Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 81: The Plan

"Welcome, it's good to have you back Miss Laura," Dilan welcomed as he opened the carriage door.

"Thank you for having me."

It was not Laura's first time to enter the church but she still couldn't get used to seeing the beautiful sculptures that stood on the side of the long hallway.

There was a discussion to be made and it is a discussion that will determine Tine's future or rather to expose the lies of Tine.contemporary romance

From the letter written by the High Priest, he confirmed that Tine is not a child of Septus. Though it was clear from the beginning, the priest who was bribed by Tine fled away was finally caught. Not only that the priest confessed that he was bribed by someone but not Tine.

It seemed suspicious at first because at that time Laura didn't know about much of Marquess Rogen. But Marquess Rogen hid everything well. According to a letter Erwin wrote to Laura Marquess Rogen had people almost all over different towns, hiding information.

Unfortunately, they were all caught with the envelope J gave them. It's all thanks to him that some of the unsolved problems were solved.

"Gu- I mean the High Priest kept bothering me because he wanted to see you," Dilan sighed.

Now thinking about it Dilan had bags under his eyes which Laura felt bad. It must be hard to be the secretary of someone who doesn't like paperwork.

"I assume you haven't slept well in a while?" Laura asked as her brow slightly raised.

"Now that I think about it when was the last time I've gotten proper sleep?" Dilan sighed once more before arriving at the room.

"Let's just hope that you get more rest after this conversation," Laura giggled.

"I hope so too."

Dilan opened the door to the High Priest's office and there you could see Gusion who was mumbling or rather complaining about the number of papers he needed to go through. Sometimes he asks himself why he accepts to live like this.

Seeing the occupied Gusion, Laura didn't want to interrupt and decided to quietly went to sit on the couch, waiting for Gusion's contemplating session to end.

"High Priest, your guest has arrived. Please put down those papers and talk to her. Just like how you always disturb me," Dilan announced and rolled his eyes before leaving the office.

Poor Dilan, he currently looked pale and seemed as if he could faint any moment. Still, with Dilan's announcement, Gusion was engrossed to whatever he was reading not until he stretched his arms up, before finally noticing Laura who was sitting on the couch across his desk.

With all excitement, Gusion ran towards Laura and gave her a long hug. It might be inappropriate for a man to a hug a girl out of nowhere but Laura made it an exception for now. His exhausting face didn't look exhausted anymore rather his face was shining dazzlingly.

"It's been a while. Though I heard from Septus that Selphie helped you? I'm envious of you," Gusion said, grasping Laura's hand.


This might not be known to others but Gusion has been admiring Selphie, the Queen of Elves since when he was young. He didn't know why he was attracted to her but it was mostly because Selphie looked beautiful.

"Not only that I heard that your mana bloomed. Though I still can't feel it," Gusion said, making Laura flinch.

It bloomed however it didn't save the people she wanted to.

"It's weird isn't it?" Laura uncomfortably laughed and slowly her smile faded.

"Did something happen?" Gusion worriedly asked, releasing his hands off Laura's.

"A lot. A lot of crazy things and it still hunts me."

Gusion clapped his hands twice and said, "Then let's move to the good news you want to hear."

Despite the childish character of the High Priest, he was smart enough not to touch a sensitive topic. They are humans after all.

Moving to the next topic Gusion explained the things he is sure of as this came from Septus himself.

The priest who proclaimed that Tine was a priestess fled away from the church. For now, the church doesn't have any whereabouts of him which makes things a little bit complicated. However, Gusion was sure that he was bribed with gold.

Gold the most precious item in the empire. One gold can buy you five sets of good quality dresses or enough to make the whole town go drunk.

There was no need to worry about the priest who fled because for sure he will be captured by the royal guards. As for the nobles who sided with Marquess Rogen they were brought to the prison and silenced.

Not only that because Marquess Rogen was known to be the biggest supporter of Tine, but Tine also became a suspicion to the people. It was nothing to be shocked for Laura because just like what she said earlier, karma.

But because of that, the church's name was tarnished.

The church is known to be holy and truthful about the things they do. As they are supported by the royal family. To think that their name would be tarnished because of that certain person. Not only that but it would be harder to restore their name.

"I might have a plan in mind," Laura said as she continues thinking deeply.

"And that is?"

"To proclaim me as the child of Septus."

"That isn't a bad plan however how will you prove it to the people?" Gusion titled his head.

"That...I haven't thought about."

"How about we call Septus down?" Gusion said, smirking as if he knew what would happen if they did.

"That's almost impossible."

"But you should remember that Tine is almost a part of the royal family."

"That is what troubles me," Laura frowned.

It was harder to strip the title off Tine because she had the influence of the royal family and one must not interfere with them. It would be like a death wish if you do.

"But it is possible to call Septus am I right?" Laura asked while Gusion flashed a reassuring smile, saying leave everything to this big brother.

"Do you know the yearly festival the empire holds? At night we have masses which are to be lead by me. Now if you think about it the people are preparing for the festival."

"And you want to show it on the last night of the festival?"

"That's right."

The flower festival is to thank or praise the Queen of elves or rather is a festival to show peace between the humans and elves. Though many have forgotten the reason behind this festival they still do their best to display the town as this is yearly and almost a tradition.

Laura had nothing to go against with Gusion's idea however she doubted herself that she could call him. Her mana was weak or rather not even visible. But you won't know until you try. She became devoted to learning how to activate her mana even if it might take a while to learn.

She still had time before the festival will start and if her mana still doesn't awaken she'll need to rely on luck.

"If it's to expose her crimes I'll do my best," Laura stood with eyes filled with determination.

"I'll be writing to you about the plan and that is why for now take some rest," Gusion smiled.

"I'm perfectly fine don't worry so much."

"I don't think so. That powered face of yours clearly hides the fact you did not get enough sleep." Gusion denied as Laura turned her head, feeling guilty because Gusion was right.

"Just take some rest and leave this to me."

It won't be that bad to trust maybe…

"I will. I didn't notice that our conversation would end this late," Laura giggled.

"That is why I told you to get some rest. Rest assured I will do it."

"Thank you for today, Gusion," Laura thanked.

Dilan walked into the room escorting Laura out of the office. Though this will be the plan to bring shame on Laura it might not be that easy. Leaving that aside Laura needed rest.

The scenes of their death still hunt her. Only if she could save them.

The carriage arrived just in time as Laura was about to exit the church but when she looked at the carriage it wasn't hers. But it looked familiar where has she seen that emblem before?

A familiar man walked out of the carriage, smiling as he looked at Laura. On the other hand, Laura was utterly shocked not believing that Erwin was here.

Erwin walked up the stairs and as soon as he reached Laura he gently grabbed her hand and planted a kiss.

"W-what are you doing here?" Laura asked, instantly retreating her hand.

"Is it bad to see you?" Erwin asked.

"How did you know?"

"A bird came flying down to me," Erwin joked.

"Don't tell me you're stalking me?" Laura questioned and hid at the back of Dilan.

"I'm not but that's a secret," Erwin laughed. "Do you have time to eat supper with me?"

"…I am free and so I can."

"Then allow me to take your hand, milady."

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