Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 71: All That, And She Is Still Just A Girl

When I walked into the hall with Xena...Rena, the hall was filled with elves, mostly women with all different colored hair and only two men. I found out later that most elf villages were women and most men were older. Everyone made room for me, and they followed the princess warrior and me up to the top deck.

Up top, Kalita, Kyra...and Addel were sitting at the table talk with drinks. They all turned to me, smiling brightly, so I went over to join them. When I got over to them, the rest of the people moved around the table, but I wasn't sure where to sit, so I just sat at the far end, closest to the open area at the back of the deck.

The girls all grinned at me, and I rolled my eyes before turning around on my chair to lean on the back to watch, something. I still was unsure what she was going to do, but she had jumped off the side of the top deck like it was nothing; seeing it, a part of me wanted to stop her, but the rest of me knew that it was probably hard to find people that wouldn't survive that three-story drop.

Nina and Arrentia returned with food before, Rena, but I had already gotten a couple more to go while we waited. The first was a shy girl with blue hair; that kind of hair would draw a lot of attention, but maybe it would be useful? After Tora revealed her magic, I asked her to come to sit at our table with the girl. 

Tora could make a living explosion that reproduced. She had only used a small amount of her magic, but I had to run and catch the monsters before they destroyed the entire top deck. After five minutes of running around slapping leapfrogging explosions and fifteen minutes of Markey's help to repair the deck, we had Tora sitting down. That was scary stuff, but she didn't have to do it; I had the magic now, or at least when I activated it.

The next was Dak, the vibration boy mage; a kid who looked younger than me but, like ganth and Kalita, was probably a hundred years older than me. His magic was similar to Mr. Spin but far deadlier. This magic could bring down a mountain or an entire city wall to dust.

I clapped the kid on the shoulder and got him to sit down, but there was a loud commotion coming from the back. I turned to see Xena, Princess warrior of the Amazon, fly up on to the deck hold a pair of massive six-foot-long great swords. Wow, mother fucker, that looked cool!

"Sorry to make you wait."

"Hehe, I would wait to see that again! Looks cool, but what can you do with them?"

The swords were massive, and any use would require skill and strength. I knew this girl had the latter, but I had never seen her use any weapon. Rena ask me to come to the railing on the side of the wagon as it moved along, and she hopped down again, but this time I got to watch.

Like she had been doing this her entire life, the amazon kicked down into the ground and shot into the air, leaving a crater in her wake. In the air, she started to spin and turned into a blurring top of bladed death; she turned to the side and plummeted towards the ground fifty from the wagons. When Rena connected with the ground, the effect was mind-boggling.

I watch the ground ripple and then explode thirty feet into the air. I could talk my eyes off Rena as the dirt fell around her as we continued to move. Once the first cleared, Rena ran back and jumped back up top to where I was standing; she held two handles that once were attach to massive blades.

"Hey, now, what did that little hill ever do to you?"

Rena blushed and smiled at me; jeez, all that, and she is still just a girl. I took her by the arm and led her over to the table. Some of the helpers had brought more chairs over, so I got everyone to sit down and enjoy some food and drink. I was starting to get tired, so I got Arrentia to come over, and she helped relieve some of the wiriness I was feeling. 

As we ate and talked, a green-haired girl named Karma demonstrated her ability with ink with an outgoing personality. It was interesting to see how she not only could make carbon copies of notes and letters, but she could adjust the words written. Something like this could be very helpful in espionage and other spy-related abilities, but it could also help me copy words from my head quickly.contemporary romance

Some other abilities stood out, producing blades, portals, and ecstasy, which was very interesting, but I didn't get too much into it with everyone around; I understood the basics. I left the last one to last on purpose, and I had a helper fetch Cable.

Through my wife's grapevine, I had heard that the woman was secretly in love with Cable, but she was a bit of a catch. Once Cable came up top, I ask him to stand with Gweneth. Considering it had been less than twenty-four hours and she was already in love, it was going to be funny and just the woman Cable deserved in his life; hell, even their magic competed.

"Okay, Cable, drop me a sick beat, and then Gweneth, when your ready, do your thing!"

Cable started to break out basic boots and cat's beat, making Gweneth's eyes light up. Gweneth took a deep breath and a big smile crept onto my face making Cable stop, turning to Gweneth. 

Before Cable had gotten up top, the girls had told me about Gweneth's infatuation with him. After finding out her magic, I told her to use it to tell Cable how she felt. Now, we were about to see the fruits of my plan!

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