to the shop so he could put the building up for sale. I text him back saying I would bring it over tomorrow while he is at work.

I make coffee for everyone just in time for Thaddeus to come downstairs adjusting his pants.

“This mine” He asks and I nod and he takes a sip.

“I am going with Orion to get Mara, I need to stop by the shop” I tell him and he nods while drinking his coffee. I walk towards the back door to go find Orion's smokes. Sitting outside I light one up and Thaddeus does too sitting in the other chair.

“I'm not working tomorrow” He says and I look at him.

“Neither am 1” I tell him.

“So you're serious about staying home then?” He asks and I nod.

“Yep, I have to pick up the deeds for your father” I tell him. He seems to think for a second while sipping his coffee. “We can take Mara to the park tomorrow if you want, she likes the sandpit one” Thaddeus says.

“Is Ryland working tomorrow”

“He can stay home, dad can handle work be good to do something with Mara together”

“Yes it would. Okay let's do that then” I tell him. Orion comes out, snatching the smokes off the table. I giggle at his furious expression. Ryland comes out behind him looking quite happy and Thaddeus shakes his head at him

“Something seriously wrong with you” Thaddeus mutters. I finish my smoke before getting up and Ryland takes my seat. “Can I come with you? I need to stop at the shop on the way home?” I ask Orion.

“Yes I am leaving in ten minutes though so go get dressed” He says pecking my cheek and I walk inside and quickly change into shorts and a singlet before grabbing my joggers. I was placing them on my feet when Orion walked in grabbing his keys, and I stood up before plucking the keys from his fingers. “I'm driving” I tell him as I dash out the door before he could stop me.

“You better not ruin my car” He growls but jumps in the passengerside anyway. We picked Mara up before heading into the city, I felt like I had spent most of the morning in the car, between driving all the way outside the other end of the city then back into the city. Pulling up out the front I looked at the cafe windows yet I didn't feel sad that I was giving it up, kind of relieved actually. Orion grabs my keys before opening the car door. “In the safe?” He asks and I nod.

“Okay be back in a sec” He says walking over and undoing the padlocks. I hop out lighting a smoke when Mara starts screaming her head off.

“Shh baby I will be back in a second” Orion calls to her. I try to give her a bag of chips through the window but she chucks them screaming for Orion. He sighs before walking back over.

“I was only going to be gone for a second, come on then” He says unclipping her seat.

“You give in to her too easily” I tell him and he shrugs, grabbing her from her carseat.

“My dadda” She growls at me. I chuckle at her and she waves happily over his shoulder while he walks into the cafe with her. I lean against the car waiting when the ground suddenly rumbles and I look behind me at the cafe just as I am blasted with glass and a shock wave, the bang sending car alarms off. I go flying skidding across the bitumen road. The road skinning me as I am thrown and I feel glass hit my face. Dazed, I look at the cafe but only see smoke and flames. A scream leaves me when I notice the cafe ablaze amongst the pile of rubble and black smoke, yet I couldn't see anything through the billows of smoke. “No, no, no” I scream, rushing toward it and flinging debri away, my stomach sinking. “Not again” I cry as I shove through the building before stopping, the entire place was on fire yet I could just make out some light through the thick smoke when the roof collapsed at the back of the shop. I forced my way in by ripping the layers of roof out of the way and I could hear sirens coming toward us, the flames burning my arms and singing my hair, yet I could still feel Orion was alive. Pulling a piece of concrete aside.

I find the source of the light. Mara is still in Orions arm. Her arms outstretched on eitherside of her as sweat beaded on her forehead, her eyes clenched shut. I sob with relief seeing the glowing gold sphere of light surrounding them, Orion standing there in shock. The sound of my cry making her look at me. She lets out a breath. “My dadda” She says before the sphere surrounding them drops and she collapses against his shoulder, blood trickles down from her nose. “She saved us,” Orion murmurs, brushing her hair from her face.

“Is she okay" I ask, reaching down into the crater they were in. He passes her to me and I clutch her against me and I could feel her heart rate beating against my chest, hear her breathing. I bit my wrist pressing it against her lips, it wasn't Rylands blood but better then nothing. She sniffs the air as I press it beneath her nose before sinking her little fangs in my wrist. “Mara,” I hear Thaddeus scream out.

“Evie” I hear Ryland call out.

“We are fine back here” Orion calls through the smoke, both of them racing through the rubble to us before Thaddeus chokes on his breath with relief, grabbing us and pulling him against me. He kisses Mara“s head before grabbing her and checking her. Ryland had a hold of Orion tears streaking his face.

“She saved us" Orion says, still in shock and we all look to Mara, who has now fallen asleep again cradled against Thaddeus’ chest. The sirens get louder as they stop out the front of the shop.0O

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