Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 43: Just For Me

I spotted the tall black mountain off in the distance as Mesh pointed. It was it a range of to the west, opposite to our final destination. The wagons were heading north right now but would be turning to the east before we made it back.contemporary romance

I looked over to see Kadence, and she was spinning through the air, smiling. Her hair and the tendrils of the fire cords cascaded around her. It was good to see her being so free, and part of me wanted to join her, but the other part knew its place right now.

Many things were in motion now, and I felt that I barely understood they were hanging in the air with the two Lizard-Kin and the upcoming meeting with the dragon. I wasn't sure how to fix things yet, and I think it was a roadblock for Mishka. I was sure my talk with her on the deck about evolution would have triggered it, but she still must be worried.

Luckily she seemed happy at the moment, but that was just a distraction at its finest. No, the pain and fear were still there. I was sure of it. I would figure it out with time, but now we were getting close to the base of the mountain. I was confused about our choice of places to land, but Mesh explained once we were all on the ground.

The second I was on the ground, Nina split from me, panting. I walked over to her and rubbed her back after putting down Mishka. Kadence flew and landed gracefully as Mesh had; my landing was let got five feet from the ground this time, courtesy of the rocks below me. Nina had decided halfway through the flight that she didn't like heights and started to project dizzying feelings that I had to force down during the flight.

"We can not fly directly into a dragon roost, or we would surely be killed."

Well, maybe Kadence and I could fly up there and be fine, but I wanted the others there for no other reason than the primary goal. Perhaps, soothing here could trigger an event that could change some things.

'That's hoping on the chance a bit much.' -Gripton.

'What is the difference? If it works great, if not then I got some exercise.'

'It's your choice. She is your wife, do you know who else is your wife?' -Gripton.

'Ah, shit, that's right! Sorry, Grip, I will make a point of doing that for you when I get back, but you heard Kyra.'

'Oh, I can suffer through that one if you will let me have much time with Trinity to talk.' -Gripton.

I wasn't about to argue with him because I knew what he wanted, and he was right; I had slept with Alex. I had to remember that he was trapped here like me and play fair. I looked at the group, and they had already let me and started up the hill except for Nina and Mishka.

Both of them were waiting by my side, so I took their arms and started up the mountain after the others. Mesh and the girls waited for us to catch up, and we began to ascend into the mountain range. After only fifteen minutes, Nina was tired of walking and merged back into me, so Kyra slipped back and took her place.

"So, why did you bring me?" Kyra asked after taking my arm.

"To help me speak to her if I need and so I could spend some time with you. We haven't spent a lot of time together since your brother got here, and I know you have been good work. Here, let me give you this."

I took my arm away and pulled out a pendent I had made with wire Ganth had mad for me for different metal types we had. It wasn't much, but I enjoy weaving wire, so I made a two-dimensional face similar to her. Again, not much, but I made it, so that was something.

"This? Did you make this for me? Your self?"

"Yeah, I know it doesn't look like much," but I was cut off by a kiss and her wrapping her arms around both Mishka and me.

"Look what he made me, Mishka! He made it just for me! Thank you so much! This means a lot, I know you are doing things all the time, and you still find time to do these little things."

I wanted to say it was nothing and that I had just fiddled with the stuff between doing another thing. No point taking away from the excitement she felt, and k could see Mishka hug my arm as we walked, smiling with a far-off look. I hadn't made her one yet, and I didn't think I would; I had to figure out something that would be perfect for her.

I thought more about it ask we walked, and the afternoon rolled on. When the sun started to lower, we arrived at an area covered in black phosphorus black crystal. Even though the sun was still up, no light reflected from the crystals seemed like they absorbed the light and trapped it.

Mesh had stopped just short of the crystal and put a fist up to kill us. I told the girls to wait and moved up with Mesh and Kadence. They were both standing about two feet from the black crystals.

"Why did we stop?"

"This is her lair."

"And? Isn't that why we came here? I want to talk to her, so she is in there; let's go then! Right?"

"Yes, but, Marlogra, well, she is a dragon!?" Mesh stuttered out in a mixture of the question, confusion, and fear.

"Oh, come on now, she is just a dragon."

"Just a dragon? Even if your from another world, you should understand why dragons are to be feared. They are capable of the entire levelling of countries with just one; what will us five do?" Mesh tried to protest.

"Misha and Kadence, will you come with me? I think it is time we met with Marlogra and had a good long chat. Mesh, Kyra, follow behind us."

I ignited my thoughts and stepped forward.

"Now, you are an interesting human. Maybe I won't eat you after all."

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