Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 84: Flower Festival II

From afar, Prince Winston watched Serena leave a stall and noticed that she had stopped crying. Good thing someone was there to comfort her. Even if he wanted to reach and call for her name, he knew that he couldn't, because he knew it would break her heart further.

Another man wearing a black cloak walked up front to Prince Winston, looking warry of his surroundings for any danger.

"Your Highness, are you sure you want to stay here?" The guard asked.

"No, we should move. I just wanted to see her for the last time."

As they were about to blend into the bustling street a person wearing an old-looking cloak softly pushed Prince Winston back to the narrow alley where he was hiding earlier. The guard immediately stepped forward and pushed the person away.

The person did not answer and boldly took a step forward but was once pushed back by the guard once more.

"Who are you?" The guard asked as he gripped his sword.

As Prince Winston watched behind his guard he noticed that this person didn't seem like he would bring harm. The person didn't look big but rather looked small and the only thing he could think that the person was a woman.

The person in the old-looking cloak stood quietly which tempted the guard to raise his sword, aiming it on the neck.

"If I were you bring that sword down," The person spoke in a high tone. Hearing the voice made him confirm his suspicions, he was right that person wasn't a man but a woman.

"Who are you?" The guard asked once more and there the person revealed her face.

It was none other than his fiancé, Tine Alvarado. Prince Winston's brows furrowed, confused on how she found them amongst the crowd. Perhaps she had used mana to locate him.

The guard immediately retrieved his sword back into his scabbard and lowered his head as he apologized. He then stood behind Prince Winston as if he didn't want to interrupt their moment.

What moment? There was no moment between the two.

"What are you doing in such a place?" Prince Winston asked, glaring under the hood.

"Can't I spend my time with my own fiancee?"

"I'm busy. I don't have time to spare," Prince Winston answered in a cold tone.

"But you have time to see her?" Tine smirked.

Prince Winston stood calm and tall. Indeed he was here to see her but that's for the last time. He knew that if he continued doing this Tine might start targeting Serena and that is the last thing he had hoped for.

If only this lady did not know the royal secret then he will be living a life without fear.

"We are not talking about this matter here," Prince Winston shot a glare at Tine and joined the busy streets.

He hated it. Prince Winston hated the fact he was under someone else's hand. 

"Sometimes I wish he was cuter," Tine sighed.

Steadily the sun was setting and the lights by the stalls were opening like a domino effect. But still, Serena wasn't able to find the necklace. How can she find it when the necklace was on Prince Winston's hands?

The crowd wasn't as busy as it was in the morning and afternoon, but there were still a lot of people. Most of them were there to attend the mass which was held in the main church. It was just the first day of the flower festival. The first day.

"Were you able to find it?" Serena asked Laura and Mary but their faces state they couldn't find it.

"Even if I said that we are going to find it we couldn't. I'm sorry, Serena," Laura apologized as she rubbed her arm.

Serena shook her head and smiled. It was more enough they helped her as much as they could. What is lost will be lost and in the beginning, it was her fault for wearing it on such occasion. She shouldn't have worn it.

"It's alright. I at least had fun with you guys," Serena said as she held Laura's hand.

The gift was special and couldn't be found anymore. What pained Laura the most was when Serena was putting on a smile while as if she was fine losing it.

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"Stop apologizing. It was my fault for wearing it here."


"I'm fine, Laura. Having you by my side is enough," Serena assured while Laura bit her lip.

"Thank you."

To not fulfill a promise it was not satisfying at all. But Serena was right why would she wear something expensive to a festival or maybe she had forgotten about it.

"How about we have supper then go back home?" Mary suggested as the other two nodded their head.

Meanwhile back in the Alvarado estate, the tension between Tine and Prince Winston was thick. Prince Winston was unhappy while Tine seemed to enjoy the situation that they were in. She was indeed a crazy woman.

Tine walked closer to Prince Winston and it was not the act of a 16-year-old girl. She was still counted as a kid yet to be bloomed. She acted like a 20-year-old lady would which was quite weird.

As what he suspected was that she wasn't actually Tine, and that's because the Tine he knows didn't know how to smirk evilly. It's as if there was someone was possessing her and just by looking at her mana it was horrifying.

Instead of white light surrounding her, it was dark. But he did not understand why she became like that and who would go that far to do that to her.

All he knows is that the Tine, who stood in front of him wanted to possess him fully, become her property for life. And clearly, he was disgusted by it, it's just that his face wasn't showing it.

"Who are you?" Prince Winston initiated the conversation.

"Who else? Of course, I'm Tine Alvarado," Tine answered in a gentle manner.

"Stop spouting nonsense and answer my question," Prince Winston asked as his words left chills behind her back.

Tine stuck her face closer to Prince Winston who did not flinch with her unexpected movement. Her face went closer to his and she whispered, "Tine's gone long before. You finally noticed that I'm not Tine."

"What do you mean? The reason why I pushed you away was because of you. You are not the angel I saw," Prince Winston scoffed, pushing Tine away from him. He stood up to fix his necktie and after his fingers slide past his silky silver hair, brushing the baby hair that infiltrated with his eyes.

"And so what can you do about it?" Tine asked, sitting on the edge of the chair.

"What happened to her? The old Tine. Tell me is she alive?" Prince Winston asked calmly.

"She…who knows?" Tine laughed out loud as suddenly she felt a hand grabbing her neck, choking her.

He continued to grip her neck tightly and wished to kill her but then he was reminded about the secret that should not be exposed. He sighed out loud and dropped her onto the floor while she coughed out loud.contemporary romance

"Don't you dare touch any of my family members," Prince Winston scowled.

The room intensified as the silence grew longer between the two. But it the tension dispersed as a knock was heard on the door. The door opened and entered Count Harrison who greeted the prince and gave Tine a hug.

"I'm sorry to greet you late, Your Highness," Count Harrison bowed.

"It's alright. You were busy and so I don't really mind," Prince Winston flashed a smile.

"Will you be having supper here? I would be glad if you do."

"No, my brother and father are waiting for me back in the palace. And I wouldn't want to interrupt the quality time with your daughter."

"I see."

"I shall take my leave and see you again, Miss Tine," Prince Winston coldly waved his goodbye and left the room.

He walked the hallway, thinking where the real Tine could be. It's not going to be nice if her soul had drifted and who is that woman? There was no way he was going to let that pass like thin paper.

There must be something he should do but he won't be doing it alone. He'll be needing someone who can keep an eye on Tine.

But to think that the secret known to the royal family is known to a stranger who could that be? He remembered that those who heard about this were killed because the people know about this secret it is going to be chaos as rebels might raise.

"Just how far are you going to take things?" Prince Winston muttered as he clenched his fist tightly.

It seems like he'll need to tell his brother about it. After all, he's the one in big danger right now. Only if that day he listened to his brother then nothing like this would be happening now.

"The fallen angel will rise to become king."

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