Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 2: Never Stood A Chance

'What do you plan on doing?' -Gripton.

'I'm saving the damsel in distress.'

'Ah, well, this should be interesting.' -Gripton.

I ran into the woods towards the sound of the chick's yelling. It didn't take me long to get there, but I stopped short when I saw what the fuck was making all the noise. A little pointy-eared gremlin or elf with a board flat chest. Fuck.

I turned to walk the fuck away before the giant ass spider that was trying to eat him sees me.


"Help, I see you up there!"

'I'm not saving any dude. Fucking laws of nature and shit. The spider is high on the food chain, so how am I to disrupt nature?'


'Really? That is not a man.' -Gripton.

The rock in my hand was doing a humming thing, and it kept getting louder. So, sounding like a bomb about to go off, I took my dodger stance and chucked the rock. I had some good heat, and I smoked the hairy fucker in his fat bulbous ass. The spider made some bitch ass noises and then died.

'Look, I fixed it, can we go now?'

Before Garry could tell me some bullshit hero line, It happened.

The green-haired so-called girl gremlin got up to rush to me but stopped when she heard the humming coming from the dead spider's ass. *BOOM!* Even twenty feet away, I got knocked back on my ass. There was no fire or smoke, so it was an air grenade.

'Is the female, OK?' -Gripton.

'Fucked if I know. I'm sitting on my ass!'

'Well, get off it and go check on her.' -Gripton.

'Hey about that question I had before, you know if we could just leave...'

'HYDE!' -Gripton.

'Fuckin panties in a bunch, calm down. I'm going.'

It was weird to hear my name again. All the way out here in some other fucking world, and now I gotta go deal with this shit.

I got up and walked over to find her out cold, but still breathing. That fucking smell, though, she was covered in stinking green bug guts that matched her hair.

'What are you doing?' -Gripton.

I had been turning around to leave.

'The fuck you want me to do with her? She's not dead and covered in gross ass bugs guts that stink like the bathroom after one of your heavenly taco nights.'

'You have to carry her.' -Gripton.

'To where? The local 7-11? Maybe Chuckie Cheese? She is knocked the fuck out. She isn't gonna tell us!'

'Pick her up, and I will guide you.' -Gripton.

'You're awfully fucking bossy. I thought I was the hero, and you're the sidekick?'

'And you not much of a hero, but we work with what we have. Now, pick her up!' -Gripton.

The girl had started to moan and move, but now looking closer, I could see scratches and cut from garbage that got knocked up in the blast. I groaned, but I had to admit, with the moans this tomboy gremlin was making, she was starting to look more and more like a woman.

'Oh, now you gonna help her you horny little toad!' -Gripton.

'Don't judge me, pervert teacher, do you want me to help her or not?'

'I'll say not, just so that I can watch you squirm, hehe.' -Gripton.

Her moans were getting louder, and I was having trouble thinking.

'Did you just say, no?'

'Yeah.' -Gripton.

'What the fuck, weren't you just the one forcing me to save her!'

'I suggested that you do it.' -Gripton.

'So now I just fucking leave her moaning in pain?'

'Yup.' -Gripton.


"OwO, It hurts. Are you there, stranger?"

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming to help,"

I walked over to her and bent down to see if there was anything I could do. Nope. Just a bunch of scratches. She just needed to shake it off.

"Am I going to die? I don't want to die, Mr."

"You will be fine. It's just scratches and bug guts."contemporary romance

She sat up slowly, and she looked like she was in a lot of pain. I was about to stand up and leave when Garry cut in.

'Where do you think you're going?' -Gripton.

'Don't be like this Garry.'

I got up and then I slipped on bug guys and fell back down on my back.

"Are you alright?" I heard the green-haired gremlin cry out as I laid on the ground with the won't knocked out of me.

'So, we pick the maiden up. Then we take the maiden to a stream and...' -Gripton.

But the feeling of a sticky hand touching mine, and the girl being over top of me, then a burst of light cut Garry's speech off. I turned my head from the side to look up. WOAH.

'WOAH!' -Gripton.

Almost bursting out of the brown dress she wore, the once short green-haired board was smothering me in her tits, and had changed into something my dreams couldn't have crafted so perfectly. The long green hair fell to her ample chest, and into my face. Her once board flat form was now a masterwork of curves. She had partially crawled on me, and I was being slowly smothered to death in her breast, then there was the green bug guts, but dying now won't horrible…

"Are you OK?


She pulled her breasts off my face and I gasped for air. I guess I wasn't going to oppia heaven yet!

"Sorry! I heard you cry out in pain and fall over, so I tried to get to you, but when I touched your hand, well, this happened."

"Yeah, it did!"

"You have a funny way of talking. Where are you from?"

'Can I tell her?'

'Yes.' -Gripton.

"I died and was sent here from another world. Does that sound crazy?"

"Really? My name is Kalita of the Sun Root Tribe."

'She thinks I'm crazy.'

'She might not be wrong.' -Gripton.

Kalita crawled off me, and I was sad to feel the pressure of her chest leave. Maybe this would be my chance to get it in! Kalita watched me pounded my fist into my hand as I grinned with a questioning look.

"I'm Hyde."

'Smooth boy wonder.' -Gripton.

'Don't make sidekick references to me dick head.'

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Hyde," Kalita stuck out her hand to help me up, and I accepted.

"Cool to meet you too."

'Cool?' -Gripton.

'Shut the fuck up!'

"You're quite cute and shy now, but about that, how? How do I look like this now?"

"Well, my magic is to give other things magic with my right hand or take away with my left."

"That means you improved my magic."


'What the fuck?!' -Gripton.

Well, ya, that has to be it, look.

With that, the size of her body started to change a will.

'Alright, what the fuck is going on. Let me look at this magic, didn't I read it right?' -Gripton.

'What's wrong old man?'

'Hold on. I'm checking something.' -Gripton.

"See? My magic before was to be able to alter my appearance slightly, but now I can alter my body anyway I want! It's like you supercharged my magic!"

'Oh, boy.' -Gripton.

'So you're telling me, you gave me the power to make everyone and thing way cooler than I am?'

'Really? That's your takeaway from this?' -Gripton.

"I'm happy you like the boost. I mean, It looks pretty good on you!"

"Really? You think so? I'm so happy you think that! Follow me! I know a stream we can wash off in."

"I'm down."

"What's wrong?"


"You said you were down?"

'Ahahaha.' -Gripton.

"Sorry, It means "sure" from where I'm from."

"Oh! OK, then follow me."

'Keep quiet up there!'

I follow my green-haired babe to a stream, and she began to wash herself off. I had to clap my jaw closed, so I didn't look like a fool, but she noticed. Suddenly she was the lanky board girl again.

"Is that better?"

'No.' -Gripton.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a bit shocked. 

In my opinion, this was the opposite of better.

"Well, you looked so distracted before, and I can understand why."

"Ahh, ya a bit."

"My husband will love this new increase in my magic! You will have to meet him!"

"…Your husband?"

"Yes, he will probably be looking for me. We got separated hunting that giant spider. They have been a lot more active lately, and the webs have been getting closer to our treetop village."

"Ahh, yes. It all makes sense now, husband, eh?"

'Well, It was a good try, but don't lose hope! She is offering to take you to a village with more people and maybe more women, right?' -Gripton.

'Thanks, master boss, I needed that!'

'Ah yes, my young star pupil.' -Gripton.

'Aren't I your only pupil?'


"THURMAN!" Kalita squealed, running off in the direction of Thurman's voice.

'Defeated by a man named Thurman!'

'They were married before you existed, you never stood a chance!' -Gripton.

Ugh, should have let me die!

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