Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 14: Making Friends And Playing Nice

We sailed into the open air, but soon we started to fall forwards and then down. The group in front of us wasn't much to look at, and as we floated down, I got a better look at them.

'Well, don't they look like the sorry lot.' -Gripton.

'Why would these walking bone racks try and stop us?'

'Most likely for that reason, the population of this continent that lives outside of large cities have trouble finding food.' -Gripton.

'Do you think they will be hostile?.

'Look at them, even if all of them attacked you alone, even without magic you would kill them without breaking a sweat.' -Gripton.

'That's a fair point.'

It was true. These monsters were barely clothed, and they all looked like a strong breeze would knock them over. I noticed that they were all standing in a circle, with someone in the middle that I couldn't see clearly. When we finally touched down, one of the Lizardmen stepped forward and when down on his knees.

"Pleesh, make ush shaves pleesh, and protest the prishsesh."

The bag of bogs slammed his pointed face into the dirt.

'The fuck did he just say to me?'

'He wants you to make them slaves and protect the princess.' -Gripton.

'Ugh, I'm not marrying some lizard with razor-sharp teeth!'

'Maybe try and touch him with your right hand?' -Gripton.

'Hmm? It worked on the spiders and goblin. Why the fuck not?'contemporary romance

"Stand and take my hand…what is your name? Nevermind, touch my hand first."

The lizard lifted his head and gave me a strange look, but then Kadence stepped up and repeated my question in a peculiar language. The lizard looked like he was relieved, and then he extended a clawed hand. By this time, my party and wives had made it down and lined up behind me.

I touched the claws and clamped my eyes shut. The intense light made the other lizardmen start to shout out but suddenly stopped. A muscular orange scaled man stood before me with a long tail protruding. His face was more man-like now, and he was a picture of perfect health.

All the Lizardmen behind him looked like they wanted to come forward, but they dare not leave the girl I could see now. The other lizards were staring enviously at the changed one, but most gazes fell on the tail that none of the others seem to have.

"So, what's your name?


"So then, Mesh. What is the reason for stopping us and almost causing a large accident?"

"The princess."

"And? What about her?"

"We are being chased by humans that are trying to kill us and skin us."

"Oh? That's fucked up. Are they still chasing you?"


"Oh, aren't you just the spillway of information. Let me talk to the Princess then. Can I do the same for her as I did for you, Mesh?"

"Yes, please do!"

Soon, the group came forward, pushing a timid lizard girl. She looked young, but I had no clue how old they got, so I just assumed that she was younger than me. Even with her pointed face and small breast, she had a certain appeal. I reached my hand forward, but she shied back.

Before I could move forward, Alex came up and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. She pulled me close to her, and I could feel that ample cleavage was pressing into me. I was almost too distracted to hear what she said as her soft mountainous breasts hugged my shoulder.

"You need to be very careful with her. Lizardfolk don't have females very often, and the ones that are born are passed around the village to continue bloodlines. She might be scared of you, so just take it slow with her."

"This world is pretty savage, but that's just fuel to the fire for our plan. I'll be gentle with The Princess, but I would be grateful if you could come with me then. We need to separate her from that group. We also need to prepare for these assholes that are coming."

Alex nodded to me, and I got Kadence to come with us to translate and to add to the woman ratio. I told Mesh to get the others to back up, and we approached the Princess. She looked at me hesitantly, but both women stepped forwards to comfort her.

While they took care of the Princess, I turned to Harmonie.

"Can you and Ganth deal with these humans that are coming? If they look hostile after they see us, fuck 'em up. If I put my hand up and then down, Fuck 'em up."

"Yes, Great Master!" both shouted together.

'This world really has gone to hell in a hand basket.' -Gripton.

'Is that even a real place?'

'Don't know. I have never been there personally.' -Gripton.

'Aren't you the supreme ruler of the place?'

'More of a caretaker. Yes, I made the minor gods, but they were just my added touch. I can't really do much, but that's why you are here.' -Gripton.

'Ah, like the hand of God?'

'More of a foot if you ask me.' -Gripton.

'Fucker! We had a thing going, and you ruined it!'

I turned back around to see that Alex and Kadence had brought the Princess over. Kyra and Kalita had come over as well, and that meant Linkun followed. This moment also happened to be when the damn human knights decided to attack, coming over the hill charging on horses fifteen strong.

Linkun started to growl, and I heard the other lizards getting restless behind the girls. I decided the Princess could wait since the Calvary had arrived. I turned around and found Trem and asked Kadence to come too.

