Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 67: The Set Up

"I think you should lead the workout today."

Each of my General's shared the idea among all four of the guys, so it was hard to ignore, and I had to admit that it was a pretty good one. Maybe if I could get everyone fired up, we could have an explosion of evolutions, and that might spark an entire troop of dragon knights and spider who-know-whats! There were also the Bear-kin and the elves and my harem of civilized women. 

"So, then when do you want to do it?"

"Right now! Let's go, Boss; everyone has been waiting for you to come out and lead it! I dropped a couple of sick beats and got the crowd fired up for you!"

"You all were going to get me to do it whether I wanted to or not?"

Breth, Mesh, and Buddy all glared at Cable, who just laughed the attention off and ignored me, walking to the stairs.

"Come on, Boss! I told you they are waiting!"

The last part trailed off as Cable booked it down the stairs; he was trying to goad me, so I ran after him, pushing out of my chair leaving the others opened mouth.

I wanted to say that I wasn't easy to bait, but something about Cable was like a breath of fresh air after everyone treating me like a king. Having someone around who was a friend because he thought you were cool and loved to tease you was worth a hundred loyal followers. Though it wasn't like I didn't care about everyone else, Cable just made the place feel more like home.

I jogged down the stair, and I could hear Cable up ahead.

*Beatboxes Darude-Sandstorm*

I could feel the bolstering effect, and soon I was among hundreds of my cheering followers that I had gathered. The sight hit me and made me slow down in the middle of the people to shake hands and greet everyone I could on my way up until Alex came and rescued me. I might have been longer if Alex hadn't come and taken my arm with a knowing smile. 

Alex had a pair of baby blue shorts on and one of my black shirts. She had the bottom corner tied in a knot to keep the shirt tight around her petite waist. She was leading me somewhere before I started the workout, but I stopped and pulled her into my arms; it had been ages since I really had any time with her alone, and I pulled her in for a kiss.

With her hands pressed to my chest, I held her close as our lips connected. We savored the moment, broke apart shortly; both of us knew we had things to do. I let her lead me to a tent off to the side from the podium they set up so everyone could see me.

Inside the tent, all my wives, even Xelios, were waiting. Each girl had shorts on, each in a different color, and...they were all wearing my black t-shirt tied in the same fashion. What the hell was this? Were my wives join a sport that I wasn't aware of and didn't want to bother Kara for jerseys?

"Hey, my lovely wives! Who are we playing against, and where's my outfit?"

Kadence tossed me a pair of shorts and one of my old t-shirts. Now we were a team, but where was the blind or where ever I was supposed to change? But I sighed after looking at the smirking females. I started to take off my clothes and got changed in front of everyone, keeping my eyes on my task. I was not making eye contact with most of my wives eye-fucking me and the rest, imagining what it would be like if I took off just one more layer.

I finally got my clothes on, a bit frustrated with myself. I was damn near red-faced in front of women that had or would see me naked, so why was I getting so worked up? What was it going to take for me to grow up?

'Life, Hyde, life will help change that. Each experience will harden you, and these moments will be the times you fondly remember, so enjoy them.' -Gripton.

Maybe he was right, but I still didn't understand all the get up with my shirts.

"Hey, you decent Boss? I'm comin' in."

I turned to Cable dress with blackboard shorts and...where the fuck were they getting all of my shirts from?contemporary romance

"Alright, Uncle. What the hell is going on here, Cable? Why are we all dressed in my fucking shirts? I'm dying to know!"

The last part dripped with sarcasm, but like I wasn't even there, he called out to my wives. 

"Alright, ladies, are you all ready for this? Okay," Cable turned to me. "Check it out, Boss. So, I figured in the short time we had this morning, the girls went over the work out routine with me. I gonna stand in front of you, and you just follow my lead."

"Just no faith in me?"

"Nah, Boss, that ain't it at all. Your people do the same workouts each morning, and I mean they could use some work, but what is important is that everyone knows the routine. You dig?"

"Mmm, I think I see where you're coming from. Okay, so that still doesn't explain why the women are all dress up like this. What is the point of they beside them all looking like the sexiest soccer team on the continent?"

"Ha, that pretty much says it all, Boss! They are going to do the workout with you like your cheerleaders! While you guys get your work out on, I gonna bust out some good ole Benni with some Satisfaction to get the crowd pumped."

Honestly, what have I created? What was next? Flash mobs? Jeez, Cable was turning out to be more of a manager for some broadway production, but I had to hand it to the guy. The work Cable had done a great job, down to the simple costumes. Even considering how last night I almost got him killed, and I had napped this morning while he and the girls got this all ready.

He just started, but I might have to give him a raise.

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