Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 153 Fifty-One

Evelyn's POV

Waking to fingers trailing down my back, rolling over I see Thaddeus laying beside me. I actually thought I dreamt the entire thing. He looked perfectly fine, like nothing happened. I knew I didn’t dream it when he pulls me on top of him.

“Don't ever do that again,” he says his voice shaking, making me look up at him. I could feel his anger through the bond, but it was directed more inward then at me.

“I could have killed you, don't risk your life, not for me Evie” he says kissing my forehead and brushing my hair off my face.

“You were dying” I tell him.

“I don't care, promise you won't do it again” I say nothing, that wasn't a promise I was willing to make, they keep saying they won't live without me, but even though we fight I don't want to live without them, or maybe it was the bond talking but I was certain on that decision.

“Evie?” Thaddeus says, his anger bubbling out of him.

“No!” I tell him and he growls.

“I won't promise that. You needed help and I helped,” I tell him.

Ryland and Orion walk in, Orion tossing Thaddeus a blood bag and he catches it. I sit up watching them as they come into the room.

“How long was I out?” I ask.

“Not long. You passed out when your arm snapped back into place,” Orion says sitting on the end of the bed before biting into the corner of the blood bag. I scrunch my face up at it.

Ryland shakes his head, “You're grossed out by a blood bag, but have drank our blood and let them feed off you.”

“It's different, looking at it like that, it looks gross,” I tell him.

Orion nods. “Because it is, tastes nasty from a bag, but does the job.”

Turning to Thaddeus, his eyes were pitch black watching me as he drank from the bag. Looking at his chest, the wounds were healed but they left scars all over his chest.

“How come the scars didn't heal and what happened?”

“Not sure, must be whatever was in shrapnel.”


Thaddeus nods his head draining the bag squeezing it like a juice box.

“Hunters. I went to see my sister. Got to the outskirts of Leven and stumbled across a base of sorts amongst the forest, I was curious so went and had a look when I tripped an alarm around their base, a bomb went off. Those things that you pulled from me were in it, I ran back here. But we need to move, they are a little too close for comfort.”

“Why would they have a base at Leven?”

“I'm unsure, but I know we were spotted at Parse City. My father said he caught them lurking around the office, even had the security cameras hacked.”

“If they know about your family, why haven't they done anything to them?”

“They aren't after them, my family lives peacefully, they are after me” Thaddeus states.

“His family have left town for a while till things cool down. Thaddeus rang them before told them to get out, so they don't use them against him” Orion says.

“But you haven't done anything in ages why do they want you?”

“They have been following us for decades Evie, we weren't good people” Ryland chimes in.

“You mean I am not good” Thaddeus says with a growl.

“I have done my fair share of bad shit, Thaddeus you can't take all the blame” Ryland retorts.

“Regardless we need to leave, I think they may know about you now, we can't risk staying here any longer” Thaddeus says.

Orion grabs a suitcase from the wardrobe, and I can tell he has done this plenty of times as he starts grabbing things and chucking them in. Ryland grabs another and starts filling it with my clothes and toiletries.

“What right now?” I ask seeing them packing. Thaddeus sits up swinging his legs off the bed before standing. He walks into the bathroom grabbing a few things like my makeup and hair straightener. I go in and help him passing him things knowing his silence meant we were leaving and there was no room for argument, not that I would argue over this after seeing what they did to him.

“You have time to shower if you want, we won't be ready for about half an hour” Thaddeus says, and I quickly strip my clothes off hopping in and turning the taps on. I hear them rummaging around and doing things. I shower quickly before hopping out and I notice one of them left one of their shirts and a pair of my tights on the end of the bed. I quickly dry myself, slipping them on before pulling my hair in a bun only for my hair Tye to snap, quickly ducking in the bathroom I look under the sink retrieving another before grabbing the packet out only to notice the all the pads and tampons under the sink. I stand up pulling my hair in a bun, trying to remember the last time I actually had my period.

