Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 5: What Freedom Feels Like

Everyone stepped back another step in shock at my declaration like a bunch of pussies, but who could blame them? The past shit didn't matter for these wretches anymore, but I tried to take a different approach. Instead, I pulled my hand back and called out to the runt.

"YES!" came Ganth's small but determined voice, even if he was shaking a bit.

"Come here, kid, you got the most spunk outta all of the lot. I wanna show you what freedom feels like. Take my hand Ganth."

'Nice tone! That one kind of did sound cool!' -Gripton.

My face almost cracked into a grin, but I clamped down and kept the straight and severe look, and Ganth walked to me.

'Fucker, you almost ruined that! Save the commentary until after I've convinced them I'm not another Thurman!'

As the runt walked up to me, I gave him my right hand, and he took it. A drawn-out flash of light like before half-blinded me, and I used my left to block it. I could feel the small hand get bigger in mine, and when the light cleared, a new Ganth stood holding my hand.

"WOAH! How is this possible? Did I grow a head taller? HOW AM I NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE!" Ganth was dumbstruck as he let go of my hand to feel his new body.

The kid was almost as tall as me now and built like a brick shit-house. The scrawny frame was now filled out and muscle, but all the kid could think about was his stomach. In the end, that is what made everyone rush forward more than the idea of becoming more. Sigh, fuckin prick. I slipped my glove back on and told them to step back.

"I know your all hungry. I get it. Each of you will get this, but first, you all need to see what actually happened. Ganth, I want you to use your magic again."

Ganth didn't question but bent over to pick up a small rock, but I stopped him. I grabbed a fist-sized rock and handed it to him instead. He only glanced at me before taking the rock and stretching it.

Ganth's eye's went big.

'Wow…so cool…' -Gripton.

'Don't get your panties in a bunch, just wait!'

"Now, I want you to make that rock into a spear."

"I don't think I can wait... YES, I CAN!"

Ganth started working as soon as whatever had hit him did. His new power allowed him not just to stretch the shit, but mold it now, and on a large scale.

"Do you all see this and understand what it means?"

They all shook their heads "no," and I blinked.

'HAHAHA!' -Gripton.

"For fucks sake! It means all your magic and bodies will be a lot strong!"

"AH!" Course the crowd of idiots.

"So, I need something from you guys. I need an oath or some shit like that to follow me into the depths of hell if I order it. I can't use magic. I give it away. This secret is to be kept and part of what you say, OK?"

They didn't even pause.contemporary romance


'You got the crowd going!' -Gripton.

'I guess that will do.'

These types are very loyal, so you can take that "yeah" as agreeing to everything you just said. -Gripton.

"Alright, step up!"

The other four crowded around, and I had to get them to line up to save grabbing at me. First in like was Trem, so I took off the glove from my right hand and patted his bare shoulder. I could feel bone through his skin. This time I put my hand as it touched him, and I wasn't blinded, but I still couldn't see what happened, but I felt flesh build up under my hand.

When the light cleared, Trem was the same height, but he had filled out the way he should look. Looking stunned still, I gave Trem a shove, and he stumbled out of the way. I don't think he even noticed I pushed him.

Next up was the shy girl Krya and she spoke, "Please be gentle," and then stepped closer to me.

Part of me wanted to poke her.

'But the other part is like, but I might go through an extreme amount of pain for being rude to a cute shy maiden!' -Gripton.

I reach my hand out and gently took her cheek in my hand. Kyra had changed drastically after the light passed. The shy girl was gone, replaced with an…Elven Cat Girl?!?!

'Ay, caramba! And those are wolf ears.' -Gripton.

'You said it pervert Grip, cat ears if I ever seen them!'

'HEY!' -Gripton.

I was distracted because Krya rubbed her face into my hand that I still had on her cheek. When I looked into her eyes, I had to turn away and say next.

'Oof, she wants to jump those bones even if she has to rip the flesh off to get at them!' -Gripton.

'That look was going to make me blush! Those were some hungry eyes!'

'Well, that was a radical change! Even the race is different now! what kind of magic did I give you? I'll be back!' -Gripton.

'Wait, you can just leave?'

*no answer*


Kyra didn't leave. Instead, she came and stood uncomfortably close. Practically stand on my foot. I wasn't use to this shit, and she was makin me feel nervous. I was seventeen and tough as shit, but fuck, I have never been good with the girls, and now with this one all up on me, I didn't know what to do. Of course, this is the moment that damn god would take a vacation when I needed him the most.

Next up was Kadence, personally one of my favorites to see improve. Fire magic is always cool in the comic and manga I read in my old world. I offered her my hand, and she took it and then gave off a bright flash.

When the light died, green was replaced by long locks of red hair and a black mage outfit and hat garbed her now. A new fire burned in her eyes, and it was more than just passion. She was burning to go! Kadence took place on my other side, giving me more breathing room than Kyra.

"So, last, but so far from least, Harmon!"

I gave him an introduction because I knew that's what he wanted. I got a fancy bow in return like some woman with his hand out. I took it to play along, and Harmon burst with light, way more than the others and longer.

The light was so intense that I could see my bones clearly through my hands. When I could finally look, I couldn't believe my eye. In my hand wasn't a man's hand. In fact, the hand shrunk.

"No, Fucking, Way…" Slipped out of my lips as I stared at the gorgeous female in front of me.

'Holy shit, where did the girl come from?' -Gripton.

'Bout damn time you got back here! Where have you been?'

'Had to use a magnifying glass to read the finer print.' -Gripton.

'Finer print?'

'Ya, the magic didn't seem right, so I looked again and seen something small written in the fine print.' -Gripton.


'It's crazy. Why was this in here? The stronger the connection, the stronger the boost, and you can reforge the contract one time using your left to break the first one, but if you break the second one, they lose their magic forever.' -Gripton.

That is crazy!

'So is this girl waving her hand in front of your face!' -Gripton.

"Hello? Hyde? Did my change stun you that much? One thing didn't change!"

Harmon lifted up his or her new dress to flash us with her penis that was still there. Well, that does it, now I don't need to eat for another day.

"Put your damn dress down, ya weirdo. Well, that's that, now let's see what ya got! Show me da magic!"

First was Harmonie, who declared that it was only right, and I couldn't argue in fear of getting flashed again. Ganth handed her one of the spears he had been working on. I told Harmonie to throw into the sky at the most immense white cloud.

I made everyone cover their ear, and Harmonie took the large stone spear in her small little hand, hefting it like a toy. Winding up, Harmonie released the pike like a rocket, and the shock wave was like a cannon shot going off. When I looked at everyone else, they had braced themselves, but Harmonie was dancing around singing like she hadn't just thrown a spear at +mach 15.

'WOW!' -Gripton.

'Ya, that was a WOW!'

'Good thing you go the oath out of them!' -Gripton.

'Yes, but now I know how to make them stronger!'

'Oh?' -Gripton.

'Yeah, but first, what do I do about the cat humping my leg?'

'Do you have to ask?' -Gripton.

'Yeah fuck head, how do I get her off me?'

'Off? Didn't you say before…OH THIS IS RICH!' -Gripton.

'Listen here, pervert, just cause I don't know about women doesn't mean shit!'

'Try pushing her?' -Gripton.

I tried to push her away, but that made Kyra wrap her arms around me, and my face started to get hot.

'BWAHAHA!' -Gripton.

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