Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 133: Shocka

"I am not itching! I just have been working on something for you."

"Oh? And what might this be? Can I take you somewhere private so I can show just how happy I am?!"

"You don't even know what this is yet! And stop that! I went to visit Tamman Heartstock in Lockland to figure out how to make you a weapon that can control your power." Titania explained as she unwrapped a massive metal cricket bat.

Okay, not a cricket bat, more of a sword with the tip broke off. The thing was massive, even the hand was as long as my forearm! The coolest part was the Redline that ran up the center of the blade, four more lines ran from the centerline, and then the edge was the same red crystal.

"What the fuck is this thing of art? You want me to fight with this? Can't we just put it on a wall so everyone can see what an amazing and talented wife I have?"

"I will use this thing on you!"

"Shesh! So fast to violence! Let me test it out! Wanna come for a ride so I can go all out? I have a place!"

I looked to the others and got smiles, so I turned back to Titania who was rolling her eyes. 

"Let go, my man-child-husband!"

"Hey! That The Great Man Child Husband to you, Missy!"

Before Titania could make another smart ass comment, I already had us moving and within seconds we were back in the Black Ponds swamp. Titania's eyes were rolling around in her head, and I stepped forward to put my hand on her arm to steady her, growing up to my larger size. I took the sword from Titania and stabbed it into the ground, taking my beautiful half giantess into my arms.

"You always like to play hard to get!"

Titania pushed me and broke free from my hug, and then gave me a jab in the side. I tried to flex, but I might as well have been a wet noodle, and even I was surprised when I felt the pain rip through my side. I was doubled over and the wave of pain radiated from my side, what the actual fuck? That wasn't supposed to happen!

"What? I didn't think you could be hurt, and I didn't hit you that hard!" Titania tried to explain herself, but I put my hand up. 

I was wondering about this. I could not be affected by any magic that I created, but I was also built like a brick shit house now. So, that means I am immune to everything but my wife's violence, ugh, have to get a shark week calendar so I didn't try to be funny with one of my wives about to cheat with TOM! I patted Titania on the arm and straightened back up.

"Now you owe me a kiss! Please no more violence; let's keep this between you and me, we will let the other figure it out on their own. Now, let's try out this bad boy!"

"Did you do this?" Titania asked, pointing at the pie-shaped rent cut out of the landscape.

"Yeah, I got carried away, and Cable gave me a boost. Again, I wasn't thinking and I just let loose."

Titania walked over and ripped the sword out of the ground, then walked over and handed me the blade. I took it from her hands and leaned in for a kiss, and I was rewarded with a peck on my cheek. I would take it, this was the focus now, time to test the deadliness of the mofo!contemporary romance

"Okay, pour your magic into the blade, as much as you want, but don't burn yourself out. The red gem is a special glass metal created by a human in the Firesti Empire. The metal glass turns magic into kinetic energy and it is released on impact. The important part is that it only affects the point of contact, so it will only cause damage to what you hit and not the surrounding area."

Woah, so it was like Black Panther in sword form then, okay, I get. I stepped back and jumped at the old king temple, pouring magic into the blade. The effect was mind-boggling when I brought the blade down on the top of the small temple entrance. I put a lot of magic into the swing, but when the sword connected with the temple, it turned to dust, and I had to stop myself in the air.

"Woah! Babe, What the hell did you build? This thing could level a mountain! This is the best gift ever! Just don't tell Kali that, I mean you did help her with the glasses, but you know."

"I will keep it between us, but tell me besides its overwhelming power, how do you like it? Do you have a name for it?"

"I love it, honestly, babe this is fucking cool as ice in a snow storm! A name? Hmmm, That is a good question...Shocka, yeah, that sounds badass! I will smite you with my mighty Shocka! Shocka Strike!"

"You really are a big child," Titania said smiling at me.

"Hey! I will forever be this awesome, so you better start getting used to it! Let's head back, I have to go clean out a castle, and then an entire city. This is going to be a big job, this world keeps trying to impress the fact that it is fucked up on me, and It's really starting to become a head headache."

"You will be fine, you always are. Why don't you come to the Rolling Citadel some time and work on a couple odds and ends with me? I always find it relaxing, and I would enjoy the company."

"I would love to, and maybe I will after I finish in Acosta. I think I will have to take a day off from saving the world after this, hehe."

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