Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 138 Thirty-Six

Evelyn's POV

Orion froze at his words, and I couldnt stop myself. I couldn't do anything but what he told me. Ryland's angry growl echoed through the entire place. My pants became saturated, and never in my life have I ever been so humiliated. It was worse than when I got my first period at school in front of the entire class when I was thirteen, standing up and the boy next to me pointing it out I had blood on the back of my pants. I thought that was humiliating and considered it at the time to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. This was worse because I had never wet myself in front of anyone. I was kid then not an adult. This was worse because I was grown and he was doing this to shame me, doing this to show exactly how much control he has over me. This was worse because he was my mate and put me on display to hurt me

This was no accident; this was shame as I felt my legs become wet and my face burning red with embarrassment. And I couldn't watch his evil smirk or the pity in Ryland and Orion's eyes instead placing my hands over my face to shield myself from my embarrassment. This wasn't punishment, this was cruel.

I heard Ryland gasp and I burst into tears sobs wracking my entire body, and I all I wanted to do was run away from there watchful eyes. Yet I couldn't move my feet like they were rooted to the floor. I can't believe he just made me do that.

“You sadistic prick,” Ryland growls at him.

Orion comes over. I know it is him by the cold hands trying to pry my hands away from my face.

“Please don't touch me,” I sob, pulling away from his touch. Orion moves his hands away before I hear Thaddeus voice.

“You can go” he says so calmly, no hint of remorse in his voice. I take off running upstairs to the bathroom not even looking back. Tears still flowing as I peel my clothes off and hop in the shower, scrubbing myself with the soap.

I could hear them fighting downstairs, hear their raised voices when the entire place goes eerily silent suddenly and I hear a door slam. A few minutes later, Orion walks into the bathroom.

“He shouldn't have done that to you,” he says reaching down to pick up my clothes from the floor.

“Leave them,” I scream at him.

“Evelyn I..."

“Get out, just get out Orion,” I scream at him. He allowed this, he allowed Thaddeus to compel me, knew what he was going to do and just walked away from me. Orion hesitates before I hear him mutter something under his breath before walking out. Building up some courage I get out and quickly get dressed before scooping up my clothes with the towel.

Taking a deep breath before opening the door and walking past them without even looking in their direction heading straight to the laundry and dumping my clothes in the washer. My eyes felt like sandpaper from crying, and I had a headache. Ryland walks in behind me leaning on the door frame.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you think?” I spit back at him. All this over visiting Lana. What's next?

“Where did he go?” I ask as I put the laundry detergent in.

“For a walk,” Ryland says pulling his packet of smokes from his pocket and offering me one.

“I can't go outside,” I tell him looking back at the washing machine screen and turning it on. Ryland walks past me opening the laundry door leading outside and sitting on the step.

“You just can't go past the door,” he says tapping the spot next to him. I sit down leaning against the door behind him and take one of his smokes.

“Did you know he was going to compel me?” I ask and Ryland shakes his head.

“No, I wouldn't have agreed to that,” he says before handing me his lighter. I light my smoke and Ryland turns leaning against the doorframe facing me, but I look outside not able to meet his gaze.

“Can't Orion compel me not to listen?” I ask him.

“It doesn't work like that. Only the person who compelled you can break it,” Orion says from the door leading into the loungeroom. Great, I am screwed. I know he won't lift it anytime soon; know he will use it against me. We sit in silence while I finish my smoke before I get up and head upstairs just as I hear the front door open. I walk faster not wanting him to call me back down, not wanting to see him. Going into the spare room I close the door before climbing on the bed and pulling the covers back. Willing myself to sleep the house was quiet, I couldn't even hear them downstairs or hear the TV.

I fall asleep for a while before I am jostled awake by Thaddeus. “Why are you in here?”

“To get away from you,” I tell him rolling back over wanting to go back to sleep

“Get up, dinner is ready,” Thaddeus says, and I am forced to haul myself out of the bed and follow after him. Walking into the kitchen Thaddeus points to the stool and I sit down resting my head on the bench. Orion puts some pasta dish in front of me making me look up, the smell alone making my belly rumble. Thaddeus places a fork in my hand.

“Eat,” he says, and Ryland and Orion sit on either side of me eating their own dinner. I pick at mine not really hungry. When I am full, I place my fork down and go to get up when Thaddeus voice hits me again.

“All of it.”

“I'm full,” I tell him.

“I said eat all of it.” My hand shakes as I am forced to pick up the fork. There was more on my plate then Ryland's, and he eats more then all of us. There was no possible way for me to eat all this without being sick, and I already didn’t want to eat.

“Thaddeus she can't [possibly eat that much. I can’t even finish mine,” Ryland tells him, but Thaddeus shakes his head ignoring him instead watching me. By the time I was just over halfway through it, I started feeling sick. Literally forcing myself to chew. I had been sitting at the bench for over an hour trying to force it down. I felt heavy even chewing was becoming harder and harder and I had to use my arm to keep my head upright as I leant on it.

“You're going to make her sick. This isn't punishment this is torture. Enough already,” Orion said, and I could feel sweat run down the back of my neck. Who would have thought eating could cause this much discomfort.

“Fuck off, Orion, or I will make her eat what's left in the pot as well,” he says turning his glare on him. I look at Orion pleading with him not to add anything else. Orion walked past me his hand touching my face and I leant into the coolness his skin offered. I felt hot and bloated and on the verge of throwing up.

“Go Orion, she won't die,” Thaddeus spits at him and I look up. Orion looks like he is on the verge of saying something when he presses his lips into a line, and I sigh relieved that he held his tongue. If he said anything it would have just been worse for me.

Thaddeus sat there watching his arms folded across his chest glaring at me. His anger had no end. How long was he going to make me suffer? It took another half an hour for me to finish everything on my plate. I dropped my fork resting my head on the bench. The cool surface offering relief for how hot I felt. Thaddeus grabs my plate and I almost cry when I see him walk over to the bench thinking he was going to put more on the plate letting out a breath when I see him place the plate in the sink.

“Do want a drink?” he asks, and I shake my head. I was thirsty incredibly so, but I wasn't drinking anything after earlier. I did not want a repeat of earlier.

“You can go then,” he says, and I get up walking up the stairs when I hear him call out.

“Our room, Evelyn,” I groan before walking into the room and laying on the bed which was a mistake as soon as I laid on my belly, I jumped up rushing toward the bathroom and throwing up into the toilet. When I was done, I quickly brush my teeth. I felt better now my stomach wasn't so full but knew later I would be hungry again. Laying on the bed, I feel the bed dip.

Warm hands touching me before pulling me against them, and I know it is Ryland, falling asleep easily after the overwhelming day I just had.000O

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