Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 52: Nap-Sacks

"See, I can take the heat off you until your cheeks cool down," I said quietly.

I had Xelios in my arms while also having blackened skin and a burning pair of pants. I had let the fire go from my shirt for Xelios, and everyone had gone back to what they were doing. I went to let go of Xelios, but she wasn't letting go of my shirt.

Hmmm? What is this now? I looked down, and her cheek were still flashing brightly, but she was also smiling brightly up at me. Had I just done something? Suddenly, I heard the door open and Alex's voice.

"Oh, come on, girls! Aren't any of you paying attention to him?! See Kadence?! We can't leave him alone for five minutes without him getting married to another woman!"

Married? When? With who? But then I looked down at the smiling and rainbow flashing Xelios, and things started to put themselves together in my head.

"What did I do now?"

Alex, Kadence, and Marly came and stood in front of me; I also noticed a creeping Mesh in the background... Was that Mishka with him? What the hell was going on there? I feel so in the dark.

'HA! Now you know!' -Gripton.

'Oh? and is it dark in there?'

'Well... No.' -Gripton.

'Oh! So it must be that you cant see and hear everything thing that is going on, right?'

'Well, Actually, I can see and hear everything...' -Gripton.


'Oh! Yeah, that, well, she is a princess?' -Gripton.

'You're a real bastard, you know that, right?'

'I'm just looking out for your best interests.' -Gripton.

"Look, I didn't know, and I still don't know what I did; how am I married again? No offense to you, Xelios, your a beautiful woman, and the more royal connections, the better right Alex? I am starting to think this was a planned event, and I was the only one without a clue to what was going on."

Alex saw the suspicion in my eyes and started to laugh.

"It wasn't intentional, but I was going to bring up the point to you at some point, I was! You just were you, hard to stop that."

"What do you mean? I was just me?" My suspicion was mounting, but Xelios cooled me down.

"You protected my honor, in my home, if another member of royalty defends your honor, you can choose to accept or deny it and be shamed. I didn't pull away, im sorry."contemporary romance

Dammit, she was cute and still clinging to me. Was this going to be another Nina? Where was Nina?

I got the feeling of irritation coming from within and then remembered Nina was riding along. Oops, well, spilled milk. I looked to Kadence for help, and she came over and pried Xelios from my shirt.

As Kadence pulled her away, she reached from me like a child taken from their parent, and it made my chest hurt, so I followed them back to the table and ruffled Xelios's hair. Then I lifted my glasses up to lean down and kiss her on the cheek.

Oh fuck, Im blinded?! The second my lips touched Xelios's cheek, she exploded with color, lighting up the whole room in a rainbow. As the seared lucky charms cleared from my vision, I stumbled back and turned and plant my face into a pair of somethings.

I tried to talk, but all that came out was motorboating sounds. Two pairs of hands roughly grabbed me from behind and dragged me from my cozy face rest I had stumbled into due to my blindness. When I opened my eyes, a ripped and buxom woman stood before me with cleavage like the Holland Tunnel!

Were the women the only ones that were put in charge around here? Because this woman looked in command, hell, I think I would let her boss me around if I got to the rest of those nap-sacks of hers again! I turned back to my wives, and one shook her head, and the other was smiling wickedly.

"What did I do now? I'm not married again now after vibrating my face in her breasts, am I?"

"No, but if Alex has her way, you will be. That is Titania, a half-giant princess, another one of the strays you brought home."

Ooo, Kadence and Alex must be having booking problems. Kadence must be trying to keep my wife count to a manageable number, while Alex is probably trying to convince her that I should marry two from each kingdom to be sure it sticks. I turned back to Titania, who had a big smile.

"So, Titania, princess of the Half-Giants, what can you do?"

"Those ugly things sitting on the top of your head? I made them."

"No way! You made these; also, by the way, these are dope as fuck. I like em, and that's all that matters, but besides that. I have a job for you, got some paper?"

Titania smiles and turned to her bench that had different sized lens strewn across it. She pulled out some paper and a sharp piece of charcoal, handing them to me. Soon, I had an outline of what I wanted to be made, and I gave it to Titania.

She took the paper from me and started to look it over and ask questions about the middle's arms and small pieces. Once she understood what she had to do, I asked her how long, but she didn't answer. Instead, she started yelling at people, and they started moving; she reminded me of Breth in his turret mode.

Rita, the girl who yelled at her tiger boyfriend, was dragged over, and she helped with joining small metal pieces. Even Ganth, who I hadn't talked to, came over and pulled some metal into thin and flat wire-like pieces. Soon two pairs of glasses sat on the bench.

They were nothing fancy, but they looked really cool for fifteen minutes of work. I walked over and picked up a pair and then walked back to Alex. I push her hair back and slid them on her face.

Oh, my little dirty librarian spider goddess!

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