Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 134 Thirty-Two

We trek through the thick brush for what feels like forever going up and I was starting to get a cramp from walking. Grabbing a skinny tree trunk, I use it to pull myself up, Thaddeus pinches my ass which was in his face making me yelp. I glare at him over my shoulder looking down at him.

“What you put it in my face, next time I will bite that sweet ass of yours. Now get moving we are falling behind” he tells me. Orion and Ryland were heaps higher up already, Thaddeus staying behind to help me. When we reached the flat, I almost squealed in joy only to see another mountain.

“Argh that's it I'm done” I tell him collapsing on the ground with a huff. Thaddeus walks over, looking down at me. He hadn't even broken sweat, while my shirt was that wet with sweat it was sticking to me like a second skin. Thaddeus reaches into his backpack and hands me a water bottle. I pop the lid drinking it down before falling backwards and laying down.

“If you get up now, we may just make it to the next peak by summer next year” he says smiling looking down at me.

“I'm good, I will be here when you get back” I tell him too sore, to even move. Who ever said hiking was fun is insane, every muscle hurt, and I am sweating where you shouldn't have sweat and I felt gross and sticky and there were bugs, it is horrible? Thaddeus laughs before ripping me upside down holding me by my ankle dangling me in the air. The blood rushing to my face.

“Thaddeus put me down" I scream to him but instead he jiggles me like a teabag laughing. I could feel the noodles coming back up.

“Thaddeus you're making me feel sick” I screech. Thaddeus chuckles before tossing me in the air and catching me making my stomach drop. He wraps my legs around his waist, his hands on my butt

“Hold on" He warns.

“No, no running” I tell him not thinking my stomach would handle it. He doesn't listen instead takes off and I tuck my face in his neck waiting for it to be over. The wind whipping past so fast it was stinging my bare legs. When he stops, I feel dizzy and cling on to him. I could feel him laughing before feeling cold hands run up my back, knowing it is Orion.

“Shorty couldn't hack it” Ryland laughs before smacking my butt. I lift my face from Thaddeus.

“God Thaddeus how fast were you going, she is white as ghost” Orion says making Thaddeus grip my face before looking at me.

“You okay?" I nod, not trusting myself to speak without puking. My legs wrapped so tightly around his waist; I am surprised it didn't hurt him.

“Give her here” Orion says reaching for me and I grab him loving the coldness of his skin. Orion takes his shirt off and I melt against him. My body cooling down instantly and the urge to throw up leaving me.


“Yes?” I tell him kissing his shoulder.

“Come have a look at the view” Orion says, and I look around and see no more mountains and that we were up the top. A few humungous trees were up here but it was pretty clear. Orion walks to the edge before setting me on my feet. I look out and can see everything and also nothing because were definitely in the middle of nowhere. Only trees and paddocks, looking down I gulp before stepping back against Orion. My stomach plummeting when I see how high up the mountain actually is. Looking straight out wasn't so bad but looking down made me queasy.

“I won't let you fall, Love,” Orion whispers wrapping his arm around my waist. He sits down pulling me on his lap.

“We are going to run down, aren't we?” Orion nods before laughing

“You hate running that much?”

“Yes, makes me feel sick.”

“I will take you and go slower,” he says not that his words make me feel any less anxious. Ryland and Thaddeus come over sitting with us. Ryland laying on his back next to me and I run my hand underneath the hem of his shirt. He raises an eyebrow at me.

Moving my hands over the hard muscles of his of his abdomen. He moves before he grabs my hand pushing it lower to his crutch and I can feel his cock beneath my hand.

I squeeze his cock through his pants before pulling my hand away.

“Tease,” he says.

“You put my hand there, you teased yourself,” I tell him.

We watch the sunset before Orion gets up pulling me with him, the temperature was dropping and up here it was even colder. Orion moves quickly but not fast enough to make me sick. We get back to the house to find Ryland and Thaddeus in the shower. Ryland pressed against the wall Thaddeus pressed against him. Arousal flooding me at seeing them together and Thaddeus freezes clearly to distracted by Ryland to notice us standing in the bathroom.

Thaddeus spins around so quickly ripping me into the shower before slamming me against Ryland his lips devouring mine and I try to push him back.

