Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 34

~ ~ Logan ~ ~

Clipper, a grey and white stallion, twitched his powerful back muscles between my thighs as we moseyed up the dusty trail.

What was I doing out riding at this late hour?

We still were having trouble with vandals and though I had a pretty good idea of who it might be, I had no proof... yet. So, Hank, Jackson and I had agreed with the rest of the men to keep a closer eye on things. Taking shifts on riding out, checking things over. However, tonight it seemed quiet, and I’d left two of our newest cowboys on the Ranch, EJ and Mackay to do the final rounds of the night.

It was hot tonight and I adjusted my hat a few times whilst listening to the chirps of insects on the dry night breeze. And whilst I was alone, it had me thinking about what was next for us all.

Not that I was worried or anything. Hell, the last month had been pretty much smooth sailing. Jackson was getting stronger and no longer a moody bastard, not that I held that against him after what he went through.

Maddy was in our bed every night and tonight I hoped was gonna be the first night we made love to her together. Not at the same time, no. She wasn’t ready for that yet, but being in the same room, taking turns. And just the picture of Maddy riding Jackson sent pulses of hunger throbbing below my belt.

Yeah, we’d been sharing a bed and I wouldn’t deny there’d been a hell-of-a-lot of foreplay going on, but actual sex? No. We’d stuck to each spending time alone with her. It hadn’t been my choice. It had more to do with Jackson and his crazy ideas that he wasn’t enough or quite whole yet. Not that I had a damn clue what that meant when he had tried to explain it to me. I just nodded and agreed.

So, when he suggested tonight we share, it was a huge step in the right direction.

Though would it matter if we didn’t ever get to the point where Maddy could take us both at the same time?

No, not in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, I might have been an ass man in every sense of the word, but it wasn’t a deal-breaker.

Maddy was ours in every way that counted and that wasn’t gonna change none. Neither me nor Jackson would walk away from her. A smile pulled at my mouth as our future manifested itself inside my head. I wanted to see our ring on her finger, her belly swollen with our child.

The logistics of it mattered none.

And, yeah, my mind had been on kids a lot. I guess spending time with Riley Jo’s little one had woken up some need in me that I hadn’t even known was there and it didn’t matter if the kids were mine or Jackson’s. I would love them no matter what.

I was eager to get started. Just had to get that asshole ex of hers out of the picture completely and although he’d been quiet, there was a niggly feeling in the back of my mind that something was brewing.

My ears got wind of a sound and I pulled on Clipper reigns. Turning us around and there, up in the distance, was a flash of headlights. Nudging my horse, we picked up the pace to head off Riley Jo’s car.

Thank Christ they were home. It was the first time she’d been out with her sister and Casey. Girls’ night out, she’d said.

But to be honest, it had left me and Jackson feelin’ somewhat antsy.

The car slowed to a stop and the passenger door opened and a head of blonde hair popped out first. “You need a ride there, Princess?” Fully out of the car, she closed the door and started toward Clipper.

“Why? You offering, cowboy?” she teased with a soft bite to those supple lips of hers and I bit back a groan.

And instead of staring down at her, I threw my leg over and landed beside her. Her eyes were open, soft, and she wore a hint of a smile, enough to suggest she was thinking about what we talked over earlier.

Or at least I hoped she was.

Slipping my hand around her waist, I tugged her toward me, sealing my lips over hers. Christ, I’d missed her tonight, and it had only been a few hours.

Every part of me was hard and heated.

Hearing the clearing of a throat and some giggles, I reluctantly eased back and looked over the top of Maddy’s head.

“Keep it PG there, cowboy,” warned Riley Jo with no weight behind it.

My smile kicked up. “Sorry, Riley Jo.” But in my defence, I couldn’t help myself. Maddy here had the kind of beauty that fucked with a man’s self-control.

“Yeah, sure you are, Cowboy.” Throwing me a coy smile. “I’m gonna carry on up to the house, drop off Casey here. I’m guessin’ Maddy will ride the rest of the way with you?”

“I will call you tomorrow,” said Maddy, tossing a look over her shoulder to her sister.

“Be sure you do,” she sing-songed. “You kids enjoy yourselves and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” and then the car was pulling off slowly down the long drive to our home.

Maddy cocked an eyebrow at me, shaking her head.

“She does know I’m older than her...right?”

Maddy smiled as the heat of her small hands on my biceps had them flexing under her touch.

“Missed you, tonight,” she said.

“Hmm,” I hummed. “Trust me, not as much as we missed you, Princess.”

“Is Jackson still up?”

“You can bet your sweet behind he is!”

And there’s that smile again.

“You and the girls have a good night?” and added for good measure. “No trouble?”

