Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 40: From The Women's View

Kadence walked down the stairs to the second floor and looked through the rooms, but they were all empty. Where could the girls have got to?

She when to go down to the bottom floor where Kara stayed, and they had a kitchen and dining area set up. Kadence could hear voices arguing in the kitchen and headed over to see what was going on. When Kadence opened the door, she saw all the other wives sitting down at the table, except Kyra.

"I'm tired of getting left behind! Why does he think we are so weak?" Kyra complained as she stood with her chair pushed back.

"That's not why he doesn't bring us, and you know that! Start acting your age! You might think your strong, but what if something happens to you and Great Master Hyde is fighting someone else, and he had to help you? What then? Does he turn and risk being injured or killed? Or does he let you, one of his wives he loves and care about, die? What do you think he will do?!" Alexcoria tore into Kyra, making her sit back down.

Kadence walked into the room and took a seat with the women between Mishka and Arrentia. All the other women were looking at their hands after Alexcoria's tirade, so Kadence spoke up.

"What is this all about? Why the council of wives? Is it really over him going out alone?"

"They all feel like they are being left out, but I have been trying to clarify the reason for this as I'm sure you just heard."

"Well, maybe it's more than that. Both of us spend a lot of time with him, so perhaps we need to include the girls more? I know I enjoy that time, so maybe we need to make a schedule; that way, everyone gets time."

The women all looked up from their hands together, and Kadence could see the hopeful looks, but then they all gasped. Kadence had forgotten what had just occurred before this and put her hand to her ear unconsciously. This change was something she wanted all these girls to experience.

"What happened? You look... So human now!" Kalita said, standing up and walking over. "Even your ears and nose...does this mean?"

"Yeah! I hope at least, now that I don't have the elvish features, my mother might be able to accept me. I don't want to get too excited yet, but this helps, right?"

Kalita hugged Kadence, which caused all the girls to get up and give her a hug and congratulate her. All of the was almost too much excitement for one day, and it was hard for her not to burst into tears of joy. One month ago... It was like one hundred years ago now standing in this moment for Kadence.

After the girls and her emotions calmed down, Kadence asked them all to stand back, and she moved to the middle of the room. Suddenly, Kadence's dress was covered in burning flames and Nina, Arrentia and Addel all cried out in shock. Kadence pulled her long red hair and let it fall down the front of her burning dress, but the flames just danced around the hair.

Mishka tried to step forward but, Kadence put up her hand to wait. She let the flames go and put her hand down, but Mishka seemed disappointed now that the fire was gone. Kadence walked back over to the girls and spoke.

"I want this for all of you! I want you to all be able to grow, just like I have. We will get through this together, but remember, in the future, things will change. We all will have a place, but for most of us, it won't be at his side. He is going to change the whole world, and he will want people he can trust to take care of things while he works."

The girls were silent because they understood that a marriage did not mean that there would be love involved or any connection. That was just how it was, but they all held Hyde in a different light because of how he acted and treated each of them. Kadence thought that she would have to talk to Alexcoria about being pickier with the wives from now on; these women were all bonded to him and had feelings for him.

"Maybe that won't happen, and we will get to stay with him, but I need you all to be prepared if that day comes. Since you have all been down here and probably haven't seen, Great master Hyde has a surprise! He is up the top talking with Markeye; you should all go see him."

The girls all began talking about what surprise Hyde had. Though, some of the women we're clearly getting the wrong idea of what kind of surprise Kadence was talking about. After everyone but Alexcoria left, and she went to sit back down, and Kadence followed her, taking a seat beside her.

"So, you two had a good day I take it?" Alexcoria gave Kadence a suggestive look as she spoke.

"It was perfect, but not like that, but I did almost kill him. Well, it was more of a team effort, but he is obviously okay."

"Well, that's good, but what's on your mind, dear?"

"We can't keep doing this to him!"

"Hmmm? What do you mean?"contemporary romance

"These marriages, they have to be on the spot for specific jobs only from now on. Even though I said what I did at first, there is no way Hyde will let any of us go; you and I both know that. So what happens if we keep burdening him with people close to him to protect? You know he will try to find time for each one we bring in, but we are going to we're him thin. Two more maximum!"

"Just two? Must you be joking? He is not some chump; he can handle it."

"Fine, four more!"

"Let say, fifteen wives, that last seven have to be royalty or divinity! Do we have a deal?"

"This feels wrong, but I guess your right. I just worry about him."

"I think he will surprise us."

"Surprise? Oh ya! Come with me and see!"

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