Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 123: Ascension Is Coming

"You know the Almighty?"

"Can't that man settle on a name! When I get a hold of him…"

"What if I said we could talk to him?"

"What? You can let me talk to him?" 

The look of anger left and something like excitement crossed Taria's face.

"Yeah, using a certain combination of magic I can, but it will be pretty intense for you."

"Ha, don't worry about me! I may look like an old hag, but I am far from it."

"Your one of his wives aren't you? Kylie, right?"

"So, he did remember me? Well, the girl you are looking for is still out and about, so we can go talk to my husband."

"First, two questions, how are you outside of her head, and will my snake turn into a zombie tonight?"

"Ah, that is a story for another time, but yes, Greshaha will become undead like everything around here does at night."

"Can we stop it?"

"Let's go see my husband first and then you can talk to Elise about it when we get back."

"Okay, Mishka, step back for a minute, and then you will have to help Taria up after."

Mishka got a large grin on her face and clapped her hands together in excitement. She knew what I was about to do, and I stepped back as the Taria gave me a confused look, but that changed fast. 

Shock, fear, alarm, I could smell them all come from Taria as I shifted into a small dragon. I felt bad when she tripped and I caught her with my magic, bringing her over and setting her on my back, then lacing her down. This wasn't needed but it would help her to be able to focus while in space.

'Can you hear me?'

'Yes! Wow, it's been ten years now since we came to the forest, and that was the last time I had thought conversation like this. How are you a dragon?' -Taria.

Mishka hopped onto my front leg and then onto my back like a little gymnast, plopping herself behind the witch. She gave me the all good thumbs up and I turned to face forwards.

"That is a story for another time when we have more of it. Now, close your eyes open them and try not to scream.'

In the space of a heartbeat, we were floating above the planet that was rotating imperceptibly below. The view never got old up here, and I could smell Mishka's excitement and wonder. Only the second smell emitted from Taria, but then I felt her entire body tense up and then start shaking at the sound of his voice.

'It really has been too long, My Love.'

There was a stretch of silence, but then I heard Taria's thoughts.

'It really is you and this isn't some kind of cruel joke? Does that mean I can come home?' -Kylie.

The person that spoke in my mind wasn't the same old witch. This was a woman that just wanted to get back to her family. Each of his wives has given up the lives they had to come and help save these thankless shitheads. 

'I am sorry, Kylie, I don't know how to get you out of the game short of killing the player you came in with. Each of us knew the risks." -Gripton.

'Wait, how do you get back and forth? Is it another place? Outside of this world? I have seen the end, where space doesn't project. Is it out there?'

'Don't go out there! That is...I can't tell you exactly what it is, because it isn't anything. The space out there is unused space, but the effect of you entering it would remove you from…' -Gripton.contemporary romance

'Oh you son of a bitch, you're doing it again! Stop being vague as shit, and tell me what the fuck is out there!' 

'I just did, nothing! It's blank data, no codes, nothing to support you as a person. Damnit Hyde, there are things I cannot tell you, and there is a good reason for it!' -Gripton.

'More fucking reasons I'll never hear, okay, fine, but answer my first question. Where are you?'

'Hidden in the Hall of Gods, just like we have always been. I know what you are thinking, but there isn't a way to send me there.' -Kylie.


Holy shit that hurt my brain, but Hall of Gods? What did that even mean, and why was it important? There was so much I didn't know or that was being hidden from me, but why was it hidden by the person that was helping? Was Gripton playing me somehow?

'No, as stupid and annoying as he might be, there is a very good reason that he can't tell you everything. I know who you are now, and I will stay to help, not like I have many choices, but you're the reason we are here.' -Kylie.

'Much better, thank you, Kylie, and sorry for getting angry, but you know just as well as I do how important this is right now. Only two more sequences remain and we need to hold tight until then, Ascension is coming. We need to be ready, but you need to leave, there is much to do. I love you, Kylie, and I can't wait to see you in the end.' -Gripton.

Then we were back in the forest, and I was shifting back. Mishka wasn't a part of the conversation, so she was oblivious to everything that I had just heard. Ascension was coming, but what did that mean? I was so in the dark right now and I was really getting tired of asking myself what it all meant.

After everyone was back on the ground, I reached my hand to Kylie.

"You know what the power I hold is, Kylie, at least take it for now, and in the future, I will get you back to your home."

"I believe you. And let's stick to Taria so the girl doesn't get confused." Taria said as she reached for my hand, but stopped at the new female voice.

"Oh, and just how confused do you think I will be?"

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