We fell up into the air and then dropped towards the Knights, stopping thirty feet from them. The group slowed down to a stop, and then the center knight dismounted and walked forward. I asked Trem to drop us, and we lowered to the ground and met the knight.

"Ho travelers! I am sorry to trouble you, but we are hunting those lizards for the kingdom of Haertia."

"What might be your name, oh, great knight? And what crime have the Lizardfolk committed?" I decided to play along with his bullshit for a minute, but I already didn't like the guy.

"I am the great knight Sir Duckor, of the Haertia royal bloodline! As for the lizards, they have committed no crime."

I took off my left glove and extended it to duck face.

"I'm Hyde."

The knight gave me a strange look but then took my hand. Suddenly the knight froze, and I gave the signal to Harmonie. Whatever magic this ass hat had was gone now. By the looks of it, it must have been some kind of buffing magic because he was looking like he would fall over if I let him go, so I pushed him backward instead.

I walked off to the side and pulled Trem and Kadence with me as the knights, seeing their leader down, decided to charge. Too late. We covered our ears, but the fifteen shock waves pushed us back, I had put my glove on after pushing the knight, so I grabbed Kadence and turned to take most of the impact.

When we turned to look back, the knights were all gone into shreds and chunks of horse and human flesh. I looked to where the captain lay, and the top portion of his armor was blown off, leaving pieces of it stuck in his body. I walked over and Inspected Sir Duck Face, and he would survive, but without magic and his once pretty face. Cuts lined the man's face, and his clothes were torn, but he wouldn't bleed out if I left him.

"Listen here, Sir Duck Face, I will only say this once, and I ever see you again, you will end up like the idiots that followed you. Leave All sentient creatures alone, or I will put your shitty kingdom on my to-do list. Great Master Hyde, Remember that title and name, shithead."

I spit in his face before walking away. I knew now that this world needed a swift kick in the ass, and I would be the foot of God.

//Hey! I like it!' -Gripton.

'Why? I can't even think cool thoughts without your fucking peanut gallery!'

'Hehe, I have to keep you grounded, you know!' -Gripton.

'Damn pervert.'

'Doesn't even bother me.' -Gripton.

'That causes it's true.'

'Child.' -Gripton.

'Old pervert!'

"Are you two done yet?"

I had just zoned out talking to Gripton, and Kadence had caught me, but it was for the best. The conversation had resorted to name-calling, and I felt a bit stupid now that I replayed it in my mind. I scratched the back of my head and apologized to Kadence.

We let Trem go ahead and let everyone know what the results were, and I decided a walk would be nice, considering the events of the day. Kadence scolded me about spitting on Duck Face, and I said I was sorry, but no part of me felt that way, but I didn't want to seem insolent.

"So, What do you think of the little Princess?"

"I think we should help her."

"She has had a rough go, according to Alex, but I wasn't able to confirm it with her myself, but I need to fix this bullshit. I might not be elegant with the way I do things, but I get them done. I just made enemies with an entire kingdom, though it will be a while before they respond. To help all these hunted people, I need more able bodies."

"Then you need to link with other kingdoms like Alex and Krya. I don't know if my mother will recognize me, but I will try! You need to marry this Princess!"

"Not you too! Why are all you so keen on marrying mee off?"

"Well, it's just an agreement. Why can't you, as The King, make others? You're trying to change the world! You have already turned our world so far upside down that I don't even remember what it was like before. What's wrong with getting new sisters? We will all be here for you and supporting you along the way!"

I kicked a passing rock and turned my head away. Damn, that was one hell of a booster! I can't let my emotions run wild on me though, we both had really cool moments there, and if I tear up like a fucking pussy it will ruin it! I turned back to Kadence after taking a deep breath, and she started to laugh at me. Fuck, I failed.

Soon, we needed to stop halfway back for Kadence to fall on the floor in a fit of laughter. Every time she was close to quitting, she would look at my reddening face and burst into a fit again. Finally, after a tit slipped out, she calmed down.

Now, it was my turn! I pounced on her and pressed my lips into hers. Her eyes went large but then closed in pleasure. As Kadence wrapped her arms around me, I got pulled in tighter to those lovely soft breasts. Soon, we pulled our faces apart but kept our arms around each other.

"What's so funny?"

"You always so cute when you get embarrassed and kick the closest thing to you!"

'Fuck, I've been had Grip!'

'You never had them fooled to begin with, dumbass. The girls have known since the forest! They knew the first time you did it and laughed behind your back.' -Gripton.

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