Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 147: Mistolarga

"So, how do you want to get there? Do we just rip over, or…?"

"I think you should fly as a dragon, but don't make yourself too big, or you might start a fight with Thungarda," Wendy explained.

I moved us to the outside of the city so I could change and let the girls on my back. Wendy sat in front with Nuwari and Tescelle behind her. Before they climbed up on my back, I used some magic to make them comfortable seats. I grew seat frames that would fit on my neck and then used telekinesis to put them on my neck. Then I used Kara's thread magic to secure them and create comfy cushions.

The girls were all excited to get on my back, but I helped Nuwari and Tescelle up into their seats. They both were wearing dresses, Nuwari in a light forest green sundress, and Tassel dress was a soft pink. When I asked her about the color, she told me that it was her favorite, great, I wondered If Arrentia would still like Pink, not like two women couldn't wear the same color, but I was starting to get used to having color designations.

I rose into the air gently, I could have leaped and made a big show of it all, using my planetary magic to control the exertion that my take-off would cause the girls, but this was easier. No point in making things more complicated than they needed to be. I didn't flap my wings until I was in the air, and then, I only did it because I knew that even Nuwari and Tescelle loved to see my wings move thanks to Wendy talking about how majestic it looked.

Soon we were in the air, but I didn't waste time hovering over the city. I would be literally scaring the shit out of my people hanging out up here over my city. I flapped my wings and shot forward, I was more than ready to go meet all the dragons, but part of me knew that they wouldn't feel the same way about seeing me. 

I didn't care, this was cooler than any world I had ever been on, I could turn into a fucking dragon. I lifted into the clouds and the girls squeezed as we slammed into a massive cloud that swallowed me up. I let heat pour from the red cracks in the back skin of my massive dragon body and made the cloud explode away from us, revealing a fluffy sea of clouds.

The domain of the sky was always my favorite place to be, but I had only had the ability to fly twice, and that was in space most of the time, Transport and Universal Watch, both were fun games, but they were nothing but a drop in the hat compared to becoming a dragon and soaring through the open skies. This was happiness incarnate for me, even better than hitting things, hehe!

'Hyde, can you hear me?' -Wendy.

'Yeah babe, what's up?'

'Can you drop out of the clouds? We need to make a stop in Karst to talk to grandma.' -Wendy.

'Grandma? Like Marly's mother? Why isn't she with Thungarda?' 

'I will let Grandma explain that, but it will be better for us If we stop by here first and it would be good for you to meet some of the people of Karst. Plus one of the girls could be here.' -Wendy.

Fair enough, and I was interested in why the dragons wouldn't be living together. For not the first time, I wished for cell phones, telepathy only worked for short-range, but maybe I could do something else. I wanted to leave messages in the cities as I visited them, but it was a matter of spreading them out from there, and then away for the people to contact me if one of my wives did show up. 

I dropped down and out of the sky, I would ask the girls if they had any ideas, since they had been in this world far longer than me. Up above the clouds, I had been moving at breakneck speeds, but I used Trem's magic to regulate the air pressure around them, creating a dome of protection. So no one noticed even when I slowed down hard enough to make my own stomach try to rise into my throat, I hadn't bothered to expand the planetary sphere to cover completely.

When we dropped down, I could see a small city below us, Kardast, but I could also see a large group of people that were gathering outside of the city. Holy shit, was this the entire city coming out? I let myself fall down and thud to the ground, but then the people rushed around. I had to stay still, or I was scared I would step on someone, what the hell was with these people? 

Don't they see that I am a dragon for fucks sake? What happened to everyone shitting their pants over dragons? I could feel hands all over me, but I didn't change back to human, instead, I turned off all magic, save my transformation magic,. I had been pumping heat out before to keep the girls warm, and to disperse that cloud, but I didn't want to burn anyone that tried to touch one of my fiery cracks.

'What the hell is going on here, Wendy, are all these people blind?'

'These are the servants of the dragons, they are all comfortable with dragons. They have to be because Grandma lives with them, but that doesn't mean that they don't understand the danger. I honestly have no idea why they are all being so casual with you, but Grandma will be coming soon so get ready.' -Wendy.

'Get ready? For what?'

'To get grilled, mother may have been cowed by you, but Grandma is the oldest dragon, next to Thungarda, and another one of Griptons children.' -Wendy.

'Wait what, how does that work? Isn't Grip Thungarda's father?'

'Most people think that, and call him Griptons child, but only use dragons know the truth. Thundgarda, isn't from this world, but I will let grandmother explain to you...and that looks like it will be sooner than later.' -Wendy.

A roar from the center of the city echoed out to me, and I turned my attention to watch a massive...wait a minute, that was a pink dragon? There was such a thing as pretty and majestic as a pink dragon? Ugh, I am gushing like a spring inside, pink dragons were a sexy all on their own, like Tescelles chest cannons, the pink screamed the personality! 

Too bad she was like a bazillion years older then...or was she? What were the chances that one of my wives was in that body? Maybe, I would give her the old, 'are you, my wife?', and that would get my answer. The beautiful beast glided over to me, using no wings to flap and the people cleared out of her way, dropping to a knee once she had landed.

It was pretty intense to see an entire city, if this was everyone, drop to a knee, but I wasn't sure what the general feeling was among the people to the dragons. Maybe I should spend the night here? I could learn some things about the people and the relationship with the dragons, plus I could learn more about what I will be walking into with the other dragons.

'You are him?' -A very soft feminine voice asked in my mind.

Damn, not my wife, but she sounded pretty cute for being a Bazillion years old.

'Excuse me? What is this number, bazillion? I don't think I like being called old or being called a cute old woman. Also, what do you mean, not your wife? Do you have a habit of forgetting the women you are married to?' -Grandma Dragon.

'Sorry, I didn't know you could invade my thoughts. I will modulate my thinking, but as for my wives, that is a long story, and my wife and your granddaughter will explain to you. My name is Hyde, do you mind if I return to a human form?'

'It is fine, but first I would like to know something. The peaks of Karstia are awash with rumors of a new massive black and red dragon. I was spotted south of here close to your State of Hope, do you know anything about it? My name is Mistolarga, not Grandma Dragon!' -Misty.

Wow, this woman was good, she even caught the names I used for references to the words being spoken.

'It is not Misty either!' -Misty shouted in my head, also moving closer to me in a threatening manner.

'Touchy are we? I will call you whatever the hell I feel like, I think we're in a grave misunderstanding here.' 

'Oh, and what kind of misunderstanding would that be? The one where I am the oldest dragon, next to that idiot of a Thungarda?' -Misty.

Hmm? Were all dragons this stupid before I gave them a reality check? Now she looked pissed cause she could hear my monologue, but listen to this bitch. I am the fucking dragon here, larger than the rest and I quadrupled my size to prove it after pushing back every one with telekinesis. 

'I am grander than any dragon in this world, but if you want to talk age, I have lived for over one thousand years through over twenty-some different lives. The fact that I always need to demand respect from people like you is becoming grating.' 

I sent my thoughts with a snarl, and for the first time since I arrived, Mistoglarga looked unsure of what to say next.contemporary romance

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