Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 17

Going down in the elevator, the doors opened into a dark underground carpark. I walked the isles of cars trying to find my little beast. The entire time I was walking, I had the weird sensation of someone watching me, I picked up my pace, finally finding my car right at the back in a more deserted part of the underground garage. Reaching my car, I popped the key in the boot and unlocked it. Pushing it open all the hairs on the back of my neck rose, the feeling of being watched not leaving and sending goosebumps all over my body.

Reaching in, I grabbed the box of liquor, being careful to hold the bottom of the worn box so the bottles didn't fall through to the ground. Closing the boot, I place the box on the now shut boot before going to unlock the driver's door. I needed to get my hair straightener and dirty laundry out that lived in the bag on the back seat. Grabbing the bag from the backseat, I suddenly felt wind race past my legs that were sticking out of the car door while I leaned. Frightened, I spun around to see what caused it, only nothing was there. My heart pumping wildly as my adrenaline started pumping. I knew I wasn't alone down here. I don't know how, but it was just a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Quickly grabbing everything I needed, I walked back to the boot placing the bag inside the box and sealing it again. I grabbed the box and turned to head back up to the apartment.

Just as I turned around, I felt movement behind me and screamed in fright at the man that stood silently behind me, an indecipherable expression on his face. My reflexes only just managing to catch the box in my arms as it nearly plummeted to the ground.

My scream echoed of the concrete walls, my heart pumping so hard I could hear it in my ears. Theo stood not even a metre away from me.

“For god's sake, don't sneak up on people. You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I said, adjusting the box in my arms.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just seen you and thought I would see if you needed a hand.”

“What are you doing down here?” I asked.

“Nothing, I was getting something from my car.” I doubted his explanation. I'd seen his car on the floor above this level, why would he come all the way down a level, let alone be able to see me at my car? He stepped forward arms outstretched, ready to take the box from my arms. I pulled away not wanting him to see what was in it. Suddenly feeling like her wouldn't approve. Not that I needed his approval, I was well above the legal drinking age. When I didn't pass him the box, he looked at me.

“Pass it here, it looks heavy,” he said, moving closer. I started to feel uncomfortable and started walking towards the elevator. He followed closely beside me, his arm brushing against mine as we walked. When I reached the elevator, I manoeuvred the box just enough to free my hand to press the button. The elevator dinged as it hit the second floor of the underground carpark. Theo walked in first, standing in the small space waiting for me to enter. Walking in, I pressed the button to the first floor my back was to Theo, the box in my arms forcing me closer to him to allow the doors to shut. I could feel his breath tickling the back of my neck, only his breath was cold, too cold. I shivered involuntarily.

“So, what's in the box that you don’t want me to see?” His voice started me from behind as he spoke just behind my ear. I jumped and his face was only a few centimetres off mine, his mesmerising eyes holding mine. I tried to pull away, but I suddenly felt frozen. I couldn't think straight, all I could focus on was his voice. I felt like I was being hypnotised. My body relaxed, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his.

Theo moved closer, his lips not even a centimetre off my own. I suddenly felt a strange pull towards him, I wanted to kiss him. Theo lent in closer, his lips barely brushing mine a smile creeping its way onto his face and his eyes sparkled. Then the elevator doors dinged signally our arrival onto the first floor, Theo pulled back a mischievous smile on his face, and I shook my head trying to understand what just happened. Did I imagine it? I could have got lost in his hypnotic eyes for hours and not noticed the time pass me by. Shaking my head, I stepped out of the elevator.

“Goodnight Imogen.” Theo words snapped me out of my daze.

“Night,” I told him, my voice only a whisper as I tried to clear the fog that had taken over my brain

Walking back to my apartment. I placed the key in the door and unlocked it. I placed the box on the bench and grabbed the bag out and put my dirty laundry in the washing machine before placing my hair straightener with my make up bag in the bathroom. Walking back out, I grabbed the first bottle I laid my hands on and popped the cap. Pouring a large glass, I walked back over to the lounge and turned the TV on. I changed the channel till I found the local news station.

