Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 126 Twenty-Four

Evelyn's POV

Showering quickly, I hop out and open the door to find Amara on the phone. She raises an eyebrow at me, a devious smile on her lips. Before she puts the phone on loudspeaker so I can hear. Instantly, I recognise the voice to be Thaddeus.

“You want to explain why your scent is throughout my house and my mate is missing?” he yells through the phone.

“Thought it was time she met the rest of the family. No need to get your knickers in a twist,” she taunts.

“Bring her back now, Amara. I am done playing your games.”

“No, if you want her you will have to come get her yourself. Besides, she just got out the shower. She looks quite delicious if I do say so myself.” The phone goes silent for a second and I stand there awkwardly in my towel before Amara motions with her hand toward some clothes on the bed.

“I swear to god, Amara, you put your hands on her I will bloody kill you.”

“Chill brother, nothing to worry about here. Besides, I know you're just jealous she may like me more if I do.” This makes me raise an eyebrow at her, wondering what she meant.

“Do you want to speak to her? She can hear you,” Amara asks holding the phone out toward me. I take it from her before pulling a singlet over my head and slipping on some brand-new underwear.

“Hello?” I ask, concerned when he says nothing.

“You're okay?"

“Yep,” I answer awkwardly with Amara eyes roaming over my bare legs, making me self- conscious.

“I will come get you soon and stay away from my sister.” Amara grabs the phone from my hand.

“She is fine, I promise to take good care of her,” Amara purrs at him. I can feel his rage hitting me through the bond.

“Amara, I am warning you. Hang on, I have another call coming through.” He is silent for a second before speaking.

“Why is Bianca ringing?”

“You better take that; I know it is important.” I hear him sigh.

“Fine. Hands-off, Amara, and I am sending Orion to get her,” he tells her before hanging up. The thought of Orion coming to get me makes me queasy because that means we will be running. Amara puts her phone on charge before hopping in her bed and tapping the empty space beside her. I climb in, a little worried after Thaddeus said I should stay away from her.

“Why does your aunty think my scent is familiar?” I ask her.

“Because supernaturals only have to smell a scent once and they won't forget it, kind of like how humans get Deja vu that's what your scent did to her and my father” she answers.

“So, do you know why?" I ask, wondering if she had the answer being that she can see the past and future.

“Yes, but it is best left alone for now. Thaddeus can answer that when he comes here.”

“But Orion is coming to get me,” I tell her.

“That doesn’t mean I will let him leave with you, Evelyn. If Thaddeus wants you, he will have to come get you himself. It's about time our family reunites,” she tells me. Letting her words sink in, I ask another question which had been eating at me ever since Thaddeus said it, making me worry exactly how safe I am with his sister.

“Why did Thaddeus say to stay away from you?” I ask, getting comfy.

“He worries for no reason. If I wanted you, I would have you,” she says not adding anything else before flicking the lamp off. The room is plunged into darkness and I find the aromatic smell of lavender in the air quite relaxing and don't take long to fall asleep.

Thaddeus POV

Hanging up on Amara, I call out to Orion. He walks over, looking bored

“Go get Evelyn. She is at mum and dad's,” I tell him, and he nods before going off to grab a coat. Ryland walks over to me where I am leaning against the kitchen counter. He presses his body against mine and I instantly relax, his scent overwhelming my senses.

“You know Amara won't hurt her,” he tells me before kissing my collarbone. I groan before gripping his chin and kissing him, his tongue instantly darting into my mouth making me moan. One thing about Evelyn is she was making me sexually frustrated. Holding myself back and being gentle was really an unnatural experience for me. I wanted to mate with her, but at the same time I knew she would give in when she goes into heat.

“I know, but that doesn't mean I want Amara around her when she goes into heat,” I tell him. Orion walks out before giving Ryland kiss on the cheek. When he goes to give me one, I rip him towards me, forcing my tongue in his mouth. He kisses me back just as forcefully before pulling away.

