She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 234: Mira Gets Caught Up (1)

Chapter 234: Mira Gets Caught Up (1)

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By the way, about those orphanages

Since the detective had mentioned the orphanages, Mira wanted to ask about the one she was searching for. Maybe the detective had actually visited that one while researching. But before she could finish her question, two successive chimes from bells could be heard from outside.

Oh, is it already this late?

Those bells seemed to announce the current time, which prompted the detective to quickly take a notepad out of his pocket and look through it.

Im really sorry to do this right after I invited you to come all the way here, but I have something coming up and have to go. Would you mind meeting up again tomorrow to talk more?

It seemed like it was something important, as the detective said that with an apologetic voice while storing the notepad again.

Tomorrow? Of course, I dont mind. Theres also more things Id like to ask after all.

They had been talking for a long time already, but now that the orphanages had come into the picture, Mira had many more questions for the detective, so she agreed to his invitation.

On top of that, Mira was convinced that this also meant she would be invited to a feast for breakfast, and so they parted ways and she headed out into the streets again. It was slightly past the time for lunch, so it seemed like everyone outside had just eaten and looked satisfied as they walked through the street.

Mira also walked with them along the main street for a while until she spotted the store she was looking for, a Dinowal Store branch. They specialized in selling items useful to adventurers, so they were usually located near the Unions building.

Alright, time to see how much Ill get

Usually Mira visited the Dinowal store to buy items, many of which she did not even need. But this time she was not there to buy, but to sell the many Magic Stones she had gathered in the Ancient Underground City.

Filled with excitement for her future fortune, she stepped into the store.

Haxthausen was a large city with a rich history, surrounded by many dungeons. Because of that, the Dinowal Store was also quite large compared to those in other cities, and their lineup was as impressive as always, quickly drawing in Miras attention and enthusiasm.

The store also had a separate counter for those wanting to trade in Magic Stones.

Mira had looked up how to trade in her items before visiting, so she headed to that counter first, just barely managing to force herself to ignore the enticing items lined up in display racks around her.

The counter was in a corner of the store, where two employees were hard at work attending the clients. Another staff member handed Mira a numbered ticket when she mentioned she was also there to sell.

It seemed like there were many others there wanting to sell just like Mira. Hearing that, Mira concluded that if business was flourishing like that, then it had to mean they were offering competitive rates, and she would also receive a good payout, making her grin.

Soon after, the staff member also told her, You can wait over there if you want.

Mira looked in that direction and saw that a bit past the counter there was a small waiting area, furnished with chairs and tables, and more importantly, they offered various drinks for free.

I might actually accept that offer.

Deciding she could use a rest, Mira held her ticket and walked briskly to the waiting area. Going there, she passed by a sign that read: Waiting area for children in queue, but Miras attention was purely focused on the drinks she would choose that she did not notice.

There were two boys there already, one of them looked like an apprentice spellcaster, and the other an apprentice swordsman. It was hard to tell whether they were friends or had just met there, but they were talking happily with each other, dreaming about their exciting future adventures. But the moment Mira got there both of them quickly went silent.

Both of them followed each of Miras movements with their eyes, completely entranced by her.

(Huh, I guess those two boys are also here waiting to sell.)

Mira poured some Rose Vanilla au Lait into a cup as she looked around the tables.

The two boys had started whispering something between them. Then noticed Mira was looking at them so they pretended to be looking at the stores catalog as they continued to stare at her in quick glances.

(Hmm, it seems theyre interested in me.)

Mira could relate with the desire to stare at a cute girl while trying to pretend to be doing something else, so she understood what the two boys were going through, and went to sit on a chair a distance away while grinning slightly.

(I hope they eventually get used to cuteness like mine though.)

Mira recalled her own woes when she was at that age, when the first signs of puberty affected her, and seemed slightly worried for the future of the two boys.

As she thought that, her ears faintly caught bits of their whispers. It was not clear enough to follow their conversations, but it was enough to give her an idea of what they were discussing.

They had gone far past the first topics like how cute she was or if they liked her, and somehow were already planning how they would have a family with Mira. How much they would have to earn to support a household, how they would need to be more dependable, and even the responsibilities they would have to with raising children, and how many children they would have. And obviously enough, they also discussed more mature nightly topics.

(So the general education of this world has also advanced a lot) contemporary romance

Mira was shocked to hear what they were saying, topics which did not seem to correspond with their age. Maybe it was simply the way this world had evolved, or the way those boys had been raised by their parents, but to Mira they looked too young to be discussing such topics.

Soon they started discussing which of them would be able to satisfy Mira better in bed, so she just averted her gaze and instead began to drink from the cup she held. As soon as the liquid entered her mouth, she tasted a new combination of sweetness from roses and vanilla flowers, which she relished as she stared blankly into space with a grimace.

After some time the queue moved along and the apprentice swordsman was called. He slowly stood up, then turned and continued staring at Mira while avoiding her gaze, but then he was called again and he rushed away to the counter.

(One more and its my turn then.)

The waiting area had been far more comfortable than Mira had anticipated, letting her relax. But eventually she turned to look at the boy wearing spellcaster robes.

He looked rather restless now that his conversation partner had left, but Mira did not even consider going to talk to him instead. She had no intentions in getting involved in the kinds of conversations she had overheard earlier.

Then just as the boy tried to glance at Mira again, their eyes met for just an instant. That made the boy avert his gaze in shame and stare around aimlessly for a bit, and then acted like he was looking through the catalog again.

It seemed like he could discuss more mature topics, but he was still a really inexperienced and innocent boy.

(It seems Ive become a bit of a heartbreaker.)

Somehow Mira seemed reassured seeing that reaction, and then assumed a more dignified pose before waiting on her turn again.

Some time later a girl entered the waiting area. Her turn would come after Miras.

She wandered around the waiting area for a bit, holding a cup of orange juice, before eventually taking a seat in front of Mira. The girl was wearing a long plain robe, with a short beginners wand hanging from her belt. Her appearance seemed to suggest she was an apprentice spellcaster.

She was around twelve or thirteen years old, though as far as appearances went Mira looked the same. She seemed rather shy as she took a sip from her cup, glancing at Mira with curiosity.


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