Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 192

Evelyn POV

Going to sleep was near impossible, I gave up and slept in Mara's bed, wishing she was here. The distraction would have been good, she always kept everyone on their toes.

Getting up to Orion rummaging around her room, I stretch rolling over to look at him. His scent filled the room making me wonder how long he had been in here already.

"What are you doing?"

"Disinfecting her toys" he says with a can of Glen 20 in his hand and a cloth in the other. I cough on the fumes.

"Are you trying to disinfect her lungs too?" I ask, choking while hopping up.

"You could always help," he says, looking over his shoulder at me.

"She is a tribrid, what possible disease could she catch from her toys?" I ask, shaking my head.

He seems to think for a second.

"None because they are disinfected,” he says, spraying Glen 20 at me.

"You're too much sometimes" I tell him, getting up and remaking her bed.

“Well in your case I am not enough” he mutters under his breath.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, never mind just talking to myself" he says, turning back to his task of cleaning every toy she owns.

"Where are Thaddeus and Ryland?" I ask, about to go look for them.

"Thaddeus went to the council to do some work and to look into something, Ryland has gone to get Amara, and he is taking her to her playdate”

"Playdate?" I ask him.

"Yes, she goes every week but Ryland wanted to take her. Leaving me with you," he says, not even bothering to hide his dysplasia of having to be around me.

"Yeah you seem really impressed about having to spend time with me” I remarked before walking out.

Heading downstairs, I grab the basket off the floor near our door. By the look of it Orion had been busy, as it contained our dirty bed linen. I chuck it in the washing machine, turning it on before going to the kitchen and turning the kettle on.

I make two coffees, before putting some bread in the toaster. I waited for it to pop before spreading creamed cheese on it. Taking a bite of my toast, I walk to the stairs.

"Orion, I made you coffee” I called out to him. I got no response but could hear him rummaging around in her room still.

I quickly eat my toast, leaving his coffee and toast on the counter for him before sneaking out the back to have a smoke.

The sun beaming down on my skin, oh how I missed it's warmth. Now I barely felt it. The thought saddened me, I missed being human, missed so many things making me wonder how Orion coped for centuries. Maybe he forgot what it was like, I didn't want to forget. Lighting my smoke Orion comes out plucking it from my fingers

"Since when did you start smoking again?" He asks, puffing on it before handing it back.

"This is only my second one" I tell him and he eyes me suspiciously.

"Promise" I tell him.

He looks away before sitting next to me and lighting his own. We sat in silence for a bit just looking at the paddocks surrounding the place and watching the sun grow higher in the sky..

"Do you miss being human?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"Sometimes, Why do you?" He asks and I nod.

"I miss you being human too," he says, making me look at him.


"Yep, you didn't talk back as much" he chuckles.

"It gets easier, though. You find things that remind you of being human that keeps you from turning into a monster” he says.


"I don't know for me it was travelling, watching people. Not in a creepy way then I found them, and I didn't really think about it. I was to busy consumed with trying to get Thaddeus to behave, now we have Mara and I rarely think about it"

I think over his words, but it doesn't really resonate much with me, everyone he would have known from being human was dead. I had mates before turning into a Hybrid, so I couldn't really find something when technically I had them already.

"Well I need to change Mara's bed linen" he says hopping up and walking inside. I watch him leave and finish my smoke before heading inside. I put my mug in the sink before going to the linen cupboard. I grab some fresh sheets before going upstairs to make our bed.

Walking into the bedroom, all I could smell was Glen 20. Orion had clearly been in here too, with his germ killing spray. I open the window before forcing the fitted sheet over the corner. Moving around the bed tugging the corners over when my fingertips brush something under the mattress.

I reached under and pulled it out to find it was one of Orion sketchbooks, though I was curious as to why he didn't keep it with the others. He rarely let me look at them. I don't know why he was excellent at drawing.

Looking to the door making sure he wasn't walking past. I quickly opened It wanting to know what he had been drawing. The first page had his lovely calligraphy writing I had always been so jealous of. Though the title confused me. What should have been. Turning the page, what I wasn't expecting was to see a photograph of our son. I nearly dropped the entire sketch book. I never saw him, refused to see him and that was my deepest regret but looking at the picture he was perfect, just looked like he was sleeping in his little blue teddy pajamas that he was buried in.

