Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 197

Evelyn POV

I knew something was going on, fucking knew it. Their complete personality changes within minutes of Amara leaving. I should have known better, how did I notice he left. I thought he was sleeping. I knew something was up when I got a sudden jolt, but Ryland and Orion said they didn't feel it, yet my heart was racing.

"I didn't want to worry you"

"More like you knew I would want to come" I yell back at him.

"That is out of the question Evelyn, I won't have you put yourself at unnecessary risk"

"But it's okay for you?"

"I wasn't at risk, we slipped in and out, you should be happy we got Bianca back"

“I am happy she is back, but that doesn't mean you lie to me" I tell him

I looked over at Bianca, she looked terrible. Amara fusses over her doing God knows what. I turn, leaving the room.

"Where are you going?"

"To see what's taking Orion so long, she needs blood" I tell him walking outside. I walk to the shed to find him rummaging around in the chest freezer in the shed.

"What are you doing?"

"Surely we have one blood bag," he says, still rummaging.

"We never have blood, you need to go find someone" I say as I hear the posties motorbike.

"We have to have at least one bag" I hear him muttering. I raced out waiting by the mailbox while he continued to rummage for something I know we don't have.

The postie pulls up looking in his bag and I touch his shoulder. He was young, in his mid twenties with dark curly hair to his shoulders and soft facial features. He grabs his chest.

"Geez gave me a heart attack” he chuckles.

"I have your mail, here you go" he says handing me the mail before turning to grab his bike handles.

"Ah miss?" He says looking at my hand still on his shoulder.

"Don't scream and get off your bike" I tell him, feeling the fog slip over him. He shivers, his eyes glazing over. This was the first time I had tried to use it and was shocked at how easy it was.

He climbs off in a daze, smiling goofily.

“Follow me" I tell him and he does without question. I walk into the shed Orion, completely oblivious to us standing behind him. I find an old sauce jar and dump the contents on the ground which had pegs in it.

Orion looks over before jumping, realising I had someone with me. "Stay still" I tell the young man,

I slash the man's wrist with my nails and he doesn't even flinch.

"Fill it" 1 tell him and he grabs the jar letting his blood pool inside.

"Evelyn what are you doing, you can't just take blood from someone”

"We don't have a choice” I tell him, my gums tingling as the smell of his blood floods my senses. “Stop” Orion tells him taking the jar from him which was Only half full and he obeys. Orion bites his wrist forcing his blood in his mouth and healing his bleeding wrist.

"That was wrong, now erase it and send him on his way" Orion tells me before storming off. The man standing there dazedly looking at me.

I hear the front door shut and turn to face him. His blood is overwhelming and I grab his shoulders trying to ignore it.

"Forget everything"- I don't finish instead shaking my head, my fangs protruding the smell of his blood so strong I could almost taste it. My mouth watering at the addictive scent so different from Ryland or Thaddeus. I swallow trying to clear my throat, the man still staring dazedly at me.

"I want you to"- I clear my throat again, my fangs making it hard to talk.

I blink, my vision staining red and I look up to find my claws digging into his shoulders, blood soaking his shirt and I lose control. I sink my fangs into him, his blood flooding my mouth and I moan at the taste. My tastebuds set alight as every sense is heightened.

I pull back when It stops, before biting him again and again. When suddenly his body goes to dead weight and slips between my hands onto the ground. I look at my blood soaked hands in horror before looking at the man dead on the ground. I killed him. My heart is racing with the fear of what I just did and I fall on my ass staring at his vacant brown eyes. I shake him, praying I didn't kill him but he was definitely dead. I hear the front door open and I panic trying to move his body but I had nowhere to put him.

"Evelyn what's taking so"- Ryland says before stopping noticing me dragging his body. I drop him and Ryland stares between the body and me.

"What have you done?" He says, stepping over to him.

"I didn't mean to, he was bleeding”

“Evie” I hear Thaddeus call from inside the house. Ryland looks at the dead body on the ground and me.

"Go, shit you reek of him" Ryland snaps at me. I go to walk out of the shed when he grabs my arm pulling me to him and slicing his neck with his claws before grabbing me.

"Drink from me now" he says and I do, my heart hammering in my chest. I moan at the taste of his blood, and he holds me against him, his nose running across my neck, inhaling my scent before he suddenly pulls away.

"Go you smell of me now..wait" he says wiping my face on his shirt and my hands.

"Go I will take care of this, go have a smoke" he says. I rush out zipping past Thaddeus in a blur darting out the back while his back is turned while he shuts the front door walking out onto the front porch.

"Evie?" I hear him call stepping off the front porch onto the bottom squeaky step.

"Out the back!" I scream to him, lighting a smoke and puffing half it down so fast I cough.

“There you are, look I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to get hurt” He pauses sniffing the air and I hold my breath.

“Did you just feed on Ryland?" He asks, sniffing the air again.

I nod, not knowing how to answer.

"Evie, he has already been fed on today” He sighs frustrated.

“1 knew you were taking too long. Where is he?"

"Right here" Ryland says walking over to me from up the side of the house, his shirt gone. He walks over to me draping his arms over my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

“lI am fine" he tells Thaddeus.

"Just not twice in a day, did you send the mailman away?"

"Yep she did, watched him leave as I came out" Ryland lies for me rubbing my arms.

"Bianca and Amara went home, it wasn't enough but she is doing heaps better, mum always has blood bags in stock” Thaddeus says.

"Surprised you didn't go there first," I told him.

He nods thinking, "I have to tell you something...” He says and I feel his nervousness hit me.

“You were right about it being someone from our past, it was the man from the hunters facility, the one that took Mara when she was born, he is a vampire now. We saw him but Amara pulled me back before I could kill him" Thaddeus says.

"The same man, are you sure?" I ask, Thaddeus nods sadly.

"I'm sorry, we should have believed you" he says and I swallow the lump forming in my throat. I nod, not having anything else to say.

"Evie?" He says stepping closer and gripping my face between his hands.

"It changes nothing, Thaddeus. No point having the same argument over and over again, just do what you promised”

“I will, don't ever doubt that"

"Good but when you kill him, I want to watch” I tell him.


"No Thaddeus, promise me" he looked to Ryland who still had his arms wrapped around my chest. I feel Ryland nod against my shoulder before he kisses my neck.

"Fine, I promise,” Thaddeus says.

Mara sings out looking for him, and Orion walks out with her in his arms. I grab another smoke and light it suddenly, needing one.

"Knew you would start up" Orion says, shaking his head.

"Daddy I want to go see grandma" Mara calls holding her arms out to Thaddeus.

"Not tonight" Orion tells her.

"Dadda said no baby, maybe on the weekend" Thaddeus tells her, grabbing her from him and walking inside.

When they leave I turn in Rylands arm looking up at him.

"Taken care of" is all he says.

"I'm sorry” I tell him.

"I know, but it stays between us, and never say I am not on your side, I always have been even when you didn't think I was" he says and I wrap my arms around him being careful not to burn him with my smoke.

His chest is warm as I rest my cheek on him, he grips my chin with his fingers tilting my face up and making me look up at him. He kisses me and I kiss him back.

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