Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 48: I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

Everyone was quiet around us as Alex stared at me intently. I had to talk fast, or I would break my promise to Marly. The last thing I needed was Kyra or Mishka to blurt it out.

"The dragon wasn't there, but Marly was, so we had to settle for her. Look, I know she doesn't look like much, but I'm sure she is almost as strong as a dragon. Take my word for it."

That last part wasn't a lie at all. I had a firm grip around Marly's bottom and her wings when she pushed out of my arms. It was like I was barely holding her when it happened. Alex was staring at me, so I leaned in to kiss my wife and pulled her into my arms.

I had almost forgotten how good she felt in my holding her close like this. I missed how sweet her lips tasted, and I slide my hand to the back of her neck, pulling her closer, to taste them more. Alex bit my lip and pressed her large breasts into me, make me pull her closer. I finally had to stop before we got R-rated in front of everyone.

When we finished, I whispered in her ear the quick details and then pulled back with a smile. Alex nodded, but now she was deep in thought, and she pushed and headed down the stairs. Uh-oh, I hope Marly wouldn't be mad, but I know Alex was about to put her through the wringer.

Home, at last, I turned to my other waiting wives and walked over to Kalita first, and then went down the line, calling out for food as I greeted my wives. After we all embraced, I led the girls to our table in the middle of the patio.

Our cooks had started to bring up the meal already, and I felt stupid for calling out. I apologized to them for shouting, and they gave me a bunch of awkward "Yes, Great Master's." I had almost forgotten about that; tomorrow, I would get everyone in one place and fix this Great Master bullshit after the work out in the morning.contemporary romance

"All right, girls, tell me about what has been going on over the last day? You all must have been busy, but, I got to know, what's the pot for?"

"It's not finished yet, but I heard you talking about it before you left. It still needs a door and a hole cut in the top for airflow, but it's the place for Miss Kadence and you to practice."

Look at these girls go! I should have guessed that from the start, but I was tired. Flying all day was now easy, and even though I was getting stronger, it was still draining to use it that much. I looked over the girls and noticed that Kalita was itching in her seat.

"Kalita? What's up?"


Kalita spoke so fast and without a breath that she gasped when she was finished. Hmmm? Glassmaker? Well, this changed things. Now we can make some good stuff!

I stood up and walked over to the vibrating Kalita and stood behind her. I dropped my arms down around her neck and rested them on her chest. I kissed her neck and then the ear, whispering, "what is it?"

Kalita giggled, pushed her head into my face to stop my kisses from tickling her neck. She put a hand out to Arrentia, who was across the table. Arrentia pulled out a small rectangular box and handed it over.

Kalita took the box and then leaned forward to break my hold. I took the point and let go while she turned around. I was presented with the box, and I took it into my hands, turning it.

"What is it?"

"Open it, and you will see!" Kalita urged me while rolling her eyes.

I chuckled and opened the box. I froze. No way, how long ago had I mentioned this to Kalita? Inside the box were dark-tinted sunglasses, the kind from the '80s that almost looked like safety google. Shit, Fuck.

I turned away from them all because I was going to start fucking balling like a baby if I looked at them while holding these fucking things. Seriously, how do they know what kind of things will make me like this!

I pulled them out and put them on, fuck the dark; these would hide my eyes. When I put them on, I was confused and then took them off; what the fuck? I put them back on again, and it was the same. No, these were almost black, but I could see through them like they were transparent glass.

"Umm... Are you okay?"

I turned to Kalita's voice and the rest of the ladies with my new shades on. All the women got big smiles, and I did an Elvis pose, making guns with my hands and holding them out to the side. I even made a pelvic thrust with the complimentary "Huuu!"

Everyone laughed, and I went around hugging them all. After I went back to Kalita, pulling her up from her chair, and I took her into my arms.

"This really means the world to me, beautiful. Maybe tomorrow we can do something together in the afternoon?"

"I would like that!"

"Well, now that I have eaten, I am exhausted. I think it's time to get to bed for a certain furry-eared girl and me."

I turned to look at Kyra, but she was nowhere to be found. Where did she get to?

"I saw Kyra leave just now; she went downstairs," Mishka said while pointing at the stairs.

"Thanks, goodnight, girls! See you all in the morning!"

I part jogged to the stairs, some of my weariness leaving my body. I was getting excited about finding Kyra, and I took the stairs two at a time, turning down the hall on the second floor. I was almost to my room and reaching for the door when a voice stopped me.

"Gre... Hyde, Can I talk to you?"

I turned to see Mesh standing by the stairs. Fuck, I was so close!

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