Thaddeus was gone for over a month and I didn't remember getting them at Imogen’, then it dawns on me. I haven't had them since the first week I got here, so that meant I was due for them around the middle of the time I was at Imogen’s. That was like a couple months ago, but I knew that couldn't be right because we didn't have sex until I was marked making it like 6 or 7 weeks ago? I had no idea the only thing I knew for sure was that I was late. My heart skipping a beat as panic hits me.

I lift my shirt thinking I might notice a change, but I don't. Suddenly the bedroom door opens, and Orion run in, he must have felt my sudden mood shift.

“What's wrong” he asks staring at me curiously when he saw I was fine.


“I felt you become scared” he says, looking around the bathroom.

“Just nervous” I lie, but I feel my heart skip a beat and he cocks his head to the side watching me. Could he tell I lied? I thought to myself. I knew he probably could, but he says nothing.

“Come on, we are ready to leave,” he says escorting me downstairs and outside. Thaddeus looks up when we walk out before I sit chucking on a pair of runners.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“Nowhere and everywhere,” Thaddeus answers. I shake my head great he doesn't even know. Hopping in the car Orion drives and I hop in the back with Ryland. I doze in out while driving waking at each stop when they got fuel to stretch my legs.

“How much further?” I ask getting tired of sitting in the car.

“We will find a hotel at the next city” Orion says. Ryland goes and pays and brings back some chips and drinks. I groan hopping back in the car, this time Thaddeus got in the back with me. Ryland winds his window down and lights a smoke before offering one to me.

I shake my head, and he raises an eyebrow before shrugging. I see Orion's eyes go to me in the mirror and I quickly look away putting my head in Thaddeus's lap. The next time we stop though it wasn't a city but had a hotel on the outskirts of a town. Thaddeus and Ryland get out, both going into the reception. When I go to get out, Orion flicks the locks on the doors staring at me in the mirror.

“You're hiding something,” he says.

“No, I just want to get out.”

“I know you are, your heart rate just picked up. Tell me now, Evelyn.”

“Unlock the doors Orion, please” He shakes his head and I see Ryland come out, my eyes going to him and Thaddeus as they walk toward the car. Orion's eyes not leaving me in the mirror.

“Three seconds Evelyn”


“I will tell you just not here, they will hear” I say panicked as I see Ryland reach for the door. He pulls on the handle, but it doesn’t open. He taps on the window talking to Thaddeus.

“Please Orion” He sighs unlocking the door and I get out.

“Why were the doors locked?” Ryland asks, looking at me.

“I bumped the button” Orion says, and I let out the breath I was holding.

“You okay hun” Ryland asks looking at me.

“Yeah, sore back” I tell him, and he nods. My back was actually killing from being cooped up in the car.

“Number 26" Thaddeus says tossing a set of keys to Orion who catches them. Orion grabs my hand tugging me after him a little too quickly and I have to jog to keep up with him.

He unlocks the door before shutting it and flicking on the light before grabbing me and pressing me against the dresser, his arms caging me in.

“Tell me” But I am saved from answering when the door opens and Ryland walks in, shock clear on his features as he takes in Orion standing over me.

“What's going on?”

“Nothing” We both say at the same time.

“Doesn't look like nothing” he says, stepping closer and Orion straightens up.

“It's nothing Ryland, I was just teasing her” he says a smile slipping onto his face. Ryland eyes him for a few seconds. Thaddeus opens the door carrying the other suitcase distracting Ryland and I use that opportunity to move away from Orion and climbing on the bed with its ugly floral pattern bedspread. It was a nice hotel just the decor was ugly. Outside was modern and sleek inside looked like a flower bomb went off. Even the carpet had a floral pattern on hit that suited more the fifties and had two queen size beds in the room. Ryland grabs the bedside table that separates the beds and places it under the TV hanging on the wall before pushing the beds together.

“I am going to see if anything is open in town” Orion states. Ryland heads for the bathroom stripping his shirt off as he goes.

“Can you grab some movies” Thaddeus asks when he flicks on the TV and we see only static. Orion nods looking at me before walking out.

“Wonder why he is in a bad mood" Thaddeus asks pulling me down on the bed with him.000O00000000000

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