Sinful Crown: A Forbidden Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 3)

Sinful Crown: Chapter 4

My finger hovers over the bid button one last time. Now that I’ve seen her in the flesh, there’s no way I can let any other man have her.

I may not follow through with the claim, but I’ll be damned if I let her sell herself like some prized show pony.

There’s a little over a week left until the timer on her sale runs out, and she has to be out of her damned mind if she thinks I’ll let her go through with it.

That girl is innocent and there will be no cherry popping while she’s under my roof. I may not be her parental figure, but as soon as she stepped through my door, an unexplainable need to protect her came over me.

No, I’m not her father, but I’ll definitely be her daddy.

Clearly, she needs guidance if she’s out here willing to sell such a valuable treasure.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I press the button, agreeing to transfer over two million dollars at her behest. That should be enough to outbid any motherfucker out there who thinks he’s worthy. If not, I can always send more.

A sense of peace settles over me as the confirmation screen appears, but it’s quickly washed away by my brother’s flashing face. God. I hope it’s nothing but good news.

Sliding the call through, I pray that it is. “Talk to me, Austin.”

“I need you to come back to the ranch.”

My stomach knots at his words. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes. But I can’t get married without one of my best men here.”

I let out a whoosh of air, both elated and relieved at the news. “You finally settled on a date?”

My brother had asked Anaya to marry him last month, but they had some loose ends to tie up before that was made possible.

“Yes. Got the divorce papers being mailed to me as we speak. That shit couldn’t happen fast enough. But now that it’s done, we’re ready to move forward and become a real family.”

I smile so wide my cheeks hurt. “That’s good to hear, brother. Just let me know when and I’ll be there. Though I’ll be bringing company.” My chest tightens with the bombshell I’ve still to drop on my brothers. “There’s something I need to tell all of you once I’m there. Just know that I’m bringing two guests with me.”

My thoughts drift to Mila. Now that I’ve had her in my home, there’s no way I’m letting her out of my sight. Especially now, with the sale of her virginity hanging in the air.

“Oh? Is it anyone special you’re bringing home? Has the eternal bachelor finally settled down?” Austin teases, but if he only knew.

“Something like that. Just save me a cabin with three rooms.”

“Three separate rooms?” His curiosity is evident but I’m not budging on telling him. Not until all the brothers are together.

“Yes. Now, when’s the date?”

Austin lets out a sigh. “I would’ve liked to have had the info from Cardenas’ men, but it looks like we’ll be having to move forward without it. Raul isn’t budging, no matter what tactics are thrown his way.”

He pauses and I know he can’t say more. This isn’t a secured line and who knows if the Feds are listening. My family got mixed up with rival cartels long ago, and the fallout of everything is still with us ‘til this day.

And to be honest, I’m glad he hasn’t been able to get his hands on the information he’s after. If he only knew what it really was, then he’d be sorry.

Unfortunately for me, that tidbit is something I’ve had to carry for most of my adult life, and I’ll be taking it to the grave if I have to. Dad trusted me with it, and there’s no way I’d betray him.

“Jace? You there, brother?”

“Yes. Yes. I’m here. Sorry, a work email came through. What were you saying?”

“It’s next month. The wedding.”

“God, I’m so happy for you and Anaya. I bet the kids are excited as hell.”

“They sure are. They love my woman more than they loved their own momma.” He hisses, probably remembering how Blanca treated her own children.

It was clear she loved them, but she never really engaged with them. Not like their nanny, and now soon to be stepmom.

“Well, count on me being there. Just email the details. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Looking forward to meeting your mystery guests. Make sure to come a couple of days early. I want Anaya to meet them without having to worry about the wedding planning.”

“Sounds good, brother. See you soon.”

Austin cuts the line and I’m left wondering how in the hell I’m going to break all of my crazy ass news to them.

I’m going to be a father. And I’ve fallen for my baby momma’s daughter.


My phone vibrates on the bedspread and I jump for it. Anything to take away from the sting of my mother’s rejection. You’d think I’d know better by now.

Rolling my eyes, I unlock my phone, the sight i making my heart freeze in my chest. Holyfuckingshit. Two million dollars. Two. Million. Dollars.

This can’t be real.

My eyes flit to the bidder’s name and I practically swallow my tongue.

First Name: Your

Last Name: Daddy

What the fuck? Is this a joke? It has to be. Double checking the figures, I see they haven’t changed. Two Million dollars. That would be more than enough to cover any tuition and living expenses. Waitressing at a seedy strip club? Yeah, that would be a thing of the past.

But what kind of sick fuck signs off as Your Daddy? I’m about to email the bidder when I see he’s left behind my email instead of his own. Was that intentional? Now I have no way of tracing him.

Technically, I can wait out the bids—knowing none will come close to his—and then accept his transfer. The system cleared all of his banking information. It would slip into my account, no problem. All the while knowing there’s no way for him to collect on his prize.

I squeeze my eyes shut. That’d be shady though. This entire process is already a bunch of gray lines as it is. But if I renege on my side of the bargain, that takes it to a whole other level of fuckery I’m not even willing to contemplate.

No. I can’t accept the money. Not if there’s no way of contacting the bidder.

“You know, if you keep frowning like that, no amount of Botox will help.”

Mom’s words have me tripping out of my dilemma and into the here and now. “What?”