As the minutes ticked by turning into hours, I had managed to drink half a bottle of tequila standing up. The room suddenly spun violently, making me stumble and kick my toe on the glass coffee table. Making my way into the bedroom, I flopped onto the king-sized bed heavily. My body just wanting sleep. Thinking I need to have a shower, I rest my eyes for a few minutes thinking I would get up to shower.

Opening my eyes, I learned it was now morning, the faintest throb in my head telling me I once again over did it. I pulled myself up into a sitting position and looked over at the alarm clock that was on the bedside table. It was 7am. Forcing myself up, I jumped into the shower. I sighed and relaxed under the hot stream of water, my skin turning pink from the heat. This felt so good, the water helped relax my tight muscles. I haven't had a shower this hot in months. I always left the carpark shower with my teeth chattering from the cold. This though, was total bliss.

Spending more time than necessary in the shower, I quickly got out and raced around trying to find something decent to wear for work, settling on some on some black slacks and white button up blouse. It felt weird getting ready for work, I was so used to having to jam everything in my handbag so I can use the mirror upstairs in the bathroom at work. I felt more relaxed getting ready and not having to rush so I wasn't caught getting ready at work.

When I finished straightening my hair, I slipped on my tan heels before retrieving my handbag and car keys. Just as I was about to open my door, I heard two sharp knocks. Wondering who it is I quickly through the door open. Standing just outside my door, was Tobias and Theo, looking as gorgeous as ever. Theo had sly smirk on his face, making me remember the elevator incident last night.

“Morning?” I said.

Tobias looked down at me, making me take a step back into the apartment. “Morning.” His voice was more chipper than usual. I could tell he was angry about something, I just wasn't sure what had him in such a mood so early in the day.

“Come on, let's get to work,” Theo said, reaching around and grabbing my arm as we walked into the foyer. Theo throws his arm over my shoulder like we are best buddies. I see Tobias clench and unclench his jaw out of the corner of my eye. “I thought you could come to work with us. I don't trust that car of yours,” Theo told me.

I rolled my eyes. “There is nothing wrong with my car, you are a just a snob,” I tell him. He pulls me in closer, squeezing my shoulder before letting me go completely and letting me walk by myself. I followed them out to their car, the sleek blue BMW M340 which was waiting out the front. The valet chucked the keys and Tobias caught it in the air before walking around to the driver's side.

I went to open the back door when Tobias spoke. “No, in the front with me.” I looked back but Theo was already hopping in the backseat, and I quickly jumped in the front taking a seat beside Tobias.

Tobias pulled away, driving fast through the city towards work. I gripped the seat, petrified by his manic driving. The man was heavy footed. I wasn't sure if it was just the mood he was in or if he was actually trying to scare me. When the car stopped in the parking space abruptly, my head hit the head rest. I had never been so grateful to get out of a car before. I know one thing, I won't be getting back in with him behind the wheel. I would rather walk home. Tobias got out, slamming the car door behind him. I sat for a second silently before Theo spoke.

“He is just jealous at how well we get along.” I could hear the mocking in his tone. I rolled my eyes before stepping out of the car. My heels clicking on the ground as Theo and I raced to keep up with an angry Tobias. Stepping in the elevator, I was standing between both Tobias and Theo. What is it with elevators? The smell of both their colognes filled the tight space. I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of arousal flood into me. Their smell wrapping around my head like a cloud, they always smelt so good. Without even realising, I leant in closer, Tobias thick masculine scent pulling me in. Tobias moved closer, snapping me out of my little trance. Looking up, Tobias had his eyes closed he was also leaning in. I stepped back bumping into Theo when his eyes suddenly snapped open, only his eyes were different.

They were flickering between dark and light. Thinking it was just a trick of the light. I gripped his forearm and shook him. “You okay, Tobias?" As soon as my hand touched the warm skin of his arm, I gasped a tingling sensation ran up my arm making me gasp. Moving my hand, I ran it up his arm to the crook of his elbow completely enthralled by the sensation of his skin under my hands. When the door binged signally our arrival at the office, I jumped, the bing scaring me out of my weird trance. Tobias hadn't moved and was still standing in the same spot.000000

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