Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 98: Planetary Magic

As the light faded, I felt a pulse as Trem's magic joined my second magical stomach, where I kept all the rest. I noticed a big difference right away; it was like I could swim through the air. I started to move towards Trem, but he opened his eyes and smiled, he looked a lot more fit now, not bulky, but in good shape. Suddenly, the weightless feeling left and I dropped maybe an inch onto a solid surface. Woah!

"What is this?"

"I really couldn't tell you, but I wanted a flat surface and my magic complied. It feels different now like I can lift a mountain!"

"I know what you mean, and I am happy for you my friend, you were part of the first group and I'm glad to see the change."

"I am just excited to come with you and see the world!"

"Good! Let's get back down there so we can start construction, I have to talk to Larganth and Harmonie still, plus it's gotta be close to lunch. You must be hungry after all this...WOAH!"

Holy shit, we were just, I don't even fucking know, like three miles in the air and now were are on the ground. There wasn't even a breeze and it happened when I blinked, how?


"Ground, that's where I wanted to be."

"If I were a lesser man I would have shit my pants."

"I think you're just lucky that you can't blink that fast, it was pretty intense."

"Okay, that was really cool and now I have tried it, let's do some quick tests if that's ok with you?"

"Of course!"

"Okay, back up, five kilometers this time, but let me see it this time. I promise to try my damnedest not to shit my pants."

Trem laughed at me and then nodded, then I sat down and stared down. Nina had been teaching people measurements, but now she insisted that I switch over to the metric system, because it would be easier for everyone to learn. I agreed, since I knew both ways, so now Trem knew roughly how far to go.

"Ok, I think this, should, okay that's frickin wild."

One second I was on the ground and the next I could see a large portion of the continent I was trying to conquer. This was amazing, I could see the huge mountain range of Karstia to the north and an endless forest that ran up the west coast, covering the land inwards for up to ten kilometers. To the south was all ocean, but I could see a small patch of white in the far distance; the East was a patchwork of plain mountains, plains, and forests.

"Okay, wow, can you move us forward?"

"How far?"contemporary romance

"Can you try moving at a steady pace?"

" magic has changed now, it is hard to describe. I think if we come up this high we can move great distances instantly and without the worry of hitting a stray dragon."

"Ha, stray dragon, I just got a picture of a box full of dragons sitting in an alley, hehe. Well, this is good, but one thing I can't figure out is how there is no wind up here or how we can breathe normally. We are about five thousand miles above sea level, the oxygen should be a lot thinner up here, right?"

"You can use the magic too, right? I can't explain it, but I also don't understand what you are asking, so that might be the problem."

"Okay, can you let me go? I want to do some testing, and you can go help everyone, and also explain what the fuck we were just doing so my wives don't have kittens."

"Kittens? Why would they…"


Then, I was falling, and the cold hit me instantly, along with the lack of oxygen, burning skin from the sun. Jeezus fuck, what the hell was this magic? I reached for Trem's magic, but I didn't activate it right away. I was enjoying the fall, the rush of wind, and the rushing clouds.

I stopped above the cloud, and I expected some kind of resistance from gravity, like when I changed direction while using Kadences fire, but I just stopped. That was when I noticed what was going on; this magic created a livable atmosphere around me and Isolated me from everything else. I was a planet with my own breathable oxygen and gravitational field; this was wild, combined with the right types of magic, we could go anywhere.

I dropped, and I was on the ground in less than a heartbeat, causing me to mentally bend my knees. Fuck, there was no getting used to that instant movement, but if I had no ties here, I could travel the Cosmo with the magics I have, hehe, maybe in another life. My people needed me here, and I wouldn't have any of this power without them, so they were stuck with me.


I looked up from my mental stew and smiled at Titania, who was waving at me from the air; I could see that they already had many parts and plates up and ready to go, and assembly was already starting. I looked at the wagon, and Greckcain was already creating a new frame that was grown from the existing frame under the metal plate exterior. Trem was already holding Titania and Rita in the air and floating up, that was Kai! 

I walked over and waved up at my beautiful half-giant wife and Rita. The rest of my wives were all setting up tables and chairs. I could smell food coming from behind me and I turned to find Breth carrying Mindi and Po, one on each shoulder, and they each had large plates in both hands. I was a bit comical to see, so I rushed over chucking.

"Pass me some on those plates, you guys look hilarious!"

"See you buffoon! I told you it was a stupid idea!"

Mindi smacked Breth on the back of the head after I took one of her plates.

"Yes, dear."

Breth looked at me with a sly look and then pinched Mindi's bottom, making her squeak. That got him another smack, but we both laughed.

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