She tensed in my arms, and I moved my head back. “Everything okay, Maddy?”

A weighted pause and then she nodded. “Ah-huh,” she started, “it was good. I’ll tell you ‘bout in the morning, yeah?’”

I sensed a story there, but if it wasn’t important enough to tell me now, then I guessed it was nothing to worry about.

Right now it was about the three of us.

“C’mon,” I gripped her waist and hoisted her up into the saddle and then I climbed up there with her. Moving closer, her back pressed up against my chest and my arms slid around her to grasp the reigns and I eased my nose into her hair, taking in a huge gulp of her sweet scent. Although tonight she had a hint of perfume on her. Vanilla?

“Take us home, Clipper,” I nudged my horse and we both rode in silence with only the buzzing of electricity between us.

By the time we made it back inside the house, Casey had already gone up to bed.

Closing the door behind us, my eyes snagged on the sway of her lips as she walked just ahead of me. Lifting off my hat, I tossed it onto the side dresser. Maddy flipped around and touched her tongue to her lips. “It’s awfully quiet. Are you sure Jackson is still awake?”

Closing the space and pulling her toward me, I lifted her with no trouble and as she wrapped those long legs around me as I nuzzled my whiskered face into her warm neck. “Trust me, he’s awake.”

“Well then. Take me to bed, cowboy!” she giggled.

“My pleasure, Princess.” With my hands cupping her sweet ass, Maddy flipped off the lights as we headed out of the kitchen and I carried her upstairs.

And just like I’d said. Jackson was on our bed, laying on top of the covers in just his underwear with a smirk drawing up the corners of his mouth.

A look passed between us as Maddy slid down my body, teasing my very hard cock before spinning around to greet him.

“You are up,” she hummed. “And eager I see.”

Yeah, no hiding the tenting in his tight-fitting underwear and I had no doubt our woman was wearing the biggest smile right now.

“You have no idea, beautiful,” groaned Jackson, his tone sounding like a man in torture.

“I think I do and that look you’re wearing, well it might as well be a flame thrower between my legs.” she giggled again, lifting her hand to capture them.

How many beers had she drank tonight?

Not that it mattered. It was nice to see her so relaxed and a little sassy. I loved it.

I loved her.

But it didn’t stop her jumping and ‘eeking’ when my palm made contact with her butt. “So how ’bout you get naked and not keep us waiting a second longer than needed, huh?”

Who needed subtlety?

Flashing a heated look over her shoulder, the pretty pink blush that spread up Maddy’s neck to her cheeks said more than words ever could and then her head flipped back around and she was busy getting to work, her nimble fingers working fast and at the same time, toeing off her shoes.

And that was another thing that had changed. Over the past few weeks, Maddy’s shyness about her body seemed to be getting less and less as she wriggled herself out of those ass-hugging jeans and kicked them haphazardly to one side.

No denying it glued my eyes to her sleek body. Her muscle definition created tight dips and winding trails down to one of my favourite parts. Her long legs.

Hell, who was I kidding here? Every inch of the woman was my favourite part.

I wasn’t going slow either, flipping the buttons on my shirt, pushing it from my shoulders, not caring where it landed. And my belt buckle was almost ripped in half as I yanked it free. My boots and jeans followed till I was standing in my underwear.

“Get that fine ass up here,” said my brother, and Maddy needed no encouragement, practically skipping to the bed just wearing her underwear. “Didn’t I say naked, beautiful?” he asked, eyebrows raising.

At the foot of the bed, she pushed down her panties, and I was there, right behind her, unclipping her bra and dotting eager kisses along where her straps had been as my fingers eased between her thighs. “So wet,” I mumbled against her ear. “I can’t wait to slide inside your pussy and feel your honey coat my cock.”

She leaned into me, a moan escaping.

“Good, I want you wet,” Jackson told her. “Now hop on up and crawl your way up here and sit on my face so I can taste that sweet little pussy of yours.”

A shiver danced through her body even though her body flushed hotter.

Jackson crooked his finger, and I let her go as she got to moving. Not in any rush. Her hands roamed over him as she went, and he groaned when her fingers teased the outline of his rigid erection.

“That’s right, beautiful. keep goin’.”

Crawling up the length of his body, I gripped my stiffness through the thin material. Maddy didn’t stop until she was perched above his head, her fingers folding over the edge of the headboard to hold on.

Good thing, too, because when Jackson’s hands slid up her thighs and his tongue licked over her slit, she jerked, the sensation making her outwardly shiver.

“Ride his face, Princess,” I instructed my voice more of a husk. I was then on the bed, straddling my brother’s chest, my hands sliding up to cup her breaths, rubbing my thumbs across her hard nipples while pressing my chest against her back and my mouth to her ear.