“You may have youth on your side right now, but trust me, that fades all too quickly. And then where will you be?”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll be a nationwide sensation, known for my design skills, making my beauty or lack thereof moot.”

Catherine scoffs. “You think beauty won’t matter? News flash, it always matters.”

I’m about to retort with something spiteful, but a knock at the door saves me from saying something I’ll never be able to take back.

“Am I interrupting?” Jason’s impressive frame stands just outside the hallway, but even from here, I can feel the heat in his gaze. Did he hear what Mom said?

“Not at all, darling. I was just catching up with Mila’s school of choice. Where was it? Missouri?”

I sigh, wondering why I even bother. “Montana. They have the best—”

“Design school,” Jason interjects, and I’m left speechless. How does he know?

“Yes. That’s why I’m going there.”

“It’s pricey. Do you have enough to cover the tuition?” His eyes narrow, focusing on my own which shift to the phone still in my hand.

“Not now, but I will.” Even if I don’t accept the two million from the mystery donor, I’ll still get enough for tuition. The bidder before him hit sixty thousand. With that and a part-time job, I’ll manage.

“Hmm. Well, you can always ask me if you need anything.” His tone has me looking up and I wish I hadn’t. His gaze hasn’t left me, his steely eyes boring into me. It’s almost as if they see right through me, skating past all of my defenses and tearing them all to shreds, leaving me nothing but an exposed pile of nerves.

“I—I don’t think that’ll be necessary.” Hyper-aware of his eyes on me, I don’t have time to process what Catherine says next.

“Don’t be shy about it, Mila. Jason is practically your daddy now. He’s just being protective of you like he is of this little peanut.” Her hand flutters to her abdomen as a smile plays on her lips. “And despite how hard I work, you know as well as I do that all of my money went to fixing your snaggle tooth and the fancy private school you went to. Nothing but the best for my little girl.”

My mouth falls open, but I quickly snap it shut when she raises a brow. What alternate universe have I walked into? How can this woman say those things with a straight face? My father payed for the private school she insisted I go to, and paid to fix my fucking snaggle tooth.

I have half a mind to call her out on her bullshit, but then she’d lock me out of that baby’s life, and that’s not something I’m willing to risk. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let that child grow up the way I did.

Thankfully, Jason saves me once again, his hand rapping on the door frame only once. “Alright then, it’s settled. Mila, if you need anything, just ask. Like Catherine mentioned, I’m practically your daddy now.” A shiver wracks me, all while those eyes threaten to steal my soul. “I mean it. Whatever is mine is yours.” Something flashes behind those orbs before a jovial facade falls into place, and I can’t help but wonder how often he has to do that—hide himself. “Speaking of which, my yacht. I was wondering if you ladies were up for a sunset cruise along the coast.”

“I’m sorry, what?” His change of subject shocks my system. Did he say yacht?

“Oh, I’d been wondering if you’d invite me out!” Mom practically squeals as she saunters over to him, her hands wrapping around one of Jason’s massive biceps. “We’d love to go. Right, Mila?”

I swallow hard. Not sure if being in close quarters with a man who sets my girly bits a flutter is such a smart idea.

“It’ll be short,” he prompts, as if reading my mind.

“Okay. Sounds good.” I nod, unsure if it’s a good idea at all, but deciding I should try. He’s going to be family, after all. I should desensitize myself to his presence. Maybe after repeated exposure, I’ll be numb to this effect he has on me.

“Great. The boat is at a marina not far from here, so let’s meet out by the cars in ten.” His eyes flit between Mom and me as if unsure, but then he turns and leaves.

“Did you bring a bathing suit, Mila?”

Are you kidding me? I was literally holding it in my hands not twenty minutes ago, but instead of giving her sass, I simply bite my tongue and answer. “Yes, I brought a bathing suit. We’re in Miami. I thought I’d hit up South Beach at some point.”

Mom’s eyes widen. “Well, if you go, you’re taking Armando with you. And don’t do anything that will embarrass me.” She rushes over to me before grabbing my biceps and squeezing. “And for the love of God, whatever you do, do not tell Jason where you work.”

I rear my head back as if slapped. “I’m not going to hide it, Mother. If he asks me, then I’ll tell him.”

Catherine’s face is turning beet red, and it takes everything in me not to laugh. If I wanted to pay her back for all the things she put me through, this would be a fantastic idea. Embarrassing her in front of her beau.

Ugh. I can’t. I’m not that petty, and I just know karma will bite me in the ass.

But it’s fun to imagine.

Mila.” Mom is pleading with her eyes, her fingers still digging into my flesh.

“Fine. I won’t say anything unless he directly asks me. But I won’t lie. That’s a line I won’t cross.”

Mom scoffs. “Look at you. The pinnacle of morality, working at a strip club.”

“There’s nothing wrong with what I do, Mother. I wait tables and serve people their drinks—but even if I were to get up and dance on the stage, there’s no shame in that.”

Catherine rolls her eyes. “Let’s agree to disagree.” She finally releases me before sauntering over to the door. “I’m going to get ready. Meet you downstairs in a bit.”

“Looking forward to it,” I murmur under my breath.

It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours and I’m already wanting to pull out my hair, the whole situation turning me into an unstable head case.

What will I be after enduring months with her? I don’t even want to think about it.

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