Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 130 Twenty-Eight

Evelyn's POV

Waking up the next morning my head was pounding to its own beat. My hand going instantly to my head trying to lessen its throb. Thaddeus and Ryland were both in bed asleep still. Crawling over Thaddeus I walk into the bathroom drinking thirstily from the tap. Gulping down the water running into my mouth. My mouth felt dry, and I felt so dehydrated. Hearing someone clear their throat behind me I spin around and notice Orion leaning against the door, I didn’t see him when I got up so he must have just come back from wherever he came from. He holds up a bottle of juice.

Clutching my head, I take it from him. Twisting the cap off before chugging the entire bottle. It was cold and refreshing and also rid the foul taste of the wine from my mouth.

“A little hungover?” Orion teases his voice making my head pound at the noise. Argh I groan my head pounding against my skull. Orion walks in handing me a box of Panadol. I pop four out of the foil before swallowing them down with some more water from the sink.

“Why does it hurt so much” I whine my head killing me and all I wanted to do was go back to bed. Making my way back out to the bed, I flop down on it not even caring that I just flopped on top of Thaddeus, he grunted from the impact, his eyes snapping open as I roll back to the centre of the bed pulling the pillow over my head to block out the horrendous light coming in through the window.

I hear Orion laughing and feel Thaddeus roll over facing me. Thaddeus tugs the pillow and I grip it tighter.

“Let me sleep my head is pounding” I whine trying to think of anything other than the pain and thirst.

“You know you could just ask?” Thaddeus says.

“No, let me sleep” I tell him confused my brain felt like mush. Thaddeus chuckles yanking my pillow off.

“I have something stronger than Panadol” he says making me look up at him. Thaddeus bites into his wrist offering it to me and I don't hesitate. Grabbing his wrist and bringing it to my lips and drinking his blood, my headache instantly soothing and getting instant relief.

“Now why do that, you should have let her suffer the consequences of drinking that much” I climb on top of Thaddeus slumping on top of him.

“Now, she will know you will just heal her every time she gets a hangover” Orion scolds him before walking over and looking down at me.

“Just proves he likes me more” I tell Orion teasingly.

“Is that so?” he says, rolling me off Thaddeus and climbing over him and on top of me. His legs straddling my hips.

“Yep” I tell him, and his lips tug up in a grin his eyes sparkling with mischief before he leans down kissing me, I kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer, Orion moves pushing his leg between mine before settling between them, his lips going to my neck as he sucks on my mark making me moan loudly. His hand slipping into my pants and his cold fingers moving to my clit as he starts rubbing them against me. I move my hips against his fingers moaning at his touch before he slides a finger in me, making me gasp. His teeth grazing my skin as he nips and sucks on my mark. I move my hips against his finger before he slides it out adding another making me moan loudly. Then he suddenly pulls them from me making me pout, he sits up popping his fingers in his mouth and sucking on them. I buck my hips against him, and he chuckles.

“Nope, apparently I love you less” He taunts. Thaddeus chuckles and purse my lips together at his teasing before huffing annoyed

“Do you take it back?” he asks raising his eyebrow at me. I move my hand grabbing his cock through his pants, I feel it twitch against my palm and he groans kissing me, but I turn my face away not allowing him to kiss me and he pulls back, and I squeeze his cock, feel it straining against his pants.

Thaddeus laughs making me, and Orion look at him. “Give up, Orion you won't win, everyone knows she has you wrapped around her little finger” he says holding up his pinkie.

“Don’t pretend you're not wrapped around it too, Thaddeus,” he retorts. Thaddeus smile doesn't waiver before he shrugs.

“Can you two stop bitching? We all know I am her favourite, right Evelyn?” Ryland says rolling onto his side facing us

“Really? Fine Evelyn who is your favourite?” Orion teases. I roll my eyes at them

“None, I hate you all equally,” I tell them.

“You don't hate us,” Ryland huffs. Orion leans down pressing himself against me and I moan feeling the bulge in his pants press against my pulsating core.

“She definitely doesn’t hate me,” Orion says kissing me while grinding his hips into me. I wrap my legs around his waist tugging him closer, moaning into his mouth. Arousal flooding me and I can feel my panties dampen.

“You guys are not fucking in my bed,” Amara shrieks. Orion stops looking over his shoulder and I look too. Amara was standing in the doorway.

“My eyes, you have scarred me for life. I cannot unsee what I have just witnessed.”

“We are not doing anything,” Orion chuckles at her as she fakes injury like she has been blinded.

“I can smell her arousal all the way over here, you were definitely doing something,” Amara states.

“Why jealous, Amara?” Thaddeus taunts his sister and I slap his chest.

“You better change them bloody sheets, Thaddeus,” Amara warns him.

“I will, I don’t want you sniffing the sheets,” Ryland says. Amara growls at him, a dangerous look in her eye as she glares at him.

“We are heading home today anyway” Thaddeus answers, my head snapping towards his.

“Already?” I ask. I liked it here, but I did miss home.

“Yes, Evelyn you will go in heat soon besides, I miss home” he says, and I nod.