“I have my clothes on still” I mumble around his lips. My clothes becoming drenched, nothing worse than wet denim shorts. I feel hands go to my hips and Ryland pushes my shorts down. Thaddeus lips moving to my neck. Orion steps into the shower and I give him a worried look. Their hands grabbing and touching me hungrily. My heart rate increasing with how rough they were being.

“Stop” I tell them, and Ryland instantly freezes before placing his hand on Thaddeus shoulder pushing him back, slightly for me to notice he wasn't my Thaddeus but the dark king. He growls before ripping me to him and sinking his teeth into my neck. My scream echoing of the walls loudly before he pulls his teeth from my neck only to bite into it again. I see black dots dance before my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks from the intense pain. Thaddeus is ripped back by Orion almost instantly and I stagger forward only for him to lunge at me, Ryland manoeuvring me behind him, and Thaddeus fangs sink into Ryland's neck. Ryland grunts and I sink to the floor, feeling lightheaded and also terrified of him.

Ryland and Orion manage to pull him from the bathroom and all I can see is my blood running down my body and spilling onto the floor. I touch my neck, pulling my hand back it is dripping with my blood.

I could hear them fighting and things being broken as Thaddeus loses control. Trying to get up only for a wave of dizziness to wash over me and all I want to do is sleep. I hear glass breaking and it sounded like a window, my head falling heavily against the tiles with a thud I could only hear not feel anymore.

“Evelyn” I hear Orion scream as he rushes into the bathroom, Ryland behind him before I try and force my eyes to remain open, and Orion taps my face when they close before pressing his bleeding wrist to my lips. Opening my lips, I drink his blood really having to focus, to remember to swallow it because it seemed like a mammoth task. After a few seconds I was able to move and gripped his wrist drinking from him before letting go. Ryland helps me up and Orion washes the blood from my hair while I lean against him.

“Where did Thaddeus go?”

“Don’t know and right now I don't care” Ryland snaps making me look up at him. He brushes my cheek with his thumb. Hopping out, I pull on some cotton shorts and singlet.

“Come, you need to eat” Ryland says scooping me up off the bed and carrying me downstairs and placing me on the lounge. Worry making me wonder what Thaddeus is doing and who he is killing.

“I will go find him, Okay?” Orion says feeling my worry through the bond. He kisses me before walking out shutting the door behind him. Ryland comes out with grilled cheese and tomato on toast placing the plate in my lap.

I eat it but can't finish too worried about what Thaddeus is doing. Ryland seeing, I am not going to finish takes my plate before laying on the lounge and pulling me on his chest.

“Don’t worry Orion will find him” he says, I nod. When the news turns on Ryland flicks the TV off. I look at him.

“Just in case, you're better off not knowing” he tells me before standing up and walking us back upstairs.

We lay in bed for a bit and just as my eyes began to close, I heard the door open downstairs. Ryland tugs me against him.

" They're back see, no need to worry” he whispers. Thaddeus walks in with Orion and he is covered in mud and so is Orion like they had a mud fight. Thaddeus stops next to the bed looking down at us before leaning over and kissing Ryland and then me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. You know that, right?” he asks looking at me.

“I know,” I breathe. He lets out a breath before running his hand through his hair and walking into the bathroom. Ryland gets up before walking downstairs. When he comes up, he has a large board he uses to cover the broken window. My eyes fluttering shut as I give into exhaustion, now I know they are home.

Only to wake up halfway through the night by a strange sensation rolling over me, Ryland stirring in his sleep and I kick the blankets off feeling hot. Ryland moves throwing his arm over me and I moan loudly at his touch, my entire body tingling and burning. Feeling cold hands touch my forehead sending sparks over my skin, I open my eyes and see Orion leaning over Thaddeus.

“You are burning up” he says before sniffing the air. His hand freezing just as Ryland's eyes snap open, and he tugs me to him. My skin feeling electrified and sparks moving over my body to my core, which is pulsating with anticipation. My toes curling from his touch as he runs his hand down my side pressing his face into the crook of my neck. He growls softly.

“Ah she smells so good.”

“Yes, she does, Ryland, and she is human,” Orion warns, when suddenly I feel Thaddeus stir beside me. I moan as his hands move under my shirt and he squeezes my breast hard, but it doesn't hurt has the opposite effect instead, making me wrap my leg around Ryland tugging him closer. I felt strange, I wanted them to touch me. Wanted wasn't a strong enough word. No, I needed them to. My body calling out for their touch.000

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