Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 136: Hot Damn!

I dropped down from the sky into the biggest open area I could find inside of the city. Once on the ground I immediately put my hand to the ground and channeled earth magic. I forced up a massive four-meter tall to surround the city and prevent anyone from leaving. I didn't plan on killing all the slave masters, but their future would depend on how they acted and presented themselves. 

I had no patience for stupid pompous people or people that thought that it was right to do this. I had already broken up a slave ring in Locksland, but this was a city and it wouldn't be so easy. I decided to wait in this spot for a moment, and I walked over to a gross looking bench and obliterated it.

I heard gasps behind me, and I knew that people had started to gather, showtime! The area was probably once beautiful, filled with life, but now everything had dried up. The area was a big open space that had flower beds in patterns, but now they were covered in paint and the gardens dead and bare.

I turned back to the gathering people, and looked through the crowd, and started to spot the ones that I knew would be here. Clem had said each of the kids were skilled, but somewhere more direct than others, and might try to attack me out in the open. Three cloaked figures of different heights were moving through the crowd, so I stepped back and took off a fighting stance, I was here to prove a point.

The three burst from the crowd, leaping into the air straight at me, I waited. Dad was all about letting people come to you and catching them off guard, and striking where they are weakest to end the fight fast. I agreed with this concept, but my dad didn't have magic. 

The three froze in the air and I relaxed out of my mock pose and stood back up straight. I brought the cloaked warriors back down to the ground; I wasn't sure what magic they had, but it didn't matter. Maybe, if they proved that they could change, then I would give them their magic back, but I wasn't going to put anyone's life at risk. I reach out and touch the exposed hands of the first two that were clearly women, but stopped at the last one before touch her as well, removing all their magic.

A little part of my heart broke as I took the girls back home to the girls that were waiting. I had to slow down before getting there, I needed to get my head in check, I knew there was going to be children, but the thought of forcing my own child to be willing to throw their lives at me… I was having a hard time with this part. The girls hadn't said a word, and every time I took the hood off the little girls she had just looked at me with a stone face.

I couldn't do more to get back at the king for what he had done to these children, but I could do the best I could to help them become kids again or become functioning adults. I sped back up and touched down at the hospital building. I had also changed each one into a conservative dress and took many hidden weapons and one poison capsule of each one of them. That was the first time I have got any kind of emotion out of the three of them, disappointment.

Titania came rushing over with handcuffs, but both Kadence and I had our hands up to stop her from getting closer. I nodded and Breth, Mesh, and Buddy all crabbed the cuffs and shackled the hands and feet of the three, and I could see the concern in Kadence's eyes. I went over to her and took her into my arms, kissing her forehead.

"I know, I don't like it either, I really can't believe that the king was this sick and twisted! All I could think about was our kids when I saw that little girl, but I have to go back and get their rest, three down, fourteen more to go, and then the slavers, but I want lunch before that. I will also need my bag of trading goods when I come back."contemporary romance

I broke away from Kadence and looked to Titania and nodded to her, which got me a warm smile from her. Well, I guess more is less for some, and I was partially glad my other wives weren't here, but I was curious as to what they were up to. I was about to ask Kadence but decided to shelf the question, there was still the matter of the slaves and the rest of the children.

I waved to everyone else and lifted into the air and I was gone in a blink and back in the square with the people who were all left stunned from the performance and my abrupt departure and arrival just now. I could see that some people had slaves with them, and others had information from the way they were rubbing their hands together. I didn't want to bring my own help but that didn't mean I could get some help from the locals.

"Hey! I need some people to help me out here, I need people to collect information and you will be paid for your work. Don't bother coming up if you are not good at writing or leaving reading writing, I can tell if you have experience doing this type of thing so don't waste my time if you can't handle the tasks, there will be many jobs in the future for everyone! Next, I would like all the slaves to come up and join me. Anyone restricting a slave from coming to me will be joining the King on the moon, understand?"

A wave of slaves came forward, but it was hard to tell the slaves from the normal people, there were no collars or brands. One thing that most had in common was a piece of colored cloth tied to their wrists. Not all had them but assumed some had just removed them from the number of colored cloth scraps littering the ground between the slaves and the shrunken crowd.

"Okay, get an information booth set up to get my info on anyone still hiding slaves and that isn't coming forward. I expect for slaves, and possibly some slave masters that were to plead their case. No one leaves this city until all the slaves have been turned in and I am confident that all slave masters have been uprooted, along with the King's children. My new friends, past slaves, close your eyes and count to five."

I knew most people weren't going to listen but that was to be expected as I lifted up and back home with a group of around fifty. Once we landed I realized how I had greatly understated how many people would not listen to my warning. The area outside the hospital turned into a cesspool of vomit, but then a gentle wave of water washed over the slave's feet, cleaning the vomit away.

I looked up to find Mishka with her hands out and controlling the water. I knew this was her ability, but I couldn't believe that she was revealing herself. I had not even used the magic so I somehow wouldn't have to explain where I got it like anyone would have asked, but in the spirit of not wanting to draw attention to herself, I conceded, but she looked different now. 

I ran over and scooped her up into my arms and showered her with kisses as people began to pour out of the hospital building to help the new arrivals.


"It was pretty gross," Mishka said, starting to blush.

"Yeah it was, but why today? The rest of the people could have taken care of it and you could have kept your power to yourself."

"Arrentia and Tescelle told me about the city and how gross it was, so I thought that now would be a good time for you to use that power. This just seemed, like the right thing to do, and after last night...I feel more confident!"

I pulled Mishka in for a real kiss this time, my wife was finally starting to come out of her shell. Now, I just had some others to work on, but I would get to them. I had a list longer than my arm of things and women to do these days and it kept getting longer! 

"Okay time to go back and grab the next load, and thank you," I said as I accepted my bag of items from Nuwari who put her cheek out of a kiss.

I leaned in, but as I did, she turned and grabbed me, pulling me into a deep kiss. I was surprised at first but, I got a hold of myself quickly and took her into my arms, returning the passion. I ran my hands over her body and exalted in the smoothness and felt as my hands traced her bareback until my hand slipped down to cup her bottom. It was so damn soft that my hand sunk into it like her ass was made of form, hot damn!

But before I got all R-rated in front of the new arrivals, Nuwari broke away from me, causing me to almost fall. I was actually forced to use gravity magic to keep from falling over. That woman, and oh my lord, that ass was softer than any pillow and just that one touch left me with a horrible carnal urge for more, but that's why she dropped me and walked right when I was getting excited, like a boss.

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