“Mum will be upset” Amara states, walking over and laying at the foot of the bed.

“I know but, it isn't that far away and” Thaddeus says before pausing.

“And what?” Amara asks.

“And I will tell her she can visit."

“You're not leaving?” Amara says sitting up on her elbows and staring at him.

“No, not while.” He pauses looking at me. I could feel something through the bond but couldn't understand the feeling, the only thing I knew was he didn’t want me to know what it was.

“Argh, don't worry. I see and by the way that discussion is not going to go down well, just a heads up.”

“Amara,” Thaddeus growls. She puts her hands up.

“Looks like you will be discussing that earlier than planned now" she says jumping off the bed laughing.

“Discuss what?" I ask, curious at what Amara saw.

“At home not here,” Ryland says. Orion hops off me and Thaddeus gets up chucking a shirt on. Ryland however pulls me on top of him. I sit up looking down at him, his hands going to my hips.

“When are we leaving?” I ask looking over my shoulder at Thaddeus knowing he would be the one deciding. “After breakfast” I hop off Ryland grabbing one of Ryland's shirts and pulling it on. When Orion hands me a bag. I open it and find some new clothes and underwear. Orion kisses my cheek as I pull them out and start putting them on.

“You should have enough clothes now; I went shopping this morning the trunk is full. Oh, and Ryland got you this,” he says chucking me something. I catch it before realising it is a phone.

“Thank you,” I tell them.

“I didn’t know your email so you're using Ryland's, but you can change it” Orion tells me, and I nod.

“I brought it yesterday so you could ring Lana” he tells me.

Orion starts stripping the bed and I am forced to move. Getting up, I flick to the contacts and see all their numbers and Lana's had already been put in it along with Amara’s and Thaddeus's parents and Lisa's.

“How did you get Lisa's number?”

“She gave it to me” Orion smirks. I shake my head of course she did.

I send her a text letting her know it is me, I don't know if she will reply after what happened, but I would wait and see. I also sent one to Lana letting her know I have a phone now and she can ring me.

“Can I ask you question?” says Thaddeus making me look up at him. Orion had placed fresh sheets on the bed and was picking up Amara’s room, which I was fairly sure was most of her normal mess.

“What did April say to you yesterday? Ryland and Orion said she said something that upset you.”

“It was nothing,” I tell him. My heart rate spiking remembering what she said.

“By your reaction it was something,” Thaddeus says walking over and gripping my chin making me look up at him.

“It doesn't matter, Thaddeus. I am fine,” I tell him, and he examines me carefully.

“Then you won't mind telling me then,” he states, and I shake my head.

“Evelyn,” Ryland warns making my eyes snap to his and I roll my eyes at his tone.

“It's fine and I don’t want you stopping me from seeing Lana because of something she said,” I tell him getting up, but Thaddeus grips my arms and I feel fog wash over me.

“What did April say to you?” Thaddeus says his eyes sparkling brightly and I can’t help but answer from his mind control.

“I know what you did whore, you will pay for what you did to my husband,” I find myself saying. Thaddeus growls loudly letting me go and his eyes go pitch black, the fog lifting off me and I gasp at what he just forced me to do.

“You said you wouldn't use that on me,” I tell him.

“I had no choice; you wouldn't tell us. And you're right you won't be going near her again,” Thaddeus growls, his hands clenched into fists by his side.

“You can't do that, you can't keep me away from Lana, Thaddeus,”

The ground shakes violently and the air becomes electrified, Thaddeus anger increasing. Ryland tugs me away from him, the movement not going unnoticed by Thaddeus as his eyes snap to him and Thaddeus snatches me back off him. Orion and Ryland moving at the same time and I can feel their fear of him when he is in this state, especially with me this close to him. Thaddeus growls before dipping his face into my neck. The floor stops shaking, his anger dying down as he inhales my scent. I wrap my arms around his waist, and he calms down, just as Imogen comes bursting through door with Theo.

Thaddeus calms down completely hugging me back before kissing the top of my head, and Ryland and Orion relax stepping away. Imogen lets out a breath seeing him calm.

“I'm fine mum” Thaddeus says cupping my face with his hand. Imogen nods before her eyes dart to me. “You're okay Evelyn?”

“I'm fine, he just got upset at something I said” I tell her my hand going to Thaddeus face he leans into it relaxing more and I could feel Imogen and Theo's eyes watching us, watching their son's reaction to me. Theo smiles softly when Thaddeus kisses my palm. Orion and Ryland both stepping away from me and going back to cleaning the room.

“Orion you don't need to clean her room, Amara is capable of doing it herself,” Theo tells him, but Orion just shrugs picking up some dirty laundry and chucking it in the basket.

“Come inside you father has made breakfast, Amara said you are leaving already.” Thaddeus nods.

“Yes mum, but you can visit,” Thaddeus tells her, and her eyes light up.

“Meet us inside,” Theo tells us, and we agree before they walk back to the main house.

“Come on, we should head inside,” Thaddeus says, grabbing my hand. Ryland and Orion follow us.0000000000000000

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