Swallowing back the emotion that suddenly clogged my throat, I looked at the drawings. I find them all to be our son, only he was drawn with his eyes open, some of him smiling. All different scenarios and Orion had drawn them as if he were still here with us. I sit on the bed looking through them, loving the detail and how they look like our little boy in the photo, even his wispy hair.

Picking up the last one crushed me, it was a drawing of Mara from a picture that was downstairs, of her looking up at the camera with a big cheeky grin on her face. Though in the photo downstairs hanging on the hall, she clutched her teddy in her arms. Orion had drawn her holding him. Holding our son.

My hands shook terribly as I held the page and I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face.

I take the picture carefully pulling it out, making sure not to damage it before walking over and shutting the door. I grabbed one of the photo frames off the wall before carefully placing it in so I didn't crinkle the page, wanting to put it downstairs with the photos of Mara. Packing up everything, I was about to put away the sketchpad back under the bed when I heard Thaddeus sing out from downstairs having come home.

"Just a sec” I called back, placing the frame on the dressing table and walking over to the bed and lifting the mattress to put the sketchbook back under it.

"What are you doing?" Says Orion's voice from behind me. I turn facing him and his eyes dart to what is in my hands.

"Please don't ruin them, don't ruin them like you do everything else that reminds you of him" he says, his eyes not leaving the drawings in my hands.

"I wasn't...I was"-

He moves toward me and I stand up the sketchbook in my hand still and he snatches it off me.

"I was just looking, Orion, they are really good" I tell him but he was too busy checking his drawings. Thaddeus walks in looking at Orion before his eyes dart to me.

"Evelyn what did you do?" Thaddeus says

“I was just looking,” I tell him when suddenly Orion turns on me, placing the sketchbook on the bed and I stumble back from him. If looks could kill I would be dead ten times over. His eyes were crimson and I didn’t understand what I did wrong to deserve such wrath.

Orion grips my arms, his nails cutting into my skin.

"Where is it?" He asks, his fangs protruding as his face turns demonic.

"Where the fuck is the picture Evelyn" he screams shaking me.

"I took it... I put it"

"How could you be so cruel to destroy them Evelyn?" Thaddeus says cutting me off and I feel Orion's grip tighten but I was more shocked that Thaddeus knew about them to care.

"Wait, you saw them?" I ask him.

"Of course we have seen them," now that stung, he had shown them but what? I wasn't good enough to see them?

"Give it back now, I swear if you ruined it" Orion screams, jerking me toward him.

Thaddeus pulls me away from him and Orion growls at him. His nails tore through my arms making my skin bleed from his tight grip.

"Tell her to give back, I can't believe you would go through my stuff like that, you know I hate you snooping" Orion yells at me.

"What so they can see him but I am not allowed, you three, all you ever do is gang up on me, always choosing sides and it is never mine. I am always the Forgotten Mate, the one you blame shit on, here take it, all I did was fucking frame it" I tell him. Grabbing the frame off the dressing table where I laid it down.

Thaddeus takes it looking at it before turning to Orion. He takes the frame and his face falls, I walk out.

"Evie wait, I didn't know"

“Go fuck yourself Orion” I tell him.

I walk downstairs before taking off out the back door, they can all get fucked. They all have each other while I am left on the outside, always the one left out of their little circle.

I ran on anger, ran on fear, ran on everything that was threatening to drown me slowly. By the time I stopped it was dark. Looking around at where I ended up, I curse at the moon. Of all the places my stupid feet took me to, it brought me back here. Back home.

The only thing left standing was the garage, the house gone just a dirt patch in the middle of the yard. I sit leaning against the shed and watching the night pass over. Everything was so clear out here, the air, the sky but most all it was quiet. The only sounds were the gentle breeze and leaves moving from it. Quiet.

My phone rings in my pocket and I pull it out looking at the screen. Thaddeus picture popping up. I mute it before placing it beside me on the grass. My phone rings again but I ignore it vibrating beside me, instead closing my eyes and enjoying the silence.00000

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