Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 85: Did Your Brain Just Melt To Mush?

"I know, but I would sooner have people we know as sisters, even though I know you will pick up more than once while you are gone, as I can see with Wendy. We have our own set of royalty for most of the countries here, so it will make it easy to make peace if you are already in the family, so to speak."

That did, make sense, but really who was it going to be? I hoped it was someone I had already met so I wouldn't be so awkward and like trying to get to know a brand new person every time. Not that I didn't enjoy the encounters and learning about each girl, but having some more women in my life that I knew would be better. I found myself getting a little bit excited since I assumed Kadence picked them.

"Let's go then," I turned and called Into the group of my wives, "Xelios, and Nina, would you like to join us for a walk to go seek out more brides to be?"

My little rainbow strobe light princess came dancing over in her labcoat with my dragon nymph in her black scaled dress with red lines like my dragon form. Both of them were adorable and latched onto my arm together, but Nina merged with me to go talk with Gripton about some things. So It was just Xelios and Kadence in my arms as we walked off the deck and then down the stairs.

The wagon was moving, but we were going a lot slower than usual. I still picked both girls holding my arms stiff under them to make a place to sit so they could hold onto my shoulder, but still look around. I hopped off the wagon and kept carrying them as we walked; it was about midday, and in about three hours, we would stop to set up for a big feast, now that things had calmed down a bit.

"So, Kade, wanna let the driver know where we are going?"

I strolled through the grass, letting the shoes I had made thread away, and the feeling of grass passing around my feet felt relaxing. Gripton said there would come a day where my feet would not beagle to touch the ground anymore, so I felt like I need to really enjoy these moments more than I did. Plus, just walking with my girls was lovely, and now that I was as strong as a brick shit house, I could carry them like they weren't even there. 

"To the back, the women are waiting."

"That's all I get?" I turned to Xelios, but she looked away with a knowing smile and rainbow flashing cheek. 

She was too cute, and I sighed.contemporary romance

"To the Smith's Wagon, we go!"

Alright, so my excitement spiked a bit there. My memory was jogged to my proposal to Xelios and my faceplant after. I once again restained my skip as I walked us down along the passing wagon train heading past. It didn't take long to make out way to the last squat, but strangely not smoked metal plate wagon.

"People aren't working today?"

"Put us down and don't act so silly; you only partially know what's on the other side of the door, so I am going to give you a rough run down without names."

"Kade, come on, just tell me who it is besides Titania?"

I set Xelios and Kadence down, kissing Xelios's forehead, before turning back to Kadence.

"Maybe you should have stayed to finish our meeting this morning, but you didn't, and I feel a bit spiteful, not hurtful. So, I will at least let you know about them. Also, my father Grif is in there; we also need to talk about him before you go in."

"Oh? Should I be worried? Is he the hard and silent type like my old man?"

I was shocked to my core, was she embarrassed by him?! She was fidgeting, and she wouldn't look at me as she spoke.

"Last time we set you...I mean, you visited the Smith Wagon, I had my father tied up in another wagon."

WOAH! Embarrassed? More like scared!

"Why did you have him tied up?" I asked cautiously.

"Because He is just so embarrassing! Hyde, he is going to talk your ears right off your head! He never shuts up about his project! I just…"

"Okay, silly, don't hide your father from me anymore; he can come to talk things whenever she wants when Im back. It might sound crazy to you, but I come from a different world. Sometimes crazy just means you're ahead of your time."

"Okay… but I warned you."

"It's fine, but I was nice, so, cough up the beans, woman, whose hiding behind door number two and three?!"

"Fine, but you still have to look surprised then; they have been keeping their ties secret for a while because you were getting swamped with us. Tescelle and Nuwari."

My sexy secretaries were going to become my wives and come on a trip with me across the land? And I also get Titania to? If they don't have a Christmas yet, I might have to make this the first holiday! ...OOOWW!! 

"Did your brain just melt to mush?"

My head was spinning from the smack I just received; my face also stung; it was like I had no defense against my wife. It was like I had absorbed no power, and the realization shocked me and brought me back to the current situation.

"Hey, Babe, maybe shake me next time; I don't think the other three are going to being impressed when I walk in with this red mark on my face."

"Oh my god!"

'That's m...sorry Nina told me to be quiet...' -Gripton.


I slapped both knees with a loud crack, laughing at the same time and then, stood up and stepped forward to kiss my wife.

"That was good; not only did Gripton get told off by Nina, but I got a reminder that only my wives have the abilities to keep me in line, hehe."

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