Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 86: The Fall I

"It's her fault. Why does everything go well for her?" Tine screamed, pulling her hair.

Right of the moment, Tine was going berserk. It was because Laura's plans were working and now the people in town were talking bad about her. Well, this is what she gets for spreading lies about herself. She is not the child of Septus but is something else, a fraud.

Karma is the word.

The glass cups lined up on the table crashed onto the ground as Tine swiped it away with her hand. Vivan held her voice in and flinched. The only question she could ask herself was who is this person?

Tine smirked as she walked towards Vivan while on her right hand she held a shard of the broken glass. Slowly walking towards Vivan she was laughing out loud like a broken radio.

"M-miss? I-is there anything I can do for you?" Vivan stuttered as she held her hands together.

"No, I don't need anything," Tine answered harshly.

"W-what about tea?"

"I SAID NO!" Tine roared, throwing the shard onto the ground.

"I-I-I'm sorry."

Ever since the news about the lie of Tine spread, the people were taking bad things about her. Not only that, but it will affect her life especially how the Emperor will look at her. Disgrace? Dishonor? Someone who was about to be part of the royal family has a bad reputation?

No, there was no way that Prince Winston will cancel their engagement because right of the moment he is in the hands of Tine. He should be smart if he doesn't want the secret to being out to the people. It will be shameful for them after all.

The door opened without any notices made and there a woman with black hair entered the shattered room. She made her way in as Tine gave her an angered look.

"What is that you want?" Tine clicked her tongue.

"Don't be so angered. It is what you deserve after all," Laura answered back.

"So you're putting that nice mask off you now huh?" Tine asked as she rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Laura asked innocently.

"Why did you even exist?" Tine muttered.

"It is because I do. You cannot control the Gods."

"Who said so?" Tine asked while a dark aura furrowed behind her back.

"I didn't make the rules of this world. Don't blame me for such thing that happened to you," Laura said, glaring at Tine.


When Laura left, chaos was left in Tine's room. Poor Vivan to think that the lady she served was not an angel but a demon.

The day before

Finally, the flower festival came to an end and what's left is the night mass, the final event. To think that it was today Laura felt nervous. Even if she knew what to say, she was still scared. What if she made a mistake? It felt like she was having her debut but it isn't the case.

She took a peek behind the curtains and gulped after. There were a lot of people tonight and it might be because Gusion was the one leading the last mass. Doesn't he get nervous? or maybe he is just used to his work that it doesn't make him nervous.

Laura let out a sigh and was startled when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her back as her hand was on her chest and hit the person who startled her.

"Ouch...wait that didn't hurt at all," Erwin scoffed, fixing his coat.

When Erwin was fixing his coat she noticed the brooch that she gave to him was on his chest. Since when did he start wearing this? Rather it didn't match his outfit today. But since he was handsome that no one would care about it.

"Nervous?" Erwin asked.

"Of course I am. What do you think people will say about me? A black-haired girl as their priestess?"

"But you are still you does that matter? People judge by appearances and don't you think a change is good?"

Inspirational words from the last person who she thought she would hear from. But he has a point. To break that certain criterion it is something that one person can become unsure of.

To be a woman you need to be strong, courageous, intelligent to survive the world. Is what they all say but you don't need to be all those just for a change. Being weak is fine because slowly they will get stronger.

And it only takes one step to change.

"That's right. I don't have time to be scared of them. I'll shove their words all the way to the bottom," Laura said, clenching her fist.

"Fierce. I like that," Erwin chuckled. "Don't worry no matter what happens I'll be by your side."

The mass continued and as it was reaching the climax Gusion stopped all the people to make some important announcement. The people followed some sat back onto the chair and some stood up.

The church became silent afterward while Laura stood at the side, waiting for her name to be called. She knew what she was going to say and it will go well.

"Tonight I gather everyone to announce about the false news that our priest spread. One month had passed since Lady Tine had been announced as the priestess however she is not the priestess," Gusion said.

The people gasped and started to murmur to each other. Some were confused and some understood. Not only that, amongst the people was Tine sitting in the middle where anyone can see her.

One of them gasped when they saw Tine, who looked frightened and couldn't move as her body wouldn't listen to her. She froze on the spot while the murmurs and whispers slapped her face.

"On the behalf of the church, I want to apologize for this mistake. I now introduce you to the real priestess, and that is Laura Alvarado."

Each step her heels touched the ground the sounds that entered her ear grew weaker and weaker. Not only that but her heart was racing as if her it could speed out any moment.

The people in the church were all speechless. Some didn't like the black colored hair of Laura while some were stunned by it.

Tine who was blended in the crowd held her anger in. Another spotlight was stolen from her and not only that but her reputation is once destroyed again. She bit her lips while her brows furrowed and continued to listen to whatever Laura had to say.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I know that this may be sudden news to all but it sure that I am the real priestess. The reason why I am being revealed now is that I didn't know I was one back then. I am the true child of Septus and none other more."

"And where is your proof?" A man yelled from his seat.

Of course and there are those who only believe what they see it's nothing rare but it is meddlesome.

"Rest assured I have it prepared. I know that some will only believe in what they see," Laura looked at the man who sat back out of fear. "I will be calling Septus and he will come down."

The people's gasp filled in the church once more some not believing what they heard. Tine especially thought it was pathetic to bring down a god? It was not possible. But before anyone could retaliate, a golden light dazzled their eyes and slowly ascended a man with silver hair. There was one more thing that was not mentioned, and that was gods do have silver hair.

His silver hair floated on air before his bare foot touched the floor. The golden light dimmed making it easier for the people to see him however the light never disappeared.contemporary romance

The people were shocked, disbelief, not knowing what to say after all they were attracted to his beautiful face. Light grey eyes, long eyelashes, and silver silky long hair. He might be prettier than other women. But his body was like a hologram if someone tries touching him their hand will go through.

"My child had called me down and I can assure the people that she is the real one," Septus announced and slowly the golden light shined once more but this time he drifted like dust.

"This is proof that she is Septus' child. As the high priest, I want to apologize for not saying this earlier. Thus, Lady Tine is not the priestess but in fact, it is Miss Laura," the High Priest said.

The church was filled with sudden silence though Laura didn't know why but usually shouldn't the people be whispering to each other? A man stood clapping his hands out of nowhere and followed the others who cheered out loud.

"Laura Alvarado, I will kill you," Tine muttered as she bit her nail.

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