“You better ring Bianca back,” he says before walking out the door to retrieve our mate. Sighing, 1 pull the phone back out of my pocket. Searching for Bianca's number before hitting dial.

I place the phone to my ear, and she answers after the first ring. “Finally, Thaddeus, why didn't you answer?” she asks, and I could hear the concern in her voice.

“Sorry I was dealing with Amara kidnapping my mate,” I snap back.

“She is fine, she is asleep with Amara,” Bianca tells me, which only worries me more. I didn't like the idea of them being in the same bed together.

“What did you call for?” I ask, already tired and wanting to get this conversation over with

“I actually called about Evelyn.”

“What about her?”

“I recognised her scent, so did your father.”

“So, what's bad about that?” I ask, confused.

“How old is Evelyn?” Bianca asks me, making me wonder where she is going with this

“Twenty-one, why?"

“Where were you twenty-one years ago, Thaddeus?”

“Geez Bianca, I don't know. I don't keep track of every place I go,” I tell her annoyed.

“Well, I will answer that for you then. I couldn't recognise where I had got her scent before then. Your father recognised her as well.”

“And?” I ask when she goes quiet.

“You destroyed the town just outside of Parse. Your father and I were tracking you. Trying to catch up to you as you decimated that town.”

“Your point Bianca, I ain't got all night.”

“Fine. When we came through that town, we heard a baby crying amongst the rubble. Your father and I dug through it and came across a man and a woman both dead. It was some old house on the outskirts of the town. We only stopped when we heard the cries. The man and woman were both dead. So, we took the baby. We took her to a convent and dropped her off in a basket out front of the little cathedral there.”

My blood ran cold at her words. What were the chances of coming across a baby, and not just any baby but my mate?

“I am certain that baby is Evelyn, Thaddeus. You killed her parents, and that is how she ended up in the foster system. We didn't find any information on her parents, not even ID. We are pretty sure they were squatting in the house because there were no belongings, and she was naked in a towel like she had just been born a couple days before. How she survived is beyond me because her parents were crushed to death. The only thing that wasn't destroyed was the crate we found her in.”

“You're saying I killed her parents?” I ask, knowing full well that I was responsible for the life my mate had, that everything that had happened to her led back to me.

“Yes Thaddeus. We haven't told her, but she may be suspicious. Your father and I asked her a few questions when we talking to her, and I think she knows something is up. But I thought it would be best coming from you.”

I shake my head before realising she couldn't see me.

“No, she doesn't need to know. Nothing good will come of her knowing.”


“No, Bianca, I won't lose my mate from something I didn't realise I did,” I snap, hanging up on her.

Ryland is watching me, and I know he heard everything.

“You can't keep that from her. She has a right to know what happened to her parents.”

“No, she doesn't need to know. She survived just fine without them,” I tell him.

“I can't believe you can even say that. Look what happened to her all because you chucked a tantrum 21 years ago,” he snaps at me. I growl in warning to him.

“You tell her, or I will. I can't live knowing we are lying to her,” he snaps before walking out.

“Where are you going?”

“To get our mate,” he snaps back, and I follow after him. I was responsible for everything. Was this my karma? Give me a mate that was going to hate me? Would she still want me after knowing the truth? Following Ryland upstairs, I watch as he packs a bag.

“Why are you packing?”

“Because you know your parents will make us stay for a bit.”

“No, we are getting her and coming home,” I tell him.

“And what if she doesn't want to go?” he asks, turning to face me.

“And why wouldn't she want to come back?”

“Because you have to tell her. I am not keeping this a secret from her to come out in the future and break the little trust we have gained from her, Thaddeus. If you don't tell her I will.” My anger was bubbling dangerously close to the edge at his words. She doesn't need to know. I could feel my energy shifting within me. My family is always out to get me because I wasn't perfect like Amara, and now, they were determined to ruin my mate, making my blood boil. They had turned my mates against me before. I won't allow them to do it again.0000

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