Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 68

Shattered Girl Chapter


Jake and I were still cuddling on the bed, talking and exchanging kisses, when there was a knock on the door. Mike stuck his head in, telling us Drew and Patrick were lighting the firepit and that they wanted to make smores. I have never made s'mores before," I said, sitting up and looking downs at Jake. Come in, let's go make smores." I took Jakes hand pulling on it to get him moving. Laughing he told me to go with Mike and 1 would be right behind us. Thunded over to Mike, excited to be trying something new, bouncing around him like a hyper toddler. With a hand on my lower back, we headed dosenstairs and outside to the huepit. Parock and Drew had got it going and pedled up chairs arcend it. There was a small table off to the side, that they had filled with everything you would need sake smites. I went up to Patrick and then Drew, kipsing them and thanking them for setting everything up.

1 picked a chair and sat down enjoying the warmth the fire pit was giving off on this chilly evening. I would love to remember to bring down a sweater next time; I thought to myself when all of a sudden, a hoodie dropped into my lap. Looking up 1 se lake standing next to my chair. Thank you, lake," I said, standing and sliding the hoddie over my head. It smelled like fake so I knew this had to be one of his "You know you're not getting this back, right? Itwased lake. Jake smiled, kissing me gently, then went to grab marshmallows and roasting sticks from the table. Handing me a marshmallow and stick, he showed me what to do. Following his instructions carefully I stuck my marshmallow over the flames, watching it tum golden brown, and then catch fire. I quered and dropped it into the re

1 watched my marshmallow vanish into flames sadly when Mike came over, picked me up, and sat down with me his lap. It's okay, honey. It happens to all of us at least once," he promised. He took my stick and added another marshmallow to it, handed it back to me, and angled it so it was higher above the flames. This time, turned golden brown at a much slower pace. When I pulled it away from the heat, Mike held the stick for me while I slid the gooey marshmallow unto the gram mackers.

this is my new favorite dessert, I told the guys, as I finished off my first s'more, licking the melted chocolate off my finger and causing all the guys to groan. I will be right back, Im going to go wash my hands. I had just finished drying my hands in the outside kitchen when I paused to watch the guys around the fire. They were laughing and talking. I loved watching them in moments like this, everyone relaxed and happy. I hoped we would have many moments like this. I had never been this happy before. Walking back to the fire pit, Drew motioned me over. When I stopped in front of him, he pulled me into his lap, nuzzling against my neck and making me gizzle. Are you having a good time perity girl?" He asked as he adjusted me on his lap.

"Yeah, I really am, I hope we can spend more time up here. I love how relaxing and beautiful it is here. It's so much slower than the city. I told him, relaxing against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I have no idea how long we spent outside around the fire, but it must have been late because I had started to done off on Drew's lap, the guys were talking quietly when a usiling of the bushes on the side of the lawn caused them to pause mid-conversation. The sudden silence, combined with the rustling in the bushes, caused me to come fully awake, just in time to see a raccoon waddle out, followed by three little ones. "Oh my god, they are so adorable, don't you just want to pick one up and cuddle him giggled as the three babies began to play at the edge of the bush ignoring the distance between them and their mother.

"Yes, they are very cute, Drew said, but we are not going to be cuddling wild animals His famly spoken tone sent a shiver down my core, and I squirmed on his lap. "Mmm, I like it when your voice gets all firm and growly," I told him.

Thats not the only thing firm at the cement, baby," Drew said. At the guy's sudden burst of laughter, the little family of raccoons disappeared as if by magic into the brush

I hope we can see them again while we are here," I said, slowly adjusting my position on Drew's lap to take full advantage of his firm **k that was pressing against Stupin, Emmy, or I'm going to take you right here, Drew warned. I gave one more wiggle to show him the idea didnt bother me before smiling sweetly up at him

funt at a linte too cold to be getting me completely naked out here?" I asked innocerely. This caused all the guys to grable and adjust themselves. "the next time

will make sure to have a dies on; that way, you wont lune to undos me." I told Deen trying my hardest to sound serious. I could feel Drew's

Surging to his feet, Drew adjusted his hold on me and started walking toward the hope, calling over his shoulder that we would be back later. I waved to the rest of the guys who were sta watching un grinnang and laughing at the fact that I was able to get Dhew so worked up. When we got to the stain, Die paused serving my lever carefully to make sure i the stairs, lips inches from my ear, and he murmured, telling meetly s***t he was alarming.

ok with what he was planning on doing to me. At my nod, he continued up

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