Chapter 356
e hapter 0356 He paused and turned to look at me , hits hand still wrapped around my wrist .
Not enough to hurt , but enough to make me realize he had no intentions of letting me go anytime soon .
Watch duty he murmured .
You are coming with me .
I thought I was on Levis team , I said , my tone coming det breathy and unfamiliar .
I hated the effect he had on me , having him with me on this watch duty was probably the worst idea ever .
Especially alone ….
Thats never been the plan .
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stared up at him .
I wasnt sure what to say at that moment , so I remained silent as he continued to pull me towards the forest opening .
Soon , we were engulfed by the woods ; it was much darker than it had been a moment ago , and truth be told , I wasnt entirely...