Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 181

Work was flat out all day as rush after rush came into the cafe. Business was going great and by the time we actually got a break in customers it was after 2PM. Looking at my phone I checked to see if I had messages from any of them but there was nothing. I was supposed to meet up with Ryland and Orion for lunch but there wasn't even a message. Placing my phone back down on the counter. I try to feel them through the bond, feel anything but get nothing but radio silence as they continue to block me. I was an outsider to my own relationship and the silence was becoming deafening. Picking up my phone intending to message Ryland and ask if I should still pop over before deleting it. Placing my phone down, Laura comes over glancing at my phone.

“Everything alright?”

“Yeah, fine, trying to get ahold of my husband” I tell her.

Pocketing my phone. Imogen left at 12 and it was just the two of us working today. I didn't mind though imogen’s nervous glances had me on edge. Did Thaddeus tell her about this morning? It made me wonder because she was hovering so when she got a phone call from Theo wanting her to come home, I encouraged her to go despite the fact that we were flat out. Laura showed she was more than capable of handling herself and I found I actually didn’t mind having her company. It sometimes became a little much having only family to talk to.

“You and Imogen seem close” Laura says as we clear some empty tables. I nod, concentrating on cleaning the table.

“You seem off today” Laura comments, making me look up at her as she stacked some glasses on her tray.

“Yeah stress of moving”

“Yeah Imogen said you guys lost your house in a fire” She says and I was a little shocked she would tell her that.

“Yeah it was a while ago now we have been living with imogen”

“May I ask a personal question?” She asked and I could hear the curiosity behind her words.

“Yeah sure, go ahead" I tell her.

“Your mates, you have three right?” I nod wondering if she would be disgusted by the idea, it's not like humans weren't aware of supernatural since Thaddeus practically destroyed the world but it still felt odd talking about it with a human.

“How does that work, I mean are they with each other as well?” I had to press my lips in a line to stop from laughing.

“Yes they fuck each other too if thats what your wondering” I chuckle shaking my head at her question.

“So it isn't just you then, you're all involved?”

“Yes, it probably seems a little weird to you?” I ask her and she shakes her head

“No, sounds interesting actually” She says, stacking some plates on her tray.

“So who is Mara’s father then?” She asks.

“All of them,” And I could see the wheels practically turning in her head while she tried to figure that out. She scratches the back of her head and her lips jutt out while she thinks.

“How, I don't get it?" She finally says.

“All our DNA is intertwined when we mark each other, so it doesn’t matter which one actually shot the seed, I'm not a hundred percent but when we had our daughter's blood taken, she was compatible with all blood types” I tell her and she nods.

“So do you know many supernaturals?” I ask her.

“No, just you and Imogen obviously from the news I heard about them, you know the dark ones but I thought they were all monsters until I met you anyway” She says.

“So how long have you been this way?” She asks.

“Over a year" I tell her as we walk out the back to load the dishwashers.

“So your mates turned you?” She asks and I shake my head.

“No, I died but luckily for me I had my mates blood in my system”

“Like you actually died, to become what you are?” I nod,

“Do you have fangs?” I roll my eyes at her question.

“Yes I do, you seem quite interested in supernatural creatures” I comment and she pauses before looking up at me as I pass her another plate.

“Sorry I didn't mean to overstep,”

“No it's fine, it doesn't bother me just most people don't ask, in fact a lot can't tell the difference so I am a little shocked you picked it up that we aren't human” I tell her.

“Oh Imogen told me, I found some blood bags and asked why they were here, was worried I was working for a bunch of Psychos” She chuckled half heartedly and I could hear her heart rate pick up and see it thumping in her neck. I look away quickly, focusing on passing her dishes. My phone bings and I pull it from my pocket. Checking the message, it was Orion.

Orion: We have decided to go to Imogen’s for dinner, come if you want. She said dinner is at 6

The messages irked me, I don't understand why it ticked me off but I felt like I wasn't really wanted there, why not ring and just tell me and why wouldn't I want to go? I try to ring him, placing the phone to my ear it rings out. I ring back and it rings out again. Frustrated, I tried Thaddeus.

“What Evelyn?” He says the phone rang twice before he picked up.

“Are you going to mum for dinner?” I ask him and he pauses

“We are already here, been here for the last hour” He says.

“Oh okay, is Ryland there, can you chuck him on” I ask. If I didn't have heightened senses I wouldn't have picked up his voice in the background.

“Tell her I am doing something, I don't want to talk to her” I just made out.

“Ah Ryland”-

“Don’t worry about it, I heard him loud and clear. I will see you later” I told him before hanging up the phone.

Dropping my phone in my pocket I look up to Laura watching me. “Everything alright, you seem upset” She says.

“Yes I am fine, how about we finish up early and close up.” I tell her, wanting to go home. She nods, helping me put everything away and close down the place. We shut 3 hours early but one of the joys of being the boss, I could leave and close when I wanted not having to answer to anybody. Walking out the back to my car. I watch as Laura gets in her blue mitsubishi.

“Hey we should go out sometime, what are you doing tomorrow night after work?” She calls to me leaning on her car.

“Nothing much probably just sitting at home”

“Want to come out and bar hop with me?”

“I will ask my mates, and let you know tomorrow” I tell her and she nods, climbing in the driver's seat. I watch her leave before turning to get in when I notice I have a flat tyre. I groan before walking to the boot to get the spare. Pulling the boot lining up I discover my car actually doesn't have a spare when I remember I popped it and hadn't replaced the spare tyre yet.

I message Orion asking if he could bring me his spare in, knowing his would fit on my car and had the same stud pattern. I wait for a reply while digging my jack and tyre iron to take the tyre off. My phone bings and I pull it from my pocket placing the jack on the ground next to me.

Orion: Come get it then. I stare at my phone dumbfounded, by the time I run there he could have driven in, does he really expect me to run there and back carrying a tyre and rim?

I look at my car becoming frustrated. He was really going to be a dick then fine. I chuck the jack and tyre iron in the boot before slamming it shut and starting my car. Fuck em, I will drive it home flat then.

I drove home, by the time I did there was nothing left of the tyre and I ignored the multiple people on the highway honking at the sparking rim on the asphalt. Pulling up there was no tyre left, the rim was scratched and absolutely destroyed and god knows what damaged, the steering driving home was heavy and pulling to one side the entire time.

Assessing the damage I shrug before walking inside only to discover I still had no key, Orion was going to get extras cut. Walking around the house I find an open window and climb in. The house was quiet, and cold feeling with no one here and the fire had gone out. No pitter patter of tiny feet, no mates, just silence so I decided to do some housework, picking up toys from Mara playing today and did a few loads of washing. I scrubbed the bathrooms and vacuumed and mopped. When everything was done I had a shower my stomach growling hungrily making me hop out.

Chucking on some pajamas I walk downstairs and rummage through the fridge not particularly wanting to cook when I had done nothing but cook all day. Besides, what's the point in cooking for one person? Grabbing a donut I then grab one of Ryland's beers. Popping the cap I take a swig gagging at the vile taste, it's what I envision urine to taste like. I drink it down anyway before grabbing another. By the time they got home I had drunk all the beer and a bottle of scotch I found in the back of the pantry and was feeling pretty tiddly as I flicked through the TV channels trying to find something other than infomercials.

The door opens and I see Ryland step into the entryway with Mara in his arms fast asleep. Orion and Thaddeus stepped in a moment later. Ryland takes Mara to her room and Thaddeus pops his head into the living room and looks at me before walking out and following Orion into the kitchen with a baby bag over his shoulder. I was about to get up and ask them how their night was when they walked past me and up the stairs completely ignoring me like I wasn't standing there.

“Everything alright?” I ask worriedly.

“Yeah, going to bed,” Thaddeus says.

“You want to watch Tv with me?” I ask Orion knowing he doesn't sleep. He doesn't answer, just walks into the room while I stand at the bottom of the stairs. Fine then be like that, I thought as I went back to the couch. They blocked me all day and now want nothing to do with me all over a fucking carseat? I flop on the couch trying to get comfortable, ignoring the suddenly lonely feeling creeping over me.00

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