Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 91: Violent Wives!

I took Mishka's hand next as Addel join the children and the rest of the women. It always felt too long away from each one, and it was nice to have any time with each one of them, so I was in high spirits tonight. I led my now almost completely human wife on to the dance floor and saw her smile as I pulled her in close.

"Are you ready to dance?"

"I would sooner be flying with you, but dancing sounds good too, hehe!"

"You can sit on my head if you want when we fly. It will be nice to have company because I think I'm going ask Greckcain to grow me a gondola. I will help to have a comfortable place that can be set down outside of the city limits. This way, if they do not have room for us or we don't want to stay in the city, we have a place we can set up to crash. I will get Titania and Rita to fortify it over the next two days."

"Why make something new? Why not just change the blacksmith to have more levels for sleeping and cooking? It will be like having the House-Wagon with us!"

We were no longer dancing; my mind was racing as we stood still in the middle of the dance floor. Other were dance around us, making small funny jokes about me frozen from overload and needing to restart. Mishka led me back to the group, and I felt silly for getting lost in thought, but this solved so many things I was worried about. 

I pulled Mishka and kissed her startled face in a flurry of little kisses, making her laugh and giggle, trying to push me away until I finally stopped and took her in my arm.contemporary romance

"You are brilliant, Mishka! You just hit a flock of birds with one stone! God, I love you!"

'Over here! I love you too, Hyde!' -Gripton. 

'I'll send Nina in there!'

'Hey, she is a slave driver! I don't even get paid, but ill get hit with a switch if is start doodling or reading something off-topic!' -Gripton. 

'Atta girl, a bad case of the shoe on the other foot, hehe!'

'You know I can hear you two.' -Nina. 

'HAHAHA, better go find a dark corner of my mind to go hide!'

"Well, I'm just glad that I help you with my idea; were you just talking to God?"

"Yeah, every time I mention God, he likes to pipe up with some wise-ass comment, hehe!"

I then explain the conversation and how Nina chimed in at the end. By this time all the girls including Nina had joined us and we were all laughing like children as I retold the story. The children playing around us would occasionally stop by to watch up strange like we were a bunch of crazy people. If that's what the kids thought, well, they might not be completely wrong, but all of us had a wonderful time.

This a fun way to spend the evening, but there was something I had planned for tonight, and I had already told Alex. She promised to set it all up for me since I didn't have the time; no wonder she was so agreeable with finding out she was pregnant! I stood up from the group and then moved to kiss my wives and say good night, finally ending with Alex before Kadence. I kissed her, then silently thanked her with a smile, and she returned a warm smile to me. 

I finally turned to my red hair wife that was full of fire and passion, and reached my hand out to her. Kadence took my hand, and we started to walk to the front of the wagon train to our temporary home. When I returned we would have our own permanent home, but for now, the House-Wagon was it. Kadence for her part remained patient and quiet, with I was kind of surprised by, but maybe she could read my intentions.

As we walked up the stairs and turned the corner on the second floor, we walk to my room, but I stopped outside of the room. 

"You know that I want you to come with me, but there is no one I trust more than you to watch over our people."

"I know that Hyde, It's only two weeks, but I am going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, and that's why…"

I opened my room and it was filled with candles all over the floor leaving a path to my bed and even it was covered in candles. Jeezus Alex! I didn't mean to literally cover the place in candles! Luckily, these candles were the type that gave off no heat and never went out so no fire or wax, friggin great. 

Chandel, a blue-gray female Kobold-Kin was one of the girls from Alex's Model Citizen Project. She was the one that provided our night lights and helped with all other night lighting projects, but she hadn't evolved yet so I didn't have access to her power yet. Regardless, she was the reason why I wasn't overly concerned about grabbing our comforter and shaking them all off.

I didn't tell Kadence and she had a little freak out as the candled went flying all over the room. She scowled at me when she picked one up and touched her hand to the fire, then threw it at me! Violent wives! But I had it coming, and I had to dodge a few more before I was able to scoop up Kadence off her feet.

She tried to wriggle out of my arms but I was having no part and I held on to my slippery little mink of a wife and tossed her on the bed. Kadence bounced on the bed and flipped over onto her hand and knees; I have seemed to woken up something feisty in her because she wore a smile, but a wicked and wild look in her eye.

Oh, tonight was going to be fun!

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