“Tell me, Princess. Do you like it when Jackson licks your pussy, huh?”

“Hmhmm,” she said with a moan.

“I know he dreams about it, craves it—just like I do.”

“Oh, God,” she cried out, grinding down on Jackson’s mouth.

I could practically taste her sweetness, even though it was my brother’s tongue flicking over her clit and sliding inside her. “And I’m gonna love seeing him sink his cock inside you. Getting it ready for me.”

Not moving, I let her ride him this way for a short while, but now, I was getting impatient. “Enough.”

I moved back and lifted her clean off my brother. And from there I flipped her over, lying her flat on her back. Jackson, his mouth and chin wet, was staring up at me. “Why do that?” he asked, and Maddy pouted.

I smiled at them both. “It’s my turn to play for a while.”

Maddy said nothing but sighed when I used my fingers to spread her wet, swollen lips and then I had my tongue dipping inside and groaning out loud.

Maddy just lay there as we both took turns, alternating, driving her wild as we kissed, licked and teased with our fingers, tongues and a little bit of teeth thrown in.

“Oh, God,” she cried again. “Please,” she begged. “I need to come.”

Jackson’s head lifted. “You like it when she begs, brother?”

“I do, brother, and because she asked so nicely, maybe it’s time.”

I inched up the bed and Maddy was quick to cup my face, pulling it down to her and her tongue thrust inside my mouth, eager... searching. She gasped into my mouth and I was sure Jackson was sucking on that sweet little button, again tormenting her some more.

And then her eyes almost rolled back into her head as her first orgasm hit home. Her body bucked like a cowboy riding a bull and I hoped she didn’t wake Casey with the high-pitched scream that almost deafened me. I covered her mouth with mine, swallowing every cry and gasp until her body softened beneath us, leaving her breathless and sated.

The bed then shifted as Jackson flopped next to Maddy, lying flat on his back, wiping a hand across his mouth. “Don’t think we’re finished yet, beautiful,” he half warned.

I shifted to her other side. “That’s right. We’re nowhere near done with you, yet.”

Maddy blew out a breath, not moving. Her eyes seemed glued to the ceiling as her hand came to rest over her tummy, splaying her fingers. “I think you’re gonna have to do all the work. You both wore me out already.”

“Oh, we plan to, beautiful.”

A quick nod from Jackson and no words were needed as I moved swiftly, lifting Maddy, and before she could blink, she was lying on top of a completely naked Jackson. I never even saw him take off his underwear.

“Put my cock inside you,” Jackson ordered with a hint of growl in there.

Maddy reached between them and guided him to her entrance.

“That’s right. Now slide down on me.”

Maddy composed herself, sucking in three large scoopfuls of air and followed his instruction. Her body stretched to take him inside, leaving her eyes to flutter closed as her lips parted with a sigh.

“I’m gonna fuck you now, Maddy, and tonight we’re holding nothing back from you—you understand?”

“I want it, Jackson. I want it all.”

My brother wasted no time in getting started. He gripped onto her hips as he fucked up into her. Each grunted-out stroke was slow and deep.

I shifted behind her and then Jackson pulled out completely and I knew she was about to ask what was going on when I had my hand on her hips and then I slipped inside her hot, tight heat.

“Logan...” she moaned my name as I slid all the way home, keeping to the same rhythm as Jackson had started.

And then we switched again, keeping her hanging on that edge, each of us taking her body. Loving her.

“Oh god... please, I can’t.. please...” It wasn’t long till she was begging again.

Mine and Jackson’s eyes met, words passing between them. Gripping her hips, I pounded into her, crushing her against Jackson as I did, her body melding between us.

“Oh ... yes ... please, oh...oh, ooooh, God yes,” she managed to bite out words between thrusts until one final cry and her muscles locked around me as another orgasm ripped right through the middle of her and this one seemingly stronger than the last.

I realised I wasn’t far behind as I dug my fingers into her flesh, but pulled out as Jackson went straight back in, fucking her hard, grunting with every thrust as I took my soaked cock in hand letting my fingers glide over the hard flesh, whilst watching my brother punch in and out, each thrust as unforgiving as the next.

And then it happened at the same time. Jackson emptied deep inside her, cursing out loud, and I whitewashed Maddy’s ass with my cum.

I collapsed onto the bed and Maddy lay still and boneless on top of Jackson, his chest rising and falling hard as his hand ran up and down her sides, whispering sweet words to our woman.

“Love you both,” Maddy whispered. “So much...”

With a smile on my face and a warmth in my chest, I answered for us both. “We know you do, Princess. We know.”

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