Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 88: Confined I

Two days. Two days had passed since the confinement of Laura and yet she was still not released. She didn't know how long until she will be stuck in her own room but for sure it wouldn't be anytime sooner.

Not only that she did not have a chance to talk to Lester or Mary and for sure they were prohibited from entering her room. But there is someone who brings her food but it wasn't a servant she recognized. Definitely, they are hiding something and all she could do is trust her loyal servants who might help her out.

"Enter," Laura answered.

The servant rudely placed the tray down on the table and left the room without saying a room. Laura walked towards the table and stared at the food. This food isn't edible anymore it's a good thing that the bread is still edible while the soup had a weird color and wasn't steaming.

"Childish," Laura mutter, tearing the bread into half and took a bite.

Laura didn't mind being confined because she was used to it and maybe Tine thought she would go crazy after not talking to other people but that was not the case. She didn't care if she was alone or not. She just didn't want the prawns of Tine to bite her.

"Lester…do you think Miss is alright?" Mary asked, placing the plate on the shelf.

"Our lady is strong enough to bear that. Though what I do no understand is why she is being confined."

Mary lowered her hand and frowned. The truth was, she saw Count Harrison the other day however he didn't look like the gentleman she knew. His eyes were dark and his lips weren't smiling at all. It was weird because the count always greets people with a smile.

"I have a feeling that a storm is about to come," Mary said.

"I agree with you. I have a feeling that we should do something about this," Lester nodded as he rubbed his chin.

"What about him? Maybe he could help," Mary suggested.

"Him?" Lester questioned, tilting his head.

Back in Laura's room, she was done eating her so-called breakfast and walked towards to window, gazing upon the flowers. She continued to gaze at the flowers not until she was disrupted when the doors opened.

From the window's reflection, she saw the blonde girl walking into her room, smiling as if she won the game between them. She casually sat on the couch and waited for the doors to close then the smile on her face vanished.

Laura did not turn her head to look at Tine because she thinks it's a waste of energy to look at her face.

"How are you feeling sister?" Tine asked and continued when Laura did no answer her back. "Don't you think you're wasting food? I think the soup is warm and delicious."

No answer came from Laura's mouth and she continued to look out of the window, pretending Tine wasn't in her room. Tine flinched but still continued to keep her calm. To her, there was no point in getting angry at an orphan.

"If you're not going to answer me I should punish someone," Tine sang and finally catching Laura's attention.

Angered, Laura turned her head not giving Tine a welcoming look. If Mary gets hurt Laura did not mind killing Tine with her own hands.

"What do you want from me?" Laura raised her brow.


"Then get out of the room. I do not wish to see you."

"But I wish to see you," Tine pathetically answered.

"If you dare to hurt my friends I will get back to you," Laura threatened.

"I'm so scared," Tine sarcastically said. "Don't worry I won't hurt them…maybe."

Laura clenched her first and turned her back once more. There is no point answering Tine when it is obvious that she will not hurt them. Too bad it did not do much damage to Laura.

"I'm just saying but if you dare escape from my hands I will not let you go freely. I will find you and kill you," Tine warned and left the room.

When Tine left her room, Laura couldn't help but clench her fist. She wanted to punch her face in and let her have a missing tooth. Though if she did that nothing will change except that Tine might need a tooth implant.

Laura isn't scared of Tine and she knew that. There is no way she would allow herself to be defeated by Tine's scheme. The first she agreed to was to make an escape plan and that includes getting Mary and Lester out of this place.

There are two guards standing out of her door not only that but the scenery out of her window is disrupted by the guards who roams around the garden. Laura knew that there were guards in the estate but it was her first seeing so much of them.

Something is not right.

In the break room of the estate, Mary sighed, sitting on the chair. It was super unusual for her not to do anything at all. That's because she is always by Laura's side and the more she couldn't bear to see her the more she wanted to call for him.

Should she? It might help Laura but things might go worse if she did and maybe Mary might end up dead. Thinking about it Mary shuddered and she didn't like the idea of death. She was still young and wanted to wed with someone whom she liked.

But to have her lady confined in her own room without a reason it pushed her to sacrifice her own life for Laura's freedom.

"Break time is over. I should sweep the garden," Mary encouraged herself and walked out of the break room.

Passing the kitchen she suddenly heard a crashing sound and rushed to the kitchen. She heard a panicking voice, apologizing, and once she saw who it was, her eyes widened seeing Tine's maid, Vivian. The sleeves on her uniform were pulled up not only that but there were scars on her arms.

It was a first, seeing the wounds on her arm and it looked new.

Vivan picked the silver pot and continued to apologize at the other maids who were around. She thought she was a nuisance to them and she was right. Upon entering the estate she got a spot to serve one of the ladies and not only that but Vivan did not have any experience being a maid.

Seeing the small lamb shaking with fear, Mary deiced to lend a hand. It won't hurt to help and she thought that those who were there who did not help are pathetic idiots. Vivan was still young and had not experienced the cruel real world.contemporary romance

Bothered by the scars on Vivian's arm Mary pulled her out of the kitchen and brought her to the break room.

The room was filled with Vivan's small cries every time the medicine touched her skin. The wounds were turning purple while Mary wondered why Vivan wasn't treating it. She was worried it might get infected.

"This should do it," Mary said as she closed the medicine box.

Vivan clenched onto her uniform and lowered her head. It was the first experiencing of such kindness from someone in this estate. The other maids with who she shared a room did not like her. They would always leave her out of their conversations.

But to think that there was someone kind in this estate she was grateful to meet her.

The estate was big and not all maids fully knew each other. There were three sides after all. One side was Tine and the other was Laura. While the third was maids not wanting to be involved with the other maids' drama.

"T-thank you. For helping me,' Vivan stuttered, lowering her head.

"Don't worry about it," Mary answered in a monotone.

"B-but why did you help me?" Vivan asked.

That question irritated Mary after all if someone is in need of help it is a must to do. The adults in this estate are cruel to this girl. Though being the same age as Vivan, Mary knew the cruelty of the people and deep down she pitied Vivian.

"Helping isn't a bad thing and it doesn't need permission. I learned that from Miss Laura," Mary smiled.

During the times she served Laura she learned so many things about her. First was kindness and the next was to help one another because in the end they will be rewarded for their good deeds.

"It must be nice to have a lady like her," Vivan frowned, feeling envious how the way Mary talked about Laura. Is there a chance for her to help Laura in a way? If so she would anytime and anywhere.

"She is a wonderful person," Mary agreed.

"I-if I can do anything to help please tell me and I will try to help."


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