Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 131: Acosta Them Everything

After Snake face said that I decided that we would stick together, that was for sure a jinx trip if I ever heard one. Tescelle didn't complain, but Greshaha was a bit sour over the matter. I ignored him as we walked down the main road and into the city. 

The first thing I noticed was the heady smell of horse shit, hoo wee, somebody needed to open the barn door around here, this place was ripe. Even my girls were trying to keep their screwed up faces hidden behind their hands. I created a loose planetary field that kept our air fresh and the girls relaxed, dropping their hands.

"The smell, how do these people live like this? I could taste the shit in the air!" Greshaha complained.

"Not that well it seems, I can't believe that the city allows for this. This King must be a real piece of work. I can't wait to meet him."

"Good, King Ragna the 7th has requested that you come to the castle to meet with him. We humbly request that you come and join us for a great feast, Great Master Hyde!"

I whipped around to find a little man in a fancy and frilly outfit and a bowl haircut of light brown hair. Where the hell did this little bastard come from?

"Eh? You act fast, how did you know I was coming? And what is your name?"

"I am Clem, a retainer of the King. We have been watching for a massive dragon, but the flying box was odd enough for us to assume it must be you. After Landokingson, all the local states are prepared for your arrival. You made...a big impact on the way some people see things, not all, but some people have been talking."

"All bad things I hope?"

"Bad? Oh yes, there is more than enough of that going around, but just between you, me, and that fence post, there is a good chance you will be kidnapped by the...uh... resistance..." 

Oh, I liked this little fucker already, But so much for the plan. This might not be a bad thing, if there was resistance here, maybe they were linked up with other groups in other states. I turned back to my group.

"What do you guys think?"

"I think it is a good plan, better than the one we had, lets try it this way," Tescelle said and Arrentia agreed with a nod. 

I looked at the shiny Greshaha and he gave me a shoulderless shrug that was more of his arms sliding up and down on the sides of his torso. I turned back to Clem and he was looking at me funny, sniffing at the air. 

"How are you doing that? Why does it smell so...SNNNIFF...pure here?"

"Oh? That? MAGIC!"contemporary romance

"Ha ha, real funny guy, I bet all your friends laugh at your jokes back home!"

"They don't."

"Pft, couldn't imagine why, hehe. Everyone has magic, but you flew in here, buried your box, and then cooked it into a perfect half egg. Now, you make the air...normal, it's just not normal," Clem complained while waving his little arms around himself.

"A man of many talents, that I am! Don't worry, Clem, I got plenty of tricks left up my sleeve. Now, lead on to the ambush!"

"If you shout it out doesn't that make it less of an ambush?" Arrentia asked as she came up and took my right hand. 

"I made it so our voices can only be heard by us, even if someone walks by us, they will hear nothing. It will be hella suspicious, but being heard seems worse in my opinion."

Everyone agreed, and Tescelle came up and took my left hand with Greshaha following us to watch our backs. Clem led us down the long road towards the paint-splashed palace and after about four back alleys, a group rushed out with pointy sticks. I shit you not, they had sharpened sticks and they were waving them in my face, oh dear.

I couldn't hear them at the moment, so I used telekinesis and tossed the older, but I wasn't sure, back into the alley, and I took away their sharp stick. The group rolled into the alley, and Clem and the rest of us walked into the alley after them. As we walked in, I let the rest pass me and I put my hand to one of the houses and grew a wall to close off the back alley; the last thing I wanted was to be interrupted.

I let my magic fill the alley and the sounds of grumbles and moans of pains could be heard from the group laying in a pile on the ground. I was surprised to find that it was a mix of human and Beastfolk teens, about my age, but looking rough around the edges. This was the resistance?"

"You, lot are the resistance? Where are, nevermind, what can I do for you kids?"

"Don't call us kids, we are doing this to stop slavery! Isn't that what you're trying to do?" A dirty blonde human boy questioned me, even stepping forward.

Hmm, this kid had spunk, not too shabby, unlike his current state. The thing was even though this was a ragtag band of kids, they had the heart to stand up and that meant something. If all the adults in this world could only be half as brave as these kids I wouldn't be needed. But the people weren't and that's why I am here! So I got a big smile on my face and stuck out my hand to the kid.

"The name is Hyde, and your damn rights I'm here to stop this bullshit! And I won't stop until it is stopped everywhere. Grab my hand, kid, we got a lot of work to do and you just made it a whole lot easier!"

Now, things could happen faster. Operation: Acosta Perdi of all its slaves is a go!

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