Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 108: Your Mother!

Violet clung to me for dear life, all sass leaving her. contemporary romance

"It's okay, I have you, I have magic that allows me to create an invisible world around myself. I can put you down and you can stand on your own."

Violet didn't speak, but she did give me a vigorous head shake, making me sigh. I couldn't blame her for that, I was scared shitless the first time I had come up here with Trem. I slowly sat down on a clear surface and lowered Violet into my lap; she had calmed down, but she still wouldn't look away from me.

"So, now that I have your full attention, I would like to ask you again, would you like to be my wife?"

"My mother already said yes, so, there is your answer!"

"Okay, but is that your answer? And if you try some bullshit answer, I will drop you."

Violet made a gulping noise and looked down into her lap.

"I...this is really fast and I know this is how it goes, but…"

"...You don't even know me."



"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Hehe, sorry, but you need to get ahold of that dirty little mouth of yours! And, the reason I am laughing is that you just asked me for the one thing I was never offered! Of course, you can have more time to think! I'm not from this world, and even though I rarely get to choose how my day goes, so, let's go back and have a bit to eat and talk about tomorrow."


"Woah there scatterbrain, did you completely forget about the harvest?"

"No, but…"

"Oh you can't stop me from helping now I have my most excited and energetic wives ripping and raring to go!"

"You can be serious?"

"Well, I would have put them all to work, but I have the others setting up a medical station in town and another group going door to door healing the ones that can't leave their homes."

"What did my father offer you for this?" 

Violet's tone got harsh and she started to pound her little fist into her open hand, but I just ruffled her soft purple hair.

"Don't be a dipshit, why would I charge for healing when I'm in town and trying to make friends?"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Listen, Vi, I came here to gain the support of your father in whatever things that I need to do in this state of Perdi. So far, it's not looking good for Acosta's royalty and nobles. I plan on checking everything out in person, but for now, I am here to make friends with the people of the land."

"What does that have to do with healing for free, you wouldn't have to ask for a lot and the harvest is…"

"No, I don't need any of those things, I didn't come for things. I am not here to take over Perdi, not even Bjrothrone, I'm here for the world. Slavery, gone. Hate to Beastfolk, gone. These are all stains on the world and I plan on cleaning them up, and if it came down to it, I could grow crops faster than you could plant and harvest them."

"Really? What else can you do?"

"Honestly, the list of things I can't do is probably shorter, but close your eye, okay?"

As Violet nodded and closed her eyes I dropped us back into the yard we had disappeared from. I couldn't see anyone in the kitchen, so I closed my eyes and leaned down to kiss the top of her head and was surprised when I connected with a small pair of lips. I opened my eyes after we finished a short kiss and stared into a very shy and red-faced Violet.

"Sorry, I meant to kiss the top of your head, but I closed my eyes."

"I...I know, I looked up right as you closed your eyes."

Hmm? Intentional then, but there was no rush on pushing the question, I had asked twice now, so the ball was in her court now. I pushed her to stand, but she moved her face to mine, but I put a hand up.

"Would you accept my magic for now? You don't have to marry me, but I think you will like what happens."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, two of my wives are beastfolk, one is a dragon, another is a spider Goddess and…"

Nina played into my dramatics beautifully and un-merged from my body as I raised my arm out to the side. She formed standing in her black scaled dress with the glowing red lines and holding my hand. Violet screamed.

"...This lovely woman is Nina, a tree spirit and my wife."

"How?! Aren't you supposed to be a child or something??"

Nina sat down with us in the grass; it was a really nice day out, barely cloudy and a nice breezy. Nina pushed a vine behind her ear as she spoke to Violet.

"Hyde found me in a forest, and I was born under him, but when I appeared he game me his magic and I was able to turn into a beautiful woman."

"Your tree?"

"He is my tree now. I personally would not wait to accept his marriage proposal, but I advise you to take his magic if nothing else."

"Hm, okay, but one more question. What do you do inside of him?"

"I read."

"What? You read? He had books in his head?"

"That is a long story that you and I can have another time, I will leave you to enjoy yourselves."

Nina leaned in and gave me a kiss that pulled her into me, wow, that was a new one! Violet looked more shocked than I was, and for a moment I thought we might have broken her, but soon the cogs started to move again and she remembered to breathe.

"That is one of your wives? And you said you married a DRAGON?!"

"Yes, you remember the one with blue hair and wings?"


"I know, Wendy doesn't look like a dragon, but that is because of my magic."

"So, then you basically turned a dragon into a human?"

"The girl with fiery hair and the orange dress? Lizardfolk."

"So, does that mean…"

"Honestly, I have no idea what will happen, but nothing that you don't want. If there is one thing I have learned about my magic, it's that a person's desires have a lot to do with the changes. So, If you want something bad enough, I'm a fucking genie in a bottle!"

"What's a genie?"

"Ahhh! You other worlders are killing me, Cable would have laughed, maybe even Addel, hehe."

"Who are they?"

"Alright! Enough questions for right now, I am starting to get hungry and I can smell something good, like a stew or something."

"Yes, that's mothers beef and barley stew, and she will have the bread done by now, the sun is starting to set."

As she got off my lap and I stood, I turned around to see that the sun was indeed going down. Been a long day, but it wasn't over yet, time to go break some bread and talk stock for tomorrow. I was about to leave when Violet grabbed my shirt and stopped me, I turned and looked down at her.

"I'll do it, I know what I want."


Violet jumped back, startled by my explosion of laughter. I thrust my right hand forward, with a wicked grin on my face.

"Take my hand and get ready!"

"What is wrong with you?"

I gave her a wink, not breaking my smile, and she rolled her eyes and took my hand. I had already clamped my eyes closed, ready for the flash. After it happened, I waited a couple seconds, then opened my eyes.

Violet was...about eight, maybe ten centimeters taller, which was a big jump for her but it made her a shorty to me still, which was perfect. It was nice to see her proportions were the same, Violet's chest was ample and a back end that I could get behind! I realized too late that I was getting a little bit too excited, but the extremely red-faced Violet snapped my brian back to calm down mode, but the damage had been done. 

At least I thought it was damage at first, but she started to get a mischievous grin on her face. It was one that looked like it wanted to take it back up into the sky, but that's when I heard the battle cry of Teema, Violet's mother, calling us for supper. I stepped forward and took her into my arms and kissed her deeply, and we both needed deep and heavy breathe after.

"You are going to have to get in line with the other women, I am lucky if I have time to do it more than once a day, so give me some time. I know it sounds…"

"No, I get it. I'm glad you are that way, plus we still aren't married yet!" 

"Oh? Well, then you will be doing all the talking when we get inside."

"Talking? To who?"

I turned and grabbed Violet's hand and started to walk to the house smiling. This was going to be a fun meal, besides the talking of the medical stuff, I would be able to get a feel on what the people need and want, and Violet would bear her mother's scrutiny since she was clearly a lot different looking. 

"Your mother!"

"Maybe we could go just...back up there?"

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