Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 388: Third Time

Chapter 388: Third Time

In the elevator ascending toward the island's surface, a deep silence enveloped the group. Their gaze was collectively drawn to the red light beside the elevator door, which illuminated sequentially, marking each floor they passed.

From the corner of their eyes, their attention was actually on Bandages, who was silently rewrapping the bandages on himself. Their minds swirled with disbelief and questions.

How is it possible for one person to become another person?

Weister is now the First Mate? Then what about the debt I owe him? How should I settle it now?

This tale is probably too outlandish to even boast about in the dockside taverns. Maybe I should consider retirement? What's the point of money if I can't stay alive to spend it?

Charles felt compelled to break the contemplative silence. His face was a mix of complex emotions as he turned to stare at Bandages.

Truth be told, despite being through numerous life-and-death scenarios alongside Bandages, he had seen the latter's true face only a handful of times. Over the course of their time together, he had grown accustomed to identifying his first mate by the swathes of bandages that veiled his features.

Carefully selecting his words, Charles finally broke the silence. "Bandages, have you regained all your memories?"

Bandages shook his head. "No Only what happened just now. The rest is a blank I don't know what happened after the tentacles touched me"

Charles offered a reassuring pat on Bandages' shoulder. "Regaining even a fragment of your memory is still progress. I'll get you a journal when we get back on the ship. You can document your daily activities within so that you won't forget again."

Charles firmly believed that Bandages needed journaling more than him.

Bandages acknowledged and accepted the offer with a silent nod.


The elevator doors slipped open as the elevator reached the island's surface.

The crew dashed out to be greeted once more by the perpetual darkness overhead and the entangled wild forest before them. They let out a collective sigh of relief, grateful that they were finally safe and out of that bizarre tentacle dungeon.

"Keep your guard up. We're not completely safe yet," Charles cautioned as he led the group into the woods.

Charles knew that there was one crucial task left: to meet up with Past Charles and abduct Past-Past Charles. At this present moment, Present Charles was playing the role of the Future Charles, whom they had met before they entered the facility.

"Try to recall what our future counterparts have done. We have to go through the actions in a while. If you can't recall, check with the others. We're so close to returning home, so let's avoid creating a time paradox that can spoil everything," Charles instructed.

The crew couldn't dwell on the trauma of their recent ordeal any longer and started whispering to each other to recall their previous actions while they were with the future group.

Fortunately, only one hour had passed since then, and their memories remained vivid. By the time they reached the spot where Future Charles had first appeared, they were well-prepared with their roles and lines.

"I'm repeating this once more. I'll say my line first, then the Pope shows up, and then the crew will chime in. Stick to the script, and don't make any unnecessary remarks," Charles briefed the group as he stood atop a tree branch.


"No worries, Captain."

"We've been through this twice; this is the third time; we are all well-rehearsed."

When Audric returned from reconnaissance and reported to Charles that Past Charles and his team were nearby, Charles immediately got into a crouching position and waited silently in anticipation.

"Who are you? Were you the one who kidnapped me earlier?" Hearing the familiar Mandarin dialogue behind him, Present Charles took a deep breath and spun around to stare at Past Charles.

Present Charles deliberately waited for a few seconds before he delivered his rehearsed line, "You got it wrong. I'm not from a parallel world like the mouse Lily."

He knew Past Charles would remain silent and continued, "Of course, I'd know what you're thinking. I'm the future you, after all." contemporary romance

"He's not lying," the Pope stepped out from the woods.

The sequence of events unfolded exactly as how it had happened for Present Charles. Past Weister realized that he was missing and agitatedly asked about his whereabouts. The Pope then donned his black garb, and the group gathered tires together in preparation to launch an ambush on Past-Past Charles, who had just come ashore.

"Bandages, lead them to the entrance of Containment Site V4. We'll come over in a while," Present Charles commanded his First Mate, whose entire figure was wrapped in bandages once more.

Bandages acknowledged with a murmur as he turned and cast a glance at his younger self in the distance; his younger self was visibly anxious and fearful about his impending "death."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunfire echoed in the air once again.

Present Charles, Past Charles, and Past Bandages led the ambush party into the forest to be on standby. The rest of the crew followed Present Bandages' lead further into the forest center.

The present group and past group naturally divided into two groups and silently trailed behind the silent Present Bandages.

Adhering to Charles' directive, the Present crew kept their lips tightly sealed and were overly vigilant to make sure that they didn't speak or even make eye contact with their past counterparts to prevent any temporal paradox.

Meanwhile, unease and anxiety were apparent on the faces of the past crew. They made small talk among themselves as they stole glances at their future counterparts.


A dark shadow suddenly shot across the sky. Everyone instinctively tightened their grip on their weapons.

"First Mate, sir, something flew past us!" a panic-stricken Weister reported as he hurried toward Present Bandages.

Present Bandages kept his head lowered. Having been through this once, he knew what it was that flew past.

"Don't be concerned about it," Present Bandages said.

Seemingly to seek reassurance to suppress the stirring unease within him, Past Weister probed Bandages for more information, "First Mate, sir, can you tell me what exactly will happen to me in the future?"

"You will go through so much to the extent that you might not even... remember it yourself..."

"Will I be able to return to Hope Island? I'm not really afraid of dying; I'm just worried about my mother. She was always against me being part of a ship crew. If I never return, it'll break her heart," Past Weister remarked.

Bandages looked toward his younger self with a complicated expression, "You will make it back to Hope Island Just thatit will take some time" fre(e)

Past Weister's eyes lit up instantly upon hearing Present Bandages' words. He moved closer toward Bandages and chirped with renewed hope, "Really? I can really make it back? You're not just trying to make me feel better, are you?"

"I'm not lying"

Despite Bandages sounding less than convincing, Past Weister still accepted his words with unwavering trust.

"That's great. As long as I know I'll get back eventually, I don't mind a longer wait. First Mate, can you do me a favor and let my mother know when you return? Just say I got held up with an urgent task, but I'll return as soon as possible."


Just then, a beam of light shot toward the sky. Present Bandages knew that the captains had accomplished their mission.

Weister expressed his gratitude with a deep bow toward Present Bandages.

"First Mate, sir, you've been incredibly kind to me. From teaching me how to steer to being willing to pass on my message, I can't thank you enough!" Weister's voice was filled with hope and appreciation.

Triggered by the exchange, Present Planck couldn't hold it in any long. However, before he could utter a word, Present Feuerbach and Present Dipp quickly slapped a hand each on his mouth to silence him before dragging him away.

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