Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter Broken Dreams Stories 89

Chapter 89

"Patrick," I whined, as he continued his slow teasing movements.

"Hold still, love; let me play for a minute," He admonished as his fingers moved closer to my still-covered clit. I cried out and reached for his hand wanting to keep his fingers dancing over my dit.

Mike reached out taking my hands in his. "No touching honey, let Patrick have his fun. Besides, this will be a good lesson in patience for you."

I huffed out an annoyed breath but relaxed my arms, not complaining when Mike wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me still. "Good girl," he whispered in my ear," Stay still and just relax, enjoy the feel of Patrick touching you."

I groaned as Patrick's finger teased along my clit, whimpering when he slid a finger under the edge of my bikini. When he ran his finger over my clit I began squirming in Mike's lap. Mike tightened his hold.

Hold still, honey. I know it feels good, but you need to do as you are told and not move. Remember, if you follow our directions, then tonight you get your reward." Mike was talking quietly to me, as Patrick moved his finger along my slit. "She is so wet already: I don't think she will be able to hold herself back from coming," Patrick told Mike.

"I will, I swear I will, I won't come until you tell me to, I promised both of them, desperate for Patrick to continue his exquisite torture.

I think you're right, Patrick. You should stop until she has a chance to calm down. Mike agreed.

my from my sensitive clit. Standing be leaned over me, kissing my lips gently.

"Noo," I whined as Patrick pulled his finger away

"Good girl love, I know it's hard, but Mike and josh will make it worth it," Patrick said, giving me another kiss before backing away,

I squirmed in Mike's lap; the sensation of being so turned on but not coming was a new experience for me, and I didn't know how to handle it.

Mike gave me a tight hug, quickly reading my body language. He moved his legs so he could pull me up into his lap. I whimpered as my legs relaxed, my core throbbing at the movement. Josh came over, handing Mike a towel and bottle of water, before squatting down next to me, rubbing my arms.

"Good girl, baby. I know this is an overwelming sensation, but we are both here just relax and drink some water," Josh helped Mike wrap the towel around me, in case 1 got cold before pressing a kiss to my lips, then pulling a chair closer to us, he sat, linking our hands together and running his thumb across my knuckles soothingly.

I relaxed into their gentle care, the warmth of the sun along with Mike's body heat was making me drowsy. I don't know how long a lay cuddled in Mike's lap, but as my body calmed down, I began to notice how warm the sun was, and that Mike and I were both beging to sweat. I shifted in Mike's hold sitting up and looking at him.

"You feeling ok boney?" Mike asked, as he carefully looked me over.

"Yeah, I was just getting hot, I think I acutally want to get a little more into the water." I told him. Mike turned me so my feet were in the water, Josh stood, and pulled me to my feet.

I'm going to go for a swim to cool off, you stay with Josh and he will take you as far as you want to go. Mike kissed me before wading out into deeper water and dove under the water, comming up several feet away wipeing the water from his face before turning toward the floating swim platfor boyued farther out in the water.

I stood still admiring Mikes well defined body as he moved through the water, Josh's chuckle pulled my gaze back to him.

"You ready to cool down baby girl?" He was grining at me causing my face to flush with a heat that had nothing to do with the sun.





"Yeah its probably a good idea," I sighed. When Josh had turned away from me I muttered quietly not like your going to let me get off anytime soon."

"Did you say something baby girl? Josh asked turning around looking at me with a cocked eyebrow?

"What?" I asked innocently. "No, just stubbed my Angers behind my back hoping this would distract him from my muttered complaints.

toe on something. Must have been the leg of the chair, Lets go or I'm going to well." I crossed my

Josh gave me one more firm look, before reaching for my hand. "OK baby we are going at your pace. We will only go as deep as you want, so tell me if you start getting nervous." Chapter 89

"OK lets do this, I gave Josh a small smile, squeezing his hand as we began slowly walking toward deeper water.

I had made it up to my knees before stoping, tightning my grip on Josh's hand. Lets stop here, I dont want to go any further."

All right baby, we don't have to go any deeper. Im so proud of you for doing this." Josh pulled me into his body wrapping his arms around me, as 1 took a shaky breath.

"Just breath with me baby girl, Josh instructed pressing my hand to his chest so I could feel his slow even breaths.

I leaned against him closing my eyes. The water was significantly cooler then by the chairs, but with Josh's holding me against his warm body, and the sun warm on my back, I tried to just focus on my breathing. I could feel myself slowly starting to calm down, focusing on the sent of Josh's body wash mixed with the smell of sunscreen, the pine trees from the forest that was surounding the lake was making me relax.

Taking one more deep breath, I pulled back a little so I could see his face. the smile on his face and the love that showed in his eyes, almost made me tear up. "I am so proud of you baby, you are so amazing brave for doing this. I can't imagine how hard this was for you. Are you ok, or do you want to go back and sit down?"

"I'm ok, lets stay here for a few more minutes, its nice with you holding me. I wrapped my arms around Josh's waist resting my head against his chest.

"Baby girl I will hold you whenever you want, always. He promised, kissing the top of my head before tightning our hug. I love you baby. He whisperd quietly to me.

"I love you to Josh, all my heart. I whispered back.

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