Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 171

Ryland POV

Waking up during the night to the sounds of our daughter crying. I could just make out her cries coming from the main house. Thaddeus also hears it stirs before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. When we realise Orion was no longer in bed and his emotions were all over the place.

“I wonder what's up with him, he feels different, almost angry. * Thaddeus says, getting up and grabbing some pants . I shrug climbing out of bed. I was so bloody tired but had to be up in a few hours anyway. Walking over to the drawer I go to give Evie a kiss only to realise she wasn't in the armchair anymore.

“I don't think it is Orion” I tell him realising it wasn’t Orion's anger we could feel but Evelyn's. Thaddeus looks over at me.

“She finally came back to her senses” Thaddeus says, a little shocked.

“Yeah but why didn’t she wake us?” I wonder. A little upset that she didn’t even tell us she was back. I could feel her burning anger through the bond red hot. Mara stops crying and I could hear Orion arguing with her outside, her voice finally carrying over to us now that my daughter had stopped crying.

Walking out of the studio, I maneuver around the cars in the shed and go outside. Orion was shirtless standing next to Tobias's rose garden. Evelyn and him yelling at each other while Tobias watched on from the porch. I walk over to him, Thaddeus following behind me. The darkness stirring inside him at watching our mates fight was strong.

“What the fuck is going on?” Thaddeus says to them. Both Orion and Evelyn look at us. Orion lets out a breath and I could feel his relief upon seeing us. So whatever they were arguing over was getting him worked up to the point he was actually relieved to have us deal with her.

“Nothing!” Evelyn says walking back into the main house and past Tobias.

“Sorry Dad" I hear her mutter to him on her way past. I see Thaddeus follow her inside like a raging storm. Tobias hot on his heels. I walk over to Orion and he leans into me as I wrap my arms around him. “What's going on?” I ask him.

“I have no idea, I realised she was up and came looking for her and she just started screaming at me. She woke up Mara which pissed me off so Tobias told us to get outside if we were going to fight” He says.

“Why is she angry?”

“Thinks we have just moved on with our lives, she woke up while we were fooling around” Orion says before I see the lights flicker that were illuminating the grass where we stood.

“Fuck!” I say as we both look at the house, we could hear Evelyn and Thaddeus screaming at each other. Tobias and Theo trying to calm them down while Mara I could hear had been woken up once again.

Walking inside I could hear them fighting in the kitchen.

“I will go get Mara" Orion says walking up the steps to where we could hear her crying.

I walk into the kitchen catching the tail end of their arguing.

“You don't get to be angry Evelyn, you haven't been here for a week instead being selfish ignoring all of us” Thaddeus yells at her.

“I wasn't fucking ignoring any of you but clearly you have no problem ignoring me and leaving me in that state, so fuck you. Run back to your mates Thaddeus clearly I am not one of them” She screams tossing a plate at him.

Theo catches it before it hits Thaddeus.

“Enough, you have woken Mara for the second fucking time now, this shit needs to stop” Tobias says pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Everyone needs to calm down, no one is going to get anywhere while you are all worked up like this” Theo tells them, placing the plate back in the sink.

Thaddeus goes to snap back at his father when I grab his arm, he relaxes almost instantly at my touch looking at me. “That's enough, just let it be” I tell him and his jaw clenches.

“I'm going to check on Orion”

“Yes run along arsehole” Evelyn says and I growl at her.

“Don't you fucking start,” She snaps at me. Tobias throws up his arms walking out annoyed. Her temper diffusing with Thaddeus gone.

“What has got into you, you're not normally like this?” ask her.

“We lost our child and you are all running along like he never fucking existed” She spits at me.

“What are you talking about, we have done nothing wrong Evelyn, we are just coping with it the same as you" I tell her trying to keep my voice calm instead of unleashing at her being vacant for the past week.

“You know what, you can all have each other I am fucking done” She says walking over to the fruit bowl and grabbing a set of keys.

“What's that supposed to mean?” I ask her snatching my keys from her hand.

“Exactly what i said, dad can I take your car?” She asks, looking at Theo who was just watching everything and trying to keep everything calm. He nods to her and I glare at him but he shrugs clearly over all the arguing. She grabs his keys walking into the living room.

“Where are you going, you can't just leave” I tell her, grabbing her arm.

“Ryland let her go, let her cool off” Theo says walking in behind me. She shakes my arm off walking outside and I follow her, Theo sighing loudly behind me as he follows.

“Fine run off like you always fucking do Evelyn, you run from everything instead of dealing with it" She spins around taking a step toward me her fangs protruding and Theo steps forward getting between us. She huffs turning on her heel. Walking toward his car.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“To fucking work” She snaps unlocking the door and climbing in. She starts the car, the engine roaring to life as she drives off.

“Let her calm down, she is just upset” Theo says.

“We all are but that doesn't give her reason to blow up like that”

“She woke up to you all fucking, she thinks you all abandoned her” He says and I pinch the bridge of my nose. Fuck! We didn't even know she woke up.

“Where did she go?” Thaddeus says walking out of the studio.

“Work” I tell him. He growls.

“Thaddeus, just leave her be” His father tells him.

“No fuck her, she started it when she ran off to be by herself” He snaps back.

“Thaddeus you arguing with her won't make things better, you can't just drag her back here”

“Like hell I can't” He says before suddenly disappearing in a blur.

“I give up, I am going inside” Theo says, tossing his arms in the air in frustration.00

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