Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 179

We unpacked the house in no time with Amara and Imogen’s help. Since everything was destroyed in the fire, everything had to be brought which meant a mountain load of boxes which Mara happily played in. She was more interested in the boxes than she was the toys. I watch Orion cut a door in the box before flipping it on the lid as she crawled into the playhouse with her robotic dog. One of the few things that survived the fire because it was outside.

Grabbing some boxes with Amara we pulled them down stacking them neatly getting ready to take them outside. When everyone was out of earshot I turned to look at Amara. “Did you bring it?" She nods before looking at me curiously. She then walks to the kitchen door looking out to make sure no one was around.

“You haven't told them, have you?” She asks spinning around to look at me.

“They don't need to know" She looks conflicted nervously looking at the door.

“If they somehow find out, I won't tell them you gave it to me” I tell her and she chews her nail nervously.

“They will know Evie, how else would you get it, they know mum and dad would tell them”

“They won't find out” I tell her trying to reassure her.

Her eyes glazed over for a second, and I knew she was trying to see if she could see anything. She sighs, her eyes refocusing on me. “What did you see?” I ask her nervously. The fact that she was so worried about giving it to me was now making me nervous.

“Nothing, I can’t see anything anymore, it's starting to get to me. I have been looking for Bianca so much, trying to pick up anything from her”

“It's probably stress,” I tell her.

“I know it is, but I can't explain it. I just have this god awful feeling that something is going on with her. When I saw Lana she said she hasn't her either, which is strange Bianca was visiting her daily. She likes that girl, like she is her own daughter” Amara says. I nod Bianca and Lana had grown incredibly close. I really needed to get up and visit her soon, I felt like a terrible friend so caught up in my own life I forgot she was rotting away in that place till she could control her bloodlust.

“We will find her, you would know if"-

“Yes I would know if she were dead Evie, she isn't but I don’t know, something is not right and the fact that my magic hasn't been very strong, I feel like I am losing it” She admits and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

“Anyway let's get these out, the bag is in my car” She tells me and we both grab an armful of boxes and walk outside.

We dump as many as we can in the recycling bin and I even jump on it, forcing more in before stacking the rest beside it next to the shed. Amara unlocks her little blue car before reaching in and grabbing the small bag. I had messaged her the day she came home asking for them. I knew if I asked Imogen she would ask too many questions, though Amara knew why I wanted them. I also knew I could trust her not to blab to Thaddeus.

Amara glances at the house before pulling the small box out. “You need to be careful with these Evie, they aren't birth control, not a permanent solution and I hope you reconsider and tell them” She says handing them to me. I stuff the pills in my pocket.

I knew I only had an open window of three days to take this and today was the third day so better safe than sorry. “You take to many of those they can make you infertile it isn't like the human version of the morning after pill, it has wolfsbane and water hemlock in them, it will work but if Thaddeus or Orion feed on you they will taste it, they could possibly smell it so stick to the dose” She says.

“I don't care about being infertile Amara, I am not having anymore kids" I tell her, the thought horrified me. I couldn't go through that again.

“You say that now but what happens in a few years time and you suddenly change your mind, you shouldn't just take these everytime you have unprotected sex Evie, so tell them and by god don't take them in front of them they will no when you double over in pain. Wolfsbane isn't nice to ingest even in pill form” She says before walking back inside, me trailing behind her.

Once everything was put away Imogen put Mara down and read to her before coming back downstairs.

“Are you coming in tomorrow, we need an extra set of hands” She tells me and I nod.

“Will be there on open” I tell her. She gives me a hug before leaving and I wave to them as they drive down the long driveway. Feeling arms wrap around my waist I look and see Ryland as he presses his chin on my shoulder.

“You're working tomorrow?” He asks and I nod.

“Come have lunch with me tomorrow, Orion is bringing Mara over” He says nibbling on my ear.

“I can bring lunch to the office if you want” he nods, pressing his face into my neck and inhaling.

“Come we should head to bed it is getting late” He says and I nod in agreement. I watch as he heads upstairs before ducking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water. I look at the box of pills reading the instructions. Two pills. Doesn't sound unpleasant. I pop them in my mouth, the pills instantly stinging my tongue and making my eyes water.

I guzzle down the water before grabbing the box and looking for a place to hide them that Orion wouldn't find, seeing as he does the majority of the housework while we sleep. Deciding no place inside is safe I quickly duck out to the car and put them in the glove compartment before locking it with the key. Nobody drives my car so they should be safe in there. Locking my car I walk back to the house before having to clutch the handrail before puking into the rose gardens, my throat burning like acid as my stomach turns violently. “Fuck!” I breathed out as the pain started to subside, my healing abilities kicking in.

Thaddeus walks out seeing me doubled over. “You okay?’ He asks. I nod, spitting out the bile in my mouth.

“Yep I think the milk was off from not sitting in the fridge for most of the day” I tell him.

“Make sure you chuck it out then, I don't want Mara drinking it" I walk inside rinsing my mouth out under the sink before grabbing the perfectly fine milk and walking outside to chuck it out. Going back in, I quickly brush my teeth before heading to bed. Orion was reading on the outer edge and Ryland was lying face down next to him. I grab my pajamas, slipping them on before climbing over Thaddeus and hopping in between him and Ryland. I missed our old bed, shit I missed Amara squished bed, this one felt too new and stiff. I look up at the ceiling willing myself to let sleep take me and not make me suffer through the nightmares of that day.

Guilt smashing me over the pills and knowing I am keeping them from them. I knew they wouldn't agree and I managed to convince myself that it was my body so they have no say over it before succumbing to darkness.

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