Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 87: OhGreatMasterHydethatwouldbesowonderful

After Nuwari pulled away and stepped back, Tescelle was waiting and stepped in, not wanting to wait, it seemed, and fell into my arms. Her chest pushed up into our faces as we kissed, and we both pulled apart laughing. I pushed some stray strands of brown hair out of her face and then cupped her face in my hands and kissed her on the forehead. 

Finally, after Tescelle joined Nuwari, I walked up to Titania, and I could tell she was feeling awkward, so I took her by the hand. I led her outside, and the others followed, I don't think anyone knew what to expect, but I wasn't like I was predictable. The wagons had stopped, and I assumed everyone was getting ready to eat. 

Once far enough out from the wagon, I let go of Titania's hand and turn, but I activated Breth and Kara's magic as I did. I used the growth magic to be about half of a head taller than Titania and stretched my tuxedo as I grew to allow for broader shoulders. I wanted to look like what she might see as a man, and it worked!

"H-H-Hyde?! H-How…"

I swept the giantess off her feet like she was just another girl on her wedding day getting scooped up by her groom, but the tears coming from her face and the smile said that this meant the world to her. We shared a long and passionate kiss, and she erupted with light in my arms as we did, but my eyes were closed; suck it, sunspots! I half expected Titania to shrink in my arms and was pleasantly surprised to find the same giantess in my arm, but her eyes had changed. 

Before, Titania had golden eyes, but now they had three gears in them. Suddenly, I felt the wave and braced myself, but I wasn't nearly as bad this time, and I was fine as I kiss Titania one more time before setting her down. I then began shrinking myself and my clothes back down, but into my typical T-shirt and...Blue jeans; changed the t-shirt to white, just cause I was feeling spicy, hehe.

"Well, that was great, but I am starving. I think Breth and his wives are helping get everything ready. We should all head over, tonight will be the first party since reducing the slaves, so this will be a great chance for everyone to loosen up, and now were have a duet for the entertainment, hehe."

I wondered how Cable was doing with Gweneth; I really hadn't seen them since earlier. So many things had happened today like what the fuck, four wives, three evolutions, a trip to black mountain, did I forget something? Ey Karumba, I was going to be lucky if I had energy for later, but then again, I think I would gain energy when her dress fell off. contemporary romance

Titania let me walk arm in arm with Tescelle and Nuwari as we walked to the middle of the line of wagons where they had left space to unlock everything, including tables and chairs. I had only just found out that Breth's four wives had been doing all my cooking, and I would be meeting them tonight as well. Hard to keep track of everyone, but now I would have Nuwari and Tescelle closer than ever to remind me of things.

Everyone was moving around like busy bees, with Breth standing in the middle of it all on his turret table than had a grove worn in the top from his constant turret spins. I yelled and called out to him, breaking him from his glare at a pair of Dragon-Kin that was slacking.

"Come down from your perch and give everyone a break; there is no rush today, taskmaster, hehe!"

"Rest is for the wicked and those that are done all their work, haha!"

"Are you saying that I am wicked because I always seem to be on break when I have so much to do?"

Both of us laughed, and I introduced my new wives to him after a big man-sized bear hug.

"Look at you go now! How many do you have now? You had me beat before we met, and now you quadrupled me? Where do you find the energy and time? Bwahaha!"

I just glared at him as he slapped my back; this man, out of them all, knew the trials of having multiple wives, but he seemed to get along fine with his wives.

"Hey, what's your secret to a happy life with your four wives?"

"Secret? Hmm, no arguing or having my own thoughts about anything thing they ask me is a good start. I would probably work on doing everything they say, followed by a firm understanding that you are always wrong helps."

"I'm not sure if you're joking with me or not, and I think I should be worried either way."

"Bwahaha, that's the spirit! You will make a fine husband Hyde, now come to meet my wives, or I won't get any from any one of them for the next week!"

I was about to follow Breth when I felt an insistent pull at my sleeve. Who could this be? I wondered as I turned around, thinking a small child was trying to get my attention. I grinned like a fool when I saw who it was.

Hopping back and forth from one foot to the other, and a tall elf with a curly beard and orange hair was wringing what must have once been some kind of hat, but now was...not. I called Breth to tell him to wait. This man had been waiting very impatiently to talk to me for a while now.

"Father in law! You damn daughter has been hiding you from me!"

"OhmygoodlordIamsohappytohearyouofallpeople, HydetheGreatMastercallingmefather! My name is Grif, and I have some ideas I would like to talk to you about!"

"Perfect, walk with us to go see the cook, and then you can talk with me while we wait for the meal, Okay?"


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