Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 145: Making More Time

Titania crashed into my arms as my body reached the proper size to catch my half-giant wife. I still had to take a step back to brace myself, but I wrapped her in my arms as she squeezed me back. We both turned our head in sync and our lips met with a fiery connection as I stoked the back of her head. 

We held the kiss until I heard Tag tell us to get a room, but even then she held our kiss until we were fully apart. Wow, this was better, but Titania had never been the reserved type to hold back with her love, no matter who was around. These were all memories flooding back to me now.

Before I had been so focused on Gripton and the other two, that I hadn't given it much thought about who's personalities might have changed after getting their memories back. Thinking about it, not much would change for most of the women other than their confidence level. Those were things that the group and I helped with for each one I found. Thankfully, Alex would not change, just maybe a bit to the other girls, and I was sure they all would appreciate that.

"Do you have something we can help with, Miss T?" Tag asked with the other four crowded around him.

"Yeah, Miss T, can I help too?" I asked, moving over and joining the group.

Titania grinned and started ordering us around, getting us to help her clean up the cyclone of a mess her shop was in. I didn't mind helping, but Xelios had some other things to do, so she gave me a kiss before heading out. It was really nice to spend time with Titania, and see her interact with the kids.

Titania told me in private, while the kids worked, that none of their parents had been found among the slaves. From what she told me, Mesh and Buddy had talked to the slave masters, finding out that a large shipment was just sent to the Firesti Empire. They seemed to be the biggest purchaser of slaves, but they also had the best exports in the land, only rivaled by the Crashing Wave Empire. 

"Do you think we will find them? The parents I mean?" Titania asked as we leaned against a bench, watching the others clean up.

"That all depends on the reason for Firesti buying so many slaves. From what you have told me and I have got from other conversations, Firesti is closed off like Ratiha. So, there isn't much information on the biggest state in the land, which is strange."

"You might ask Nika? She was involved with the two princes from Firestis and Crashing Wave. If anyone would know it would be her, but her information might be a bit dated."

"That's a great idea, beautiful. I am really glad to see you back to your old self, I don't like to hide how much I love you from the world!"

"You won't have to anymore, I promise," Titania said as she leaned in for a kiss.

I took her into my arms and ran my hands down her back as we shared another deep and passionate kiss. I had her back turned to the others as they cleaned to hide us, but the passion was starting to get a hold of me as her hand touched my face. I forgot about the rest of the world disappearing as my hand roamed down to her incredibly soft bum, and I was about to skin my hand into it and pull her closer, but I was interrupted, again.

"There are little girls in here! Stop setting a bad example for them!" Tag scolded me, but Maxi came up and scolded him for interrupting us with his jealousy.

That reminded me that these kids weren't in danger anymore, the humans didn't need the power, and I was now a bit more reluctant about giving it away. I gave the power to the beastfolk to help them finish their evolution, whoever created them only did half the job, the humans didn't need it. I also wasn't sure if I should be giving it away so freely, not that I would charge for it, but in the sense of every person, I met. Each person I gave magic would be dragged into the war, and these kids didn't need that.

"Maxi, and Leah, please come over here," I asked the girls, while letting go of Titania, and my magic for a moment while I also let go of Breth's magic.

The girls came over slowly, but I just waited with a smile, no rush. 

"I would like to give you the option of becoming more like your friends, and like my other wives, like Arrentia who you have already met. I am sure you have met countless others around Dreams, so I would like to give you a chance for that."

"What about us?" Tag asked.

I knew this was coming, and I didn't really have a good answer. I brought the beast girls into my magic only to help them better their lives, but they would feel obligated to help in the war efforts. Rita was the one to save me though.

"Hyde is doing this for the girls to be normal, just like you, me, and Reese. Can you really complain about that?" Rita asked in a challenging tone, stepping up to Tag.

"No, sorry, I wasn't thinking about that. I guess that makes sense. Sorry, Mr. Hyde for getting mad," Tag apologized.

"Don't worry, maybe when you get older you can join me!"

"But aren't you only seventeen? We are only a year…"

Titania cut in at that point.

"Hyde may look the same age as you, but he is older than anyone in this world. This is just his handsome shell he wears so not to scare you kids, and to keep his wives from running away screaming!" Titania made some scared faces and hands in the air to imitate horror.

That made me think of the old and rugged body I had back in the Game World, and I self-consciously ran my hand over my head with some fire, to trim the bit of stubble popping up. That answer wasn't a lie, but it was a truth that I didn't like to be reminded of. I was the new memory of failing and leaving all the girls here and scattered about.

"Really? You're some grandpa inside?" Tag asked with more interest this time.

"Hey! Getting old and wrinkled is what makes you a grandpa, not your mental age. I'm just a hell of a lot smarter than you!"

That got a belly laugh from Titania which got a booty smack, which turned into raised eyebrows, wiggling in suggestion. I rolled my eyes and we all started to laugh. Finally, after we all got settled back down the two girls approached me with smiles and hands extended. 

I took Maxi's hand first and after a small flash, a cute little girl with no fur and a pink dress in front of me. Her hair was black, with a white streak in the center, giving her hair a pretty faded look. Leah was practically dancing with her hand reaching forward, this was going to be a bigger changer for her.

Leah was what you would call a Treefolk, but all I could think about is an army of giant trees storming the white tower to get Saruman! I reached forward and took the little Ent girl's hand and waited for the light to clear. When it did, a beautiful little girl with green skin stood in front of Titania with a face-splitting smile.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Hyde!" Both girls chimed as they rushed forward and hugged me.

I gave them a hug back, but then they were running out of the shop, with the other three following close behind. Titania and I were both left with smiles, and I turned to her. I wish I had more time in every day, but twenty-eight hours would never be enough time. I had to go, but, I had just got back someone very special to me, but all the girls were very special to me.contemporary romance

"I know, you have to go, and I have to get back to work. I'm just really happy that you took the time to come spend it with me. Now, go, there are still more sisters waiting for you out there. So, I will cherish every moment I get with you, I just wish I could have remembered sooner. I have the memories of our weddings, but none of them were as a Half-giant, but it was a special memory that I will hold onto," Titania said with a warm smile.

"One day, we won't have to fight, but I will fight until we get there. Nothing will stop me from reaching the day, I promise."

"We all know you will, that's why we're always by your side. We believe that you can reach that day, with all our hearts," Titania said while coming in for a parting kiss.

As we broke apart, I took her hand and kissed it. It was time to go meet the Great Alphaking, Maxven, one of my first real fathers-in-law in this world, cause Grip didn't count. Fucker wasn't Alex's or Maxvens father, fricken shit head. Speaking of that shit head, I would be having a talk with him, but after the wives and I visited the far side of Hope.

I left the shop with a shouting match of 'I love you's', leaving me with a warm smile as I left. Then I was on the street...and lost. I hadn't really been around town much, and I was always distracted by talking to people. Luckily, I had the greatest advantage of flight, but that made me think about throwing Bhan across the map. Bhan would love to sit and drink on the moon with me…I would make it a day in the future with one day, but a promise to myself that it was something I would do.

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