Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 92: Heading Out II

Laura was back from where she first left off. The guards were shifting places, and it was about time for them to notice a white cloth swaying out of Laura's window. The footsteps grew louder and louder while Laura hid in an area where she wasn't visible.

A guard pointed up to the window and looked at the other guard while stuttering he said, "Is that…"

"Isn't that her room?"

"F-faster, inform the other guards about this," The guard ordered as he rubbed his chin, looking up the window.

The guard stayed behind to check the area, checking if any traces were left by Laura. But there weren't any traces left behind, making him confused where she went. The guard scratched his head and walked away from the area.

Laura exhaled out loud after holding her breath in. She was lucky to find a spot where she could hide. If she didn't know this place existed, she might have been caught already. There were small holes in the bushes, big enough for someone like her to fit in.

There was one spot in the garden where she hid in her past life. Mostly, it was to avoid the punishments of the maid. No matter how hard they tried to find her, they couldn't. What can you do when it was hidden well?

Laura stayed seated on the grass and continued to listen for any sounds before moving. The first thing she needed to go was to Count Harrison's chamber. She knew where it was located, but it was her first time entering.

Count Harrison's bedroom wasn't near Tine or Laura's bedroom. They needed to walked further into the estate before reaching his own room. However, there might be a problem, and it was the guards.

There wouldn't be a single guard who will allow her to move freely.

'It's not like I have a choice either.'

Being cautious, Laura crawled out of the bush and stood up. She swiped her hands, removing stuck grass. After, she made her way into the estate using the backdoor. No one uses the backdoor because it was far away from the kitchen or the break room.

But there was an advantage to using the back door. It was closer to Count Harrison's bedroom, and if luck is with her right now, there shouldn't be any guards roaming the hallway.

Still being cautious, Laura made her way into the back door. The door shut, and she locked it just to be sure that no guard would enter using that door.

When she turned her head, she was hesitant to walk because the hallway was dark. It was weird because the hallway leading to Count Harrison's bedroom isn't supposed to be dark.

Laura clenched her fist and walked onto the dark hallway. There weren't any sounds present except a small sound, which was her footsteps.

Several walkings later, she arrived in front of Count Harrison's door, but the hallway was still kept dark. She was about to knock on the door not until she heard a faint voice coming from the room.

Laura bent onto one knee and brought her ears close to the door. She couldn't recognize the voice, but for sure, it was a girl speaking while the other voice sounded muffled but familiar. 

"Why won't you make me the heir instead?"

"Tine, why are you acting like that?"

"Father! It doesn't make sense you're giving the heir title to someone not related to us!" Tine yelled as she shocked Laura who was listening behind the door.

"When are you going to release me?" Count Harrison asked.

"Not until you name me the heir of this family. No either way you wouldn't be able to remember this conversation. Sleep well, father."

The room went silent all of a sudden. Then footsteps grew closer and closer until the door opened. Tine stuck her head out of the door, looking side to side if there were anyone because she felt someone listening to their conversation.

Tine walked towards the stop where Laura was hiding. It was five steps before she would be caught. Laura held her breath in and shut her eyes when hearing the footsteps coming in her direction.



Threecontemporary romance

"Miss Tine! Miss Laura is not in her bedroom," A guard called from the other side and continued, "It seems like she escaped from her window."

"Tch. Find her and bring her maid. It seems like my sister needs to learn from her own mistakes," Tine ordered and walked behind the guard.

When the footsteps diminished, Laura made her way into Count Harrison's room, and she gasped when she saw something unexpected. Tied onto a chair, there sat the unconscious Count, and next to him was Percival.

Before she could do anything, Laura closed the door then made her way towards Count Harrison. Did Tine knock him out? There was a sudden movement from Count Harrison, and when he opened his eyes, he looked confused.

It looks like Tine didn't fully knock Count Harrison into sleep.

"F-father, I'll help you out," Laura said, looking around the room for a sharp object to cut the rope tied around him.

"What's happening?" Count Harrison asked and in confusion he looked around his room, asking, "Why am I tied?"

Strange. Strange Count Harrison couldn't remember anything. Tine must have erased his memories earlier. That might be the reason why there was a sudden silence.

Laura noticed something shining under the desk, and it was a knife. She picked the knife up and cut the ropes that restrained Count Harrison. He looked to his side and saw Percival on the chair, unconscious.

"Laura…what is happening?" Count Harrison asked.

"I do not know also. I got worried since I haven't seen you for the past few days and you were just here in your own room tied," Laura answered in a low tone.

The guards' yells reached Count Harrison's ear, and then he noticed something was not right in the estate. He stood up from his chair, but his legs felt weak. He remembered the last time talking to Tine in his own room, and it suddenly blacked out.

Every time Count Harrison tried to recall what happened, he would feel a sharp pain crossing into his head. Laura immediately went to help Count Harrison, but when Laura was about to speak, a guard barged into the room.

"There she is!" The guard called, pointing at Laura and did not notice Count Harrison. When the guard turned his head to catch Laura like a car break, he stopped when he saw Count Harrison, not in a satisfying look. "M-master?"

"Why is there a need to catch my daughter?" Count Harrison asked and stood tall.

"U-um I-it was Miss Tine's orders."



"Though I've done nothing wrong?" Laura took a step and glared at the guard.

"This is a mess," Count Harrison roared as his voice echoed through the hallway.

The guard startled as he lowered his head. He didn't know what to do; rather, it was his first time seeing Count Harrison this mad.

"Laura, please untie Percival. You call everyone to the hallway to be here within five minutes."

The guard left without questioning while Laura approach Percival and cut the rope in half. Percival was on the chair and still did not wake up. Probably the only person who could wake him up was Tine.

Count Harrison crossed his arms together and muttered, "I do not remember anything. What is the date today?"

"Today is 21," Laura replied.

"21? Already? I remember it was just the 17," Count Harrison rubbed his chin and sat back on the chair.

"You were probably unconscious for four days," Laura said and didn't know whether to tell that it was Tine's doing. Though Laura doubts he would believe her for saying the truth.

"Four days?" Count Harrison said in a shocked tone as he massaged his temples.

"Father! Are you alright?" Tine barged into the room and ran towards to give him a hug.

"Tine, what's happening?" Count Harrison asked.

"I heard that there was a robber in the house," Tine worriedly said as she took a glance at Laura.

"Robber?" Laura scoffed and gave Tine an unpleasing look. It was a lie how can a robber enter the estate with such high security?

Tine bit her lip and hid behind Count Harrison's back. Count Harrison interrupted the two asking, "Robber? Were the guards able to capture them?"

"Yes, they were able to capture them. I was worried that the robber entered sister's room is why I went to look for her," Tine said in a soft tone.

'Lies, but I'll play along with your game.'

"How considerate of you," Laura smiled and held Tine's hand.

"Master! Everyone is gathered," The guard earlier said by the door.

Behind Count Harrison's back, Tine slapped Laura's hand, feeling unpleasant with Laura's touch. She gave Laura a glare, but Laura falters, laughing softly.

Laura whispered to Tine, saying, "I'll play